logoYoung Researcher Workshop on
Differential Geometry in Minkowski Space

Granada, Spain, April 17-20, 2017

Useful information
  1. Entrance of the Institute. The right way is by Rector López Argüeta street: see red line. The Institute lies in a university area with several buildings. The door of the Institute should be open. Please, do not close it!

2. Coffee-break. In the cafeteria of Colegio Mayor Isabel la Católica. See the map.


3. In the city there are many bars/restaurants. You will not have problem to find them. For example, around the Faculty of Sciences, and pointed in the next map with a red rectangles.

4. Social dinner. In Il Gondolieri (Martinez Campos, 22, street). See map from the Institute, blue line.

  5. If you have any problem, contact with Rafael López.