N Concordance 1 sexual function in women after anterior exenteration for bladder cancer. S 2 e organs in the lower pelvis (anterior exenteration), or the tumor only, if it 3 xtended beyond the operative margins at exenteration, and the other child died w 4 snasal surgery has been recommended for exenteration of the underlying disease i 5 y. The patient underwent an orbital exenteration that disclosed tumor 6 mas of the orbit do not require orbital exenteration at diagnosis; they require 7 eventy-seven patients underwent orbital exenteration during the 20-year period f 8 otherapy and radiotherapy, with orbital exenteration reserved for the small num 9 Operative laparoscopy prior to a pelvic exenteration in patients with recu 10 patients may be candidates for pelvic exenteration or irradiation. Clinical t 11 f advanced vulvar carcinoma make pelvic exenteration the only surgical option. M 12 resection, or posterior or total pelvic exenteration can lead to long-term dise