N Concordance 1 had any recurrence to date. Since early gallbladder cancer removed laparoscopica 2 vestigate possible new risk factors for gallbladder cancer and to strengthen our 3 tasis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallbladder cancer can be indicated only 4 popular treatment modality, but LC for gallbladder cancer is not yet establishe 5 ells and shrink tumors. Radiation for gallbladder cancer usually comes from a 6 ile has reported very high incidence of gallbladder cancer in Chile and Bolivia. 7 es the frequency of surgery for primary gallbladder cancer has increased signifi 8 patient with progressing or recurrent gallbladder cancer is poor. The questio 9 inicopathologically studied unsuspected gallbladder cancer presenting at patholo 10 nce in ras p21 immunoreactivity between gallbladder cancers and chronic cholecys 11 er. The most common symptoms caused by gallbladder cancers are jaundice, pain,