N Concordance 1 bmucosal layer from the colonic flap by cautery caused bleeding and muscle damag 2 e Erbe device differs from conventional cautery devices in that it produces cons 3 ascular or nervous structures. Any deep cautery should be of the bipolar type. T 4 ntroduces a new fine probe for electric cautery (1.65 mm in diameter, 22 cm long 5 iewed, 30 underwent surgical endoscopic cautery, 3 required formal surgical arte 6 d under direct vision with laparoscopic cautery scissors, and the sinus cavity w 7 ble implants can be treated with laser, cautery, or other surgical instruments. 8 ed to packing, balloon placement, local cautery, or a combination thereof. Of th 9 , including five who had silver nitrate cautery to the tonsillar fossae. Major i