

Nieves Rosendo is an active member of Project Nar_Trans, Transmedial Narratives: new ways of audiovisual fiction, informative communication and performance in the digital era.

Project Nar_Trans "Transmedial Narratives: new ways of audiovisual fiction, informative communication and performance in the digital era" aims to investigate transmedial narratives and their theorical and critical specificity, the emerging conditions for its creation, distribution and reception or expansion among the user public in the context of multimedia industries; combining, on one side, the investigation on the products of the audiovisual mass industry in their digital metamorphosis and its intersections with the new genres and products from the industries of infoentertaining, as well as in the readjustments of the new literary system and the new ways of theatrical performativity, and, on the other side, the analysis of the deep transformations that are taking place in the news publishing industry; all of which tries to answer the demand for transmedial literacy from researchers, creators, students -in their roles of future entrepreneurs- and general public, and also to serve as meeting point for all of them.

It is an Investigation Project authorised by the Spanish Innovation Office (I+D) CSO2013-47288, based in the University of Granada, but it gathers researchers from other European Universities: University of Barcelona, University of Santiago de Compostela, European University of Madrid, Fernando de Pessoa University of Oporto and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

She has been the coordinator of the first and second Seminars of the Project Nar_Trans and held the secretary of the International Conference "Narrativas Transmediales: Comunicación, Cultura y Activismo Social" on April 2016.

-Seminario Internacional Transmedia Storytelling. Intermediality and Adaptation in Digital Cultures (26-28th, March 2014) University of Granada. Guest speakers: Espen Aarseth (ITU Copenhagen); Jan Baetens (KULeuven); Robert Pratten (Transmedia Storyteller, Ldt.)

-II NarTrans International Seminar Transmedial Narratives: New Ways to Create Fictional Worlds (28-30 April 2015) University of Granada. Guest speakers: Marie-Laure Ryan (University of Boulder, US); Susana P. Tosca (ITU University of Copenhagen); Elizabeth Evans (University of Nottingham, UK); Christy Dena (Universe Creation).