Geometric aspects on capillary problems and related topics

Granada, Spain, December 14-17, 2015

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List of titles:

Bounded and Unbounded Capillary Surfaces. Yasunori Aoki
Capillary Surfaces and Floating Bodies. Josef Bemelmans
Surfaces with prescribed mean curvature in cones: existence and characterization as radial graphs. Paolo Caldiroli
Stable capillary hypersurfaces in a wedge. Jaigyoung Choe
On the existence of radial graphs with constant scalar curvature. Flavio Cruz
Interfaces determined by capillarity and gravity in a two-dimensional porous medium. Carlota M. Cuesta
Stability of Axisymmetric Liquid Bridges. Leonid Fel
Existence and uniqueness theorems for free boundary minimal surfaces in the ball. Ailana Fraser
Area Bounds for Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces in Conformally Euclidean Balls. Brian Freidin, Peter McGrath
Stability of Unduloids under the Volume Preserving Mean Curvature Flow. David Hartley
Type-changing CMC surfaces. Atsufumi Honda
Stability of Delaunay surfaces as the stationary surfaces
for the surface diffusion equation
. Yoshihito Kohsaka
Local structure of the space of all triply periodic minimal
surfaces in R^3
. Miyuki Koiso
Helicoidal flat surfaces in the 3-sphere. Fernando Manfio
Free Boundary Problems with Line Tension. Bennett Palmer
Minimal and cmc surfaces in  S^3 which are foliated by circles. Sung-Ho Park
The inverse mean curvature flow perpendicular to the sphere. Julian Scheuer
Overdetermined problems, rigidity results and applications. Pieralberto Sicbaldi
Characterizations of a Clifford hypersurface in a unit sphere. Keomkyo Seo
Stability of capillary hypersurfaces in slabs and halfspaces. Rabah Souam
Anisotropic mean curvature on facets and relations with capillarity. Lucia Tealdi
Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces in the Unit 3-Ball. Tatiana Zolotareva