N Concordance 1 ch patients also tend to have prolonged bone marrow aplasia following treatment 2 h the syringe. That process is called a bone marrow aspiration. Next a tiny piec 3 cytopenia, lactic dehydrogenase levels, bone marrow blast percentage, presence o 4 istologically negative lymph nodes and bone marrow by immunohistochemistry (sta 5 ythroid progenitor cells: The number of bone marrow CD34+ cells was greater by t 6 solated from the supernatant of porcine bone marrow cell culture by successive s 7 is stopped. Some, such as hair loss and bone marrow depression, may lessen or d 8 related nor an unrelated HLA-compatible bone marrow donor could be found. A unit 9 characterized by developmental defects, bone marrow failure, and cancer suscepti 10 (median 0.27). Thirty to 371 days after bone marrow grafting, patient lymphocyte 11 only, while all others may also undergo bone marrow harvest. All patients recei 12 Clinical and prognostic evaluation of bone marrow infiltration (biopsy versus 13 on of the likelihood of the presence of bone marrow micrometastases in patients 14 tion of human ontogeny. Fetal and adult bone marrow mononuclear cells were sorte 15 uch as hypercalcemia, male infertility, bone marrow necrosis, fibrosis and acute 16 automatic enumeration of proliferating bone marrow progenitors after single cel 17 r phagocytosis by marrow macrophages in bone marrow smears, as a possible sign o 18 ymal cell cultures. C3H1OT1/2 cells and bone marrow stromal cells were cultured 19 ia due to parvovirus B19 infection in a bone marrow transplant patient after pla