
Revista Científica sobre la Imaginación

Español | English


ulu is an interdisciplinary open-access online journal of research in the area of ​​Education, Psychology, Arts and Humanities of the University of Granada.

The aim of this journal is to improve the quality of education through the publication of research studies in all areas of knowledge in the field of Education, Psychology, Arts and Humanities.

All articles are archived in Digibug, the Institutional Repository of the University of Granada and individual articles can be found using the Digibug search engine.

Articles must be sent by email to reidocrea@ugr.es. The process and publication rules are set out in the PUBLICAR (publish) section. All articles received are automatically archived and processed by the anti-plagiarism program Turnitin, and evaluated according to the rules of peer review.

One volume is published annually. Thus, the reception and publication of articles is continuous. Articles in press appear in the volume that is open at the time. One special edition is also published annually.

The contents of the journal ulu are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International use and distribution license. The authors give up to the journal ulu the right to online publication and dissemination through the Internet, in accordance with the Creative Commons license. There is no charge or fee to the authors or collaborators under any circumstances.

ulu adheres to the ethical principles and procedures set forth in the Code of Good Scientific Practice of the Superior Council of Scientific Research of Spain and the Committee on Publication Ethics. ReiDoCrea also reserves the right to withdraw and remove any article that violates the Code of Good Scientific Practice.

For information in English about submitting an article for possible publication in ulu please contact the editor.