Miguel Ángel

Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso, is a graduate in Statistical Sciences and Techniques, Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Granada (UGR). After 10 years working for a High School in the city of Melilla, I obtained my PhD in Statistics, with honours Cum Laude, from the University of Granada with the doctoral thesis "Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests of Binary Diagnostic Test Parameters". After finishing my PhD in 2010, and working at the Melilla campus of the UGR until 2018 in the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of Melilla, I moved to the Faculty of Medicine of Granada where I have worked until today, teaching more than 100 subjects between official and own degrees and postgraduate degrees of the University of Granada within the Dept. of Statistics and O.R. and in the Area of Statistics and Operations Research. My research activity can be differentiated until 2018, in a double aspect, within my research group FQM-235 Biostatistics and in an applied way with different groups in the economic, educational and health area, and from 2018 focused on Health Sciences. From my first part, in my applied part, it is necessary to highlight the different articles published in reference journals in the areas of economics, education and health, some of high impact, where I was in charge of carrying out the statistical and methodological part of them, but the most relevant aspect was being PI of a European Project (3Economy+) within the Erasmus+ programme (2017-1-ES01-KA203-038141), benefit for the city of Melilla, as well as other local projects. From 2018, I will be attached to the Faculty of Medicine, and I will focus my research, also in a double aspect, more theoretical in the estimation of the accuracy of binary diagnostic tests and an applied aspect more focused on biosanitary research. I belong to the Biostanet Network, which has in its organizational structure 11 geographical nodes from several autonomous communities. Since May 2024, I have coordinated the Granada Node.

