N Concordance 1 but were normalized seven days after adrenalectomy. Corticosterone replacem 2 dback at the hypothalamic site after adrenalectomy (ADX), when the hypothal 3 ng mechanisms. Since gonadectomy and adrenalectomy do not result in elimina 4 treatment may be pursued. Bilateral adrenalectomy effectively cures hyperc 5 use of prophylactic contralateral adrenalectomy is not recommended for p 6 RESULTS: Indications for endoscopic adrenalectomy were pheochromocyt 7 and endoscopic extraperitoneal adrenalectomy are two safe options in 8 on was treated by right laparoscopic adrenalectomy. The 63-year-old male pa 9 phy and CT scan of the abdomen. Left adrenalectomy was performed through an 10 as no significant effect of maternal adrenalectomy on the expression of the 11 ide treatment functions as a medical adrenalectomy, and patients receiving 12 act of minimally invasive surgery on adrenalectomy for incidental tum 13 que of an endoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy done with the patient in 14 Endoscopic retroperitoneal right adrenalectomy with the patient in the 15 These results suggest that long-term adrenalectomy can result in either inc 16 cal resection consisting of total adrenalectomy. Although patients with 17 d. The laparoscopic, transperitoneal adrenalectomy shows a low rate of comp 18 alateral tumor following unilateral adrenalectomy is approximately 50%.[1]