N Concordance 1 H TI - Prognostic significance of DNA cytometry of postirradiation cervicovagi 2 ating breast cancer cells by filtration cytometry and identification by DNA cont 3 tomas, were analyzed by analytical flow cytometry for the presence of membrane-a 4 es using image cytometry (ICM) and flow cytometry (FCM) and compared the indices 5 onates was examined by whole blood flow cytometry, which requires only 5 microli 6 ed biopsy and bivariate DNA-BrdUrd flow cytometry, makes it possible to estimate 7 r (EGFR) was quantified by 2-color flow cytometry in cervical cancer (n = 73) an 8 lene blue method with fluorescence flow cytometry in reticulocyte counting. 9 concanavalin A, immunofluorescence flow cytometry data on blood lymphocytes, ser 10 cence was analysed with dual-laser flow cytometry after the staining. High-resol 11 ells as assessed by multiparameter flow cytometry are routine diagnostic tools i 12 direct analytical and quantitative flow cytometry and by immunohistochemical ass 13 ed by enzymatic cytochemistry and image cytometry in 25 human hepatocellular car