N Concordance 1 tients receiving a variety of different estrogen replacement therapies. Longitud 2 atic menopausal women was reduced after estrogen replacement therapy for 4 month 3 that both parathyroid adenomectomy and estrogen replacement therapy increase BM 4 sides the effects on lipoproteins, oral estrogen replacement therapy modifies pa 5 placement therapy) or with each dose of estrogen replacement therapy (continuous 6 te that hormone administration, such as estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for p 7 ontrol report of an association between estrogen replacement therapy and endomet 8 enon corresponded with increased use of estrogen replacement therapy at that tim 9 sted a protective effect from long-term estrogen replacement therapy on fracture 10 ontinence and urinary tract infections. Estrogen replacement therapy has been us 11 nt or sequential use of progestins with estrogen replacement therapy. Progestins