Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law

Francisco Balaguer Callejón

Academic Year: 2012-2013 (September 2012-April 2013)



Teaching activities

European Constitutional Law. 60 hrs, optional, undergraduate level, 39 students. First semester of the academic year 2012-2013. Taught by Francisco Balaguer Callejón.

The Sources of Law in the Lisbon Treaty. 60 hrs, optional, undergraduate level, 30 students. Second semester of the academic year 2012-2013. Taught by Francisco Balaguer Callejón.


Official Master of the Law Faculty at the University of Granada: “European Constitutional Law”. Official Postgraduate in Law, organized in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law and Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law ad personam of European Constitutional Law and Globalization, adapted to the EEES. Master with Mención de Calidad (quality nomination) from the Ministry of Education and Science. 60 ECTS credits, optional, 12 students, Postgraduate students. Academic year 2012-2013. Directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón and with the participation of:

Peter Häberle, University of Bayreuth (Germany) and University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Professor of Public Law; Paolo Ridola, University of La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), Professor of Constitutional Law; Antonio D'Atena, University of Tor Vergata (Rome), Professor of Constitutional Law; Gilmar Mendes, Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, Magistrate; Alessandro Pace, University of La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), Professor of Constitutional Law; Vital Moreira, University of Coimbra (Portugal), Professor of Constitutional Law; Francisco J. Bastida Freijedo, University of Oviedo, Professor of Constitutional Law; Javier Jiménez Campo, Professor of Constitutional Law and General Secretary of Constitutional Court of Spain; Alvaro Ciarlini, Court of Justice of the Federal District of Brazil, Magistrate; Giancarlo Rolla, University of Genoa (Italy), Professor of Constitutional Law; Teresa Freixes Sanjuán, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Professor of Constitutional Law and Jean Monnet Professor of European Constitutional Law; Yolanda Gómez Sánchez, Professor of Constitutional Law, UNED of Madrid and Jean Monnet Professor of European Constitutional Law; Ricardo Chueca, University of La Rioja, Professor of Constitutional Law; Vasco Pereira da Silva, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Professor of Constitutional; María João Estorninho, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Professor of Constitutional; Bruno de Witte, European University Institute, Florence (Italy), Professor of European Union Law; Andrea Piraino, University of Palermo (Italy), Professor of Constitutional Law; José Antonio Montilla Martos, University of Granada, Professor of Constitutional Law, Professor of a Jean Monnet Module; José María Porras Ramírez, University of Granada, Professor of Constitutional Law; Agustín Ruiz Robledo, University of Granada, Professor of Constitutional Law; Miguel A. Presno Linera, University of Oviedo, Professor accredited of Constitutional Law; Alberto Vespaziani, University of Molise (Italy), Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Jose Levi Mello do Amaral Junior, University of São Paulo (Brazil), Associate Professor; Andrés Boix Palop, University of Valencia, Associate Professor of Administrative Law; Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, University of UNED, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Stephané Pinon, University of La Rochelle (France), Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Andrés Botero Bernal, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law of the University of Medellín (Colombia); Luis Arroyo Jiménez, Counsel of the Spanish Constitutional Court, Professor of Law; M. Ángeles Ahumada Ruíz, Autonomous University of Madrid, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Manuel Bonachela Mesas, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; José Sánchez López, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Ricardo Martín Morales, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Baldomero Oliver León, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Enrique Guillén López, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; M. Concepción Pérez Villalobos, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; José Ángel Marín Gámez, University of Jaén, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Susana Ruíz Tarrías, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Adoración Galera Victoria, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law; Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, University of Granada, Professor of International Private Law; Francisco Javier Roldán Barbero, University of Granada, Professor of International Public Law and Jean Monnet Professor; Manuel López Escudero, University of Granada, Professor of International Public Law and Jean Monnet Professor; Rafael Barranco Vela, University of Granada, Professor of Administrative Law; María José Fernández Pavés, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Tax Law; Leonardo Sánchez-Mesa, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Administrative Law; Miguel Angel Recuerda Girela, University of Granada, Associate Professor of Administrative Law; Francisco Javier Durán Ruiz, University of Granada, Assistant Professor of Administrative Law; Piqueras García, Augusto, University of Granada, Associate Professor of International Public Law; Fausto Vecchio, Assistant Professor of International Law, University Kore of Enna, Italy; Tomás Requena López, University of Granada, Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law; Augusto Aguilar Calahorro, Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Granada; Francisco Miguel Bombillar Sáenz, University of Granada, Assistant Professor of Administrative Law; Angelo Schillaci, Post doctoral researcher of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Teramo, Italy; Sabrina Ragone, Scholarship “García Pelayo” of the CEPC, Madrid, Spain.


