N Concordance 1 imaging, endoscopic US, abdominal arteriography, and a calcium test, 2 had internal thoracic artery-bronchial arteriography performed 1 month and 2 ye 3 f the popliteal artery was confirmed by arteriography and an immediate reversed, 4 x ultrasonography and selective carotid arteriography were used to establish the 5 ed by color Doppler US underwent celiac arteriography and CT during arterial por 6 CEA that included avoidance of cerebral arteriography, preferential use of regio 7 atients underwent preoperative contrast arteriography (CA) of the aortoiliac and 8 h normal arteries referred for coronary arteriography because of chest pain. PAT 9 re focal sparing in the fatty liver. CT arteriography and dynamic magnetic reson 10 son of digital subtraction and cut film arteriography in the evaluation of suspe 11 llular tumors, a combination of hepatic arteriography and Lipiodol computed tomo 12 left coronary artery. Internal mammary arteriography showed a patent graft 19 m 13 raphy was nondiagnostic but provocative arteriography demonstrated the fistula i 14 ether intraarterial digital subtraction arteriography (DSA) is as sensitive and