Seminario: «The Ethical and Political Imperative and its Practical Implications in Literary and Cultural Analysis»

Seminario del Proyecto Interfaces: Representaciones de la Vulnerabilidad Humana en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial (P20_00008), a cargo de Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández (University of Córdoba).

Presentación: In this one-hour session, Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández (University of Córdoba) will comment a summary of two key theoretical texts for 20-25 minutes and then a debate with participants will follow to discuss these ideas. The two texts under scrutiny are Judith Butler’s “Introduction” to The Force of Non-Violence (2020) and Immanuel Levinas’s “Ethics and the Face” in Totality and Infinite (1969). This online seminar aims to enquire the nature and philosophical roots of Judith Butler’s conceptualization of precarity (2004; 2009) and its implications in literary and cultural analysis.