N Concordance 1 that the majority of myxoid/round cell liposarcomas (LPS) are characterized by 2 rentiated component of dedifferentiated liposarcomas remains more differentiated 3 eviously labeled as well differentiated liposarcomas or atypical lipomas. The in 4 se. Based on reports in the literature, liposarcoma of the lung must be classifi 5 ll-differentiated liposarcoma, a myxoid liposarcoma, and an aggressive angiomyxo 6 percentage in variably malignant myxoid liposarcomas compared with lipoma-like s 7 progression from low-grade, pure myxoid liposarcoma to high-grade round cell lip 8 highly specific for the myxoid type of liposarcoma. Our case represents the fou 9 locally advanced pulmonary pleomorphic liposarcoma in a 49-year-old male is pre 10 bined with the occurrence of mixed-type liposarcoma (well-differentiated/myxoid