N Concordance 1 dical mastectomy, 148 (40%) underwent a lumpectomy with axillary lymph node diss 2 a local recurrence in the breast after lumpectomy plus radiation therapy and wh 3 boost to the original tumor volume and lumpectomy scar given over 3 days. Grou 4 cally occult invasive cancer treated by lumpectomy and breast irradiation, (3) t 5 ion and it is recommended as definitive lumpectomy if an adequate margin of appr 6 The treatment of the breast following lumpectomy and axillary dissection invol 7 ikely as younger patients to be offered lumpectomy, radiation therapy, and adjuv 8 (either modified radical mastectomy or lumpectomy, axillary dissection, and rad 9 mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy and axillary node dissectio 10 st ultrasonography (US) in defining the lumpectomy cavity for patients treated w 11 rasonography in the localization of the lumpectomy cavity for interstitial brach 12 t tamoxifen, and patients who underwent lumpectomy prior to entry are required 13 tected by mammography and treated with lumpectomy plus radiation at centers in