[CANCELADA] Conferencia: "Moral Cognition and Social Investment: An Age/Cohort/Period Analysis"

La Comisión de Seguimiento y Coordinación de la situación epidemiológica de la UGR anuncia la SUSPENSIÓN de TODAS las actividades de extensión universitaria y actividades culturales de todo tipo, hasta nuevo aviso.

Conferencia a cargo de Ivar R. Hannikainen, Investigador Juan de la Cierva.

Resumen: Personality varies throughout the adult life span, and the documented patterns of personality development may conceivably accompany shifts in moral values as well. In the present report, we summarize evidence from four cross-cultural datasets (total N > 50,000) in moral psychology and reveal a suite of age differences across different outcome measures: sacrificial dilemmas, moral typecasting, and moral foundations. Furthermore, age differences in moral values exhibit a parabolic form, and associations with both normative personality traits and social investment. Though previous work pointed toward cohort change in moral values, collectively, these studies may be best understood as revealing the interplay between aging/maturation and period change–though further research is needed to vindicate this competing interpretation of the total body of cross-sectional, longitudinal and cross-temporal evidence.

  • Fecha: CANCELADA
  • Lugar: Sala de Conferencias 2 del Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC)
  • Horario: 13:00h
  • Organiza: Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC)
  • Más información:
    José Mª Espinosa Moreno
    Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC)
    Universidad de Granada
    Campus de Cartuja, s/n
    Telf. 958249037 – Despacho 306