N The intestines lie in the abdominal cavity, the space between the abdomina 1 observed in the pelvic and abdominal cavity, indicating pseudomyxoma perito 2 ssues inside of the belly (abdominal cavity) to act as the filter. The int 3 inserted into the inflated abdominal cavity to inspect the abdomen and pelv 4 f ultrasound evaluation of abdominal cavity adhesions in patients, who had 5 s mobilized from the right abdominal cavity in the usual manner and deliver 6 ontained in a rather small abdominal cavity. Macroscopically, the stomach w 7 he tumor is limited to the abdominal cavity or retroperitoneum without inva 8 estructive diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, complicated with perito 9 cumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which usually develops approxi 10 smoid tumours of the abdominal cavity, and duodenal adenomas and carc 11 were transferred from the abdominal cavity into the subcutaneous space. Gr 12 d is then flushed into the abdominal cavity and washes around the intestine 13 A Sarcoma arising in the abdominal cavity in an aged Fischer-344 rat was 14 multiple sites within the abdominal cavity. The toxicity experiments were 15 The intestines lie in the abdominal cavity, the space between the abdomina