N Concordance 1 s of the 5'-flanking region using MCF-7 breast cancer cells indicated that the s 2 ll have true antiestrogens for adjuvant breast cancer therapy. Tamoxifen is not 3 with breast implants have more advanced breast cancer at diagnosis or a worse pr 4 her patients with early-stage bilateral breast cancer can be treated with defini 5 of which sometimes follow conservative breast cancer surgery, are partially ind 6 and date of last contact. Contralateral breast cancer was considered to be a sec 7 of regional nodal irradiation in early breast cancer remains controversial. Fai 8 count for approximately 45% of familial breast cancer and 90% of inherited breas 9 Because many of the risk factors for breast cancer are related to natural ho 10 who belong to families with hereditary breast cancer and who test positive for 11 radiotherapy in women with stage I/II breast cancer treated with tylectomy who 12 patients with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer and therefore a defined ra 13 east cancer. The impression that male breast cancer has a worse prognosis may 14 pens, the disease is called metastatic breast cancer and the new tumor is calle 15 disease-free survival in node-negative breast cancer patients. Because conflict 16 express RAR alpha, whereas ER-negative breast cancer cell lines are refractory 17 ntroduce new ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer in a small subset of women 18 nd had not experienced a recurrence of breast cancer were asked to consider ran 19 rapy in patients with primary operable breast cancer who had estrogen receptor- 20 and the RR of developing postmenopausal breast cancer is reported in only half o 21 local response of superficial recurrent breast cancer to radiation therapy were