N Concordance 1 agent may be withheld during the acute hypercalcemia but reinstituted once the 2 ne that result in malignancy-associated hypercalcemia and suggest that TNF may n 3 characterized by lifelong asymptomatic hypercalcemia without PTH hypersecretion 4 ed serum calcium. Patients who develop hypercalcemia in this setting should be 5 calcium absorption and may exacerbate hypercalcemia. Loop diuretics (e.g., f 6 and benign solid tumors causing humoral hypercalcemia have presented with large 7 athyroidism, and familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia: multiple different phenot 8 The fundamental cause of cancer-induced hypercalcemia is increased bone resorpt 9 rparathyrodism encountered in malignant hypercalcemia can be accounted for by th 10 tening disorder characterized by marked hypercalcemia and PTH hypersecretion. FH 11 specific symptoms in patients with mild hypercalcemia due to primary hyperparath 12 se also helps alleviate the symptoms of hypercalcemia and some urinary problems; 13 ent bilateral exploration and recurrent hypercalcemia developed in 1 patient in 14 val among patients with cancer-related hypercalcemia,[73-76] it has been observ 15 y and the patient continued with severe hypercalcemia, repeated infections, pers