Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:26:51


subject field: medicine: diagnostic procedure
origination date: 04/10/2000
originator: Claudia
check date: 29/08/2001
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

ultrasoundterm type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
number: singular
reliability code: 10
definition: noninvasive diagnostic procedure to locate and measure solid tumors in the body using very high frequency sound waves. A transducer, a device that transmits sound waves, is rubbed over a site in the body where the skin has been covered with a lubricating gel. Echoes are transmitted to the computer and converted into images, which can show possible abnormalities. This is a diagnostic procedure for many different cancers. (en)
check date: 12/08/2001
checker: Pamela
USterm type: acronym
part of speech: noun
number: singular
reliability code: 10
definition: see ultrasound. (en)
ultrasonographydefinition: see ultrasound. (en)
term type: synonym
part of speech: noun
number: singular
reliability code: 10
sonographyreliability code: 10
term type: synonym
definition: diagnostic procedure to locate and measure solid tumors in the body using very high frequency sound waves. A transducer, a device that transmits sound waves, is rubbed over a site in the body where the skin has been covered with a lubricating gel. Echoes are transmitted to the computer and converted into images, which can show possible abnormalities. This is a diagnostic procedure for many different cancers. (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun

sonografíadefinition: ver ecografía. (en)
term type: synonym
part of speech: noun
gender: masculine
number: singular
reliability code: 10
ultrasonografíareliability code: 10
term type: synonym
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: feminine
definition: técnica de diagnóstico por imagen, basada en la diferente capacidad de los tejidos de reflejar o refractar ondas de ultrasonido. Las ondas transmitidas a un ordenador se convierten en imágenes en las que se ven posibles anormalidades.Esta técnica se emplea en el diagnóstico de muchos tipos de cáncer. (es)
ecografíaterm type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: feminine
reliability code: 10
definition: técnica de diagnóstico por imagen, basada en la diferente capacidad de los tejidos de reflejar o refractar ondas de ultrasonido. Las ondas transmitidas a un ordenador se convierten en imágenes en las que se ven posibles anormalidades. Esta técnica se emplea en el diagnóstico de muchos tipos de cáncer. (es)

Ultraschall-Untersuchungterm type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
gender: feminine
number: singular
reliability code: 10
definition: Verfahren zur bildlichen Darstellung verschiedener Körperregionen mit Hilfe von Ultraschallwellen, das zur erstmaligen Diagnose und zur Verlaufskontrolle von Erkrankungen in vielen Bereichen der Medizin Anwendung findet. Dazu zählen: die Untersuchung des Bauchraums, bei der Leber, Gallenblase, Milz, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Nieren, Lymphknoten und Gefäße dargestellt werden. Die Untersuchung der Schilddrüse: Dadurch sind Zysten, Tumore und Organvergrößerungen oder -verkleinerungen darstellbar. (de)
Sonographieterm type: synonym
part of speech: noun
gender: feminine
number: singular
reliability code: 10
cross-reference: definition: ULTRASOUND