N Concordance 1 tely described. In a malignancy such as mesothelioma in which tumor usually spre 2 armth) Lung adenocarcinoma; also benign mesothelioma, diaphragm neurilemmomas,, 3 lining of the chest and abdomen called mesothelioma. Researchers traced mesoth 4 n childhood. Malignant primitive cystic mesothelioma is possible that some cases 5 especially difficult to differentiate mesothelioma from carcinoma on small ti 6 inical studies showing that epithelial mesotheliomas have a better prognosis th 7 ny curative single modality therapy for mesothelioma has led our group and other 8 isolated from frozen biopsies of human mesothelioma, binds each of the retinobl 9 nt pleural tissues, and in independent mesothelioma cell lines. We also studied 10 1) benign pleural tumors; (2) localized mesothelioma; (3) persistent pleural eff 11 accurate diagnosis of diffuse malignant mesothelioma is important for two reason 12 ral pneumonectomy for pleural malignant mesothelioma with metastasis to infradia 13 he tumour revealed a benign multicystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum. During t 14 lt. In most instances, the diagnosis of mesothelioma must be reached by the use 15 ma and 64 cases of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Intraabdominal carcinoma w 16 case of giant localized fibrous pleural mesothelioma accompanying lung metastasi