Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:24:37


origination date: 27/05/2002
originator: Clara
subject field: medicine: disease
check date: 24/06/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

granulocytopeniaterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
definition: very rare condition characterized by a decrease in the number of granulocytes. It can be due either to the decreased production of granulocytes by the bone marrow or the increased destruction of these cells. Increased destruction of granulocytes is usually either caused by drugs, which induce the production of antibodies to granulocytes, or to an enlarged and/or abnormal spleen. Diagnosis is made following a low white blood cell count. Treatments used depend on whether the condition is due to a drug reaction or to infections. When granulocytopenia is due to a drug reaction, it is usually reversed without treatment 7 to 10 days after the drug is stopped, whereas if it is due to infections, they should be treated with antibiotics. (en)

granulocitopeniaterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: feminine
definition: extraña enfermedad caracterizada por un descenso del número de granulocitos, que puede derivar de una reducción en la síntesis de los granulocitos en la médula ósea o del aumento del número de granulocitos destruidos, causada normalmente por la administración de fármacos, que provocan que los granulocitos produzcan anticuerpos, o derivada de un aumento de tamaño del bazo. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante un seguimiento del recuento de leucocitos. El tratamiento depende de si la enfermedad ha sido provocada por una reacción farmacológica o una infección. Si la granulocitopenia se debe a reacción farmacológica, suele desaparecer de 7 a 10 días después de dejar de administrar el fármaco. Si la granulocitopenia es originada por infección, se trata con antibióticos. (es)