N Concordance 1 all intestine is brought out to form an ileostomy. Stool collects in a bag that 2 ce analysis review of the colostomy and ileostomy clinical pathway is also prese 3 h a small tube. Patients with continent ileostomies do not need to wear collecti 4 ncluded 11 patients with a conventional ileostomy, 10 patients with an ileoanal 5 tients who did not have a defunctioning ileostomy, of whom 11 developed pelvic s 6 , descending, and sigmoid colon. An end ileostomy and transverse colostomy were 7 onstruction. A temporary diverting loop ileostomy was performed in 25 patients a 8 ents required proctectomy and permanent ileostomy procedures, one for rectal can 9 al anastomosis plus upstream protective ileostomy or right terminal ileostomy pl 10 ative proctocolectomy without temporary ileostomy for ulcerative colitis: a note 11 protective ileostomy or right terminal ileostomy plus left iliac sigmoidostomy 12 . A first-stage subtotal colectomy with ileostomy and Hartmann closure of the re