“BREAKER” - the new UGR Centre for Entrepreneurship
Located in the Vth Centenary Building, the “Breaker” Centre is set to become the hub for startups set up by members of the UGR community.
The BREAKER Centre is an innovative, experimental space that boasts over 500 square metres of floor space, two training classrooms, a co-working space and conference room, as well as several UGR startup incubator offices designed for entrepreneurial mentoring projects which will be delivered by leading experts. This new building also hosts the UGR Centre for Entrepreneurship “UGR Emprendedora”, which coordinates all activities related to promoting and developing UGR entrepreneurial initiatives.
Prof. Pilar Aranda, Rector of the University of Granada, described BREAKER as a space that reflects “the UGR’s commitment to providing training and support for entrepreneurs, using our University’s knowledge resources as a starting point.”
Meanwhile, Maria del Mar Fuentes, General Coordinator for Entrepreneurship of the UGR, thanked the UGR staff involved for the considerable effort they have devoted to founding the new Centre, which is at the service of UGR students, teachers and administrative and support staff.
It will become a benchmark centre for promoting entrepreneurial initiatives at the University of Granada and will develop a wide variety of specialised training courses and programmes, resources, and hosting spaces for those members of the University community who wish to start up a new business. As such, it will become the hub of startups founded by members of our 60,000+ community at the UGR.
Diverse entrepreneurship programmes, delivered by leading professionals and mentors, will provide students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to successfully establish their new businesses and develop highly innovative projects. They will also offer advice on funding opportunities and financial management.
Several companies and institutions from the entrepreneurial ecosystem have already signed collaboration agreements to support and promote UGR entrepreneurship initiatives through the provision of training activities, resources and advice. The Andalusian Public Foundation “Andalucía Emprende”, among others, will provide business consultancy services to the University community.
The University of Granada has reached a new milestone in entrepreneurship strategies thanks to the implementation of the BREAKER Centre, which has been developed through the General Coordinator for Entrepreneurship. It aims to position the UGR as a driving force of pioneering initiatives that contribute to socio-economic development at the local and regional levels.