International Seminar
Reason and Fairness:
Foundations of Business Ethics and CSR
Granada, September 17th 2010
call for papers
papers/working papers
touristic info
> Gianluca Grimalda (U. of Warwick, UJI Castellón) Anibar Kar and Eugenio Proto "The Impact of (In)Equality of Opportunities on Wealth Distribution: Evidence from Ultimatum Games“

> Elsa González (UJI Castellón): "Committing to a Discourse Business Model. A critical review from the business ethics perspective"

> María Isabel Encinar (U. Autónoma de Madrid), Felix-Fernando Muñoz (no disponible en este momento) (U. Autónoma de Madrid) y Carolina Cañibano (U. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid): "On Economics, Ethics and Corporate Social Resposibility"

> Lorenzo Sacconi (U. de Trento, Econometica): "A Rawlsian View of CSR and the Game Theory of its Implementation. Part I"
"A Rawlsian View of CSR and the Game Theory of its Implementation. Part II"
"A Rawlsian View of CSR and the Game Theory of its Implementation. Part III"

> Pedro Francés Gómez y M. Ángeles Arráez Monllor (UGR) "Justice for the Organizations: Foundations of Ethical Stakeholder Management"

> Daniel Arenas (ESADE U. Raimon Llull) y Pablo Rodríguez (Adolfo Ibañez Univesity, Chile): "Natural Environment, Business Ethics and Future Generation Ethics"

Pedro Francés
M. Angeles Arraez
departamento de filosofia I
Project HUM2007-65740) Research lines: Development of rational arguments for the normative force of requirements of business ethics. Refinement of stakeholder theory in a way that is both theoretically sound and useful in business practice. CSR as a practicable form of ethical behaviour in/of organizations. Organizational ethics. Relationship between profit and non-for profit organizations Internal CSR. CSR performance: instruments and measurement.