N Concordance 1 technique in combination with a labial mucous membrane graft in four patients w 2 eful objective examination, the lingual mucous membrane appeared pink and re-epi 3 y in epithelial neoplasms of the ocular mucous membrane but also in non-neoplast 4 rgism with endogenous microorganisms of mucous membrane origin, may be of aetiol 5 e anterior vaginal wall is not a simple mucous membrane but an active organ, wit 6 lasia which is primarily located in the mucous membrane of the external genitali 7 astic potential of the same respiratory mucous membrane. In this work were emplo 8 nd pretumorous processes in the stomach mucous membrane. Endocrinocyte hyperplas 9 f orally administered genins on gastric mucous membranes was also assessed. Lyop 10 the person by burrowing into the moist mucous membranes of the mouth or genital 11 od, we hypothesize that the respiratory mucous membranes were serving as a reser 12 pterygoid process; infiltration of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx; or 13 the sphenoid. In the presence of normal mucous membranes, the absence of middle