N Concordance 1 od bank testing (eg, ABO and Rh typing, red blood cell antibody screening, and c 2 to the H antigen, and therefore, type O red blood cells are "universally" compat 3 rmine the proportion of fetal nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) among enriched N 4 compensate for a moderate shortening of red blood cell life span. The anemia per 5 The disappearance of fetal and donor red blood cells in alloimmunised pregnan 6 om inside these cells. Abnormalities in red blood cell morphology (see below) in 7 rative thoracic drainage and allogeneic red blood cell transfusions were not ass 8 cription factor GATA-1 is essential for red blood cell maturation and, therefore 9 d increased the susceptibility of heavy red blood cells to phylloquinone. Glycos 10 provide an estimate of the reduction in red blood cell survival and the severity 11 turation by 37%, percentage hypochromic red blood cells and serum transferrin re 12 in pregnancy caused by antibody to Kell red blood cell antigen is described. The 13 r hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count, plasma proteins, a 14 ugs that can become associated with the red blood cell surface and induce the fo 15 anemia with schistocytes or fragmented red blood cells in the peripheral blood 16 odies. The titre of specific anti-human red blood cell (HRBC) agglutinins was gr 17 f gross blood on aspiration or a lavage red blood cell count greater than 10 x 1 18 th alloimmune thrombocytopenia and rare red blood cell phenotypes from compatibl 19 gh resolution 400 MHz 1H NMR spectra of red blood cell suspensions when measured 20 - We analyzed the influence of packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion