N Concordance 1 n homologous to the human CO17-1A/GA733 colon cancer antigen in animal tissues. 2 ign for a comparative trial in advanced colon cancer is presented to address the 3 ome II exhibits the association between colon cancer and endometrial, ovarian, b 4 iduals with a higher risk of developing colon cancer than the general population 5 cers, members of families with familial colon cancer and familial polyposis synd 6 h significantly decreased risk of fatal colon cancer (RR = 0.71; 95% confidence 7 logic findings of liver metastases from colon cancer with IHBD dilatation of fou 8 combination was tested against a human colon cancer cell line (RPMI 4788) or a 9 or recurrence in patients with stage II colon cancer by analyzing molecular gene 10 mily history of hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer should be offered a full co 11 on. Women were at an increased risk of colon cancer if they had a first-degree 12 t survival in patients with progressive colon cancer after treatment with 5-fluo 13 looking at DNA instability in sporadic colon cancer cases, and whether, like th 14 overall survival rates of patients with colon cancer randomized to laparoscopic-