Seminars and Lectures concerning the new topics of the European Constitutional Law, directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, with the participation of:

Benito Alaez Corral, University of Oviedo, Professor of Constitutional Law, “Reflexiones constitucionales sobre la prohibición del velo islámico integral en Europa” ("Reflections on the constitutional ban on full Islamic veil in Europe"), Faculty of Law, 3 March 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Miguel Ángel Presno Linera, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Oviedo, “Los derechos de igualdad, solidaridad y justicia en Europa: objeto y garantía” ("The rights of equality, solidarity and justice in Europe: subject and guarantee"), Faculty of Law, 20 March 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Francisco J. Bastida Freijedo, Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Oviedo, “La prerrogativa de la inviolabilidad del Rey en el ordenamiento constitucional español” (“The prerogative of the inviolability of the King in the Spanish constitutional system”), Faculty of Law, 22 March 2013, 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alessandro Pace, Professor of Constitutional Law. University of “La Sapienza”, Roma (Italy), “La Sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 1/2013 del 15 gennaio e l'immunitá del Presidente della Repubblica” ("The Sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 1/2013, 15 January and the immunity of the Republic President”), Faculty of Law, 22 March 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Andrés Botero Bernal, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Medellín (Colombia), “El hiperpresidencialismo en la constitución colombiana” ("The hyperconstitutionalism in the Colombian Constitution), Faculty of Law, 18 February 2013, 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alvaro Ciarlini, Magistrate of the Court of Justice of the Federal District of Brazil, “A atuação do Poder Judiciário na efetivação de direitos fundamentais” (“The role of the Judiciary in the realization of fundamental rights”), Faculty of Law, 13 February 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, Magistrate of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, "Controle de constitucionalidade e efetivação dos direitos fundamentais (papel do STF)" (“Control of constitutionality and enforcement of fundamental rights (role of STF)"), Faculty of Law, 13 February 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

José Levi Mello do Amaral Junior, Associate Professor, University of São Paulo, Brazil, “La vigencia actual del principio de división de poderes” (“The contemporary relevance of the principle of separation of powers"), Faculty of Law, 29 January 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Sabrina Ragone, Scholarship “García Pelayo” of the CEPC, Madrid, Spain, “Las reformas constitucionales para la estabilidad presupuestaria” (“Constitutional reforms to budgetary stability”), Faculty of Law, 23 January 2013. 4 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Profesor Titular en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), España, “Derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea” (“Fundamental rights in the European Union”), Faculty of Law, 20 December 2012. 4 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Fausto Vecchio, Assistant Professor of International Law, University Kore of Enna, Italy, “Teorie costituzionali alla prova. La nuova Costituzione ungherese come metafora della crisi costituzionale europea” (“Constitutional theories to the test. The new Hungarian Constitution as a metaphor for Europe's constitutional crisis”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 15 students.

Antonio D'Atena, University of Tor Vergata (Rome), Professor of Constitutional, “La influencia del regionalismo español y del federalismo alemán sobre el regionalismo italiano” (“The influence of Spanish regionalism and German federalism on Italian regionalism”), Faculty of Law, 17 Dicember 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 15 students.

Vasco Pereira da Silva, Professor of Constitutional, University of Lisbon (Portugal), “Constitucionalismo europeo y global” (“European and Global Constitutionalism”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

María João Estorninho, Professor of Constitutional, University of Lisbon (Portugal), “El Derecho europeo de los contratos públicos” (“European Law of public contracts”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Paolo Ridola, University of La Sapienza (Rome), Professor of Constitutional Law, “El principio de subsidiariedad” (“The principle of subsidiarity”), Faculty of Law, 13 Dicember 2012, 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Angelo Schillaci, Post doctoral researcher of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Teramo, Italy, “La protección de los derechos fundamentales en la UE” (“The jurisdictional protection of fundamental rights in the EU”), Faculty of Law, 13 December 2012. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Giancarlo Rolla, Professor of Pubblic Law, University of Genoa, Italy, “La formazione di sistemi costituzionali multilivello e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali. L'utilizzazione da parte dei giudici nazionali delle Carte sovranazionali” (“The institution of multilevel constitutional systems and the protection of fundamental rights. The use from national judges of the supranational Charters”), Faculty of Law, 12 December 2012. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Giancarlo Rolla, Professor of Public Law, University of Genoa, Italy, “Caratteristiche delle Codificazioni sovranazionali in materia di diritti fondamentali. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea e la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo” (“Characteristics of the supranational codes of fundamental rights. The Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union and the Convention for the protection of human rights”, Faculty of Law, 12 December 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

José Ángel Marín Gámez, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Jaén, “La aplicación judicial de la Carta Europea de Derechos Fundamentales” (“The judicial application of the European Charter on Fundamental Rights”), 11 December 2012. 4 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Stéphane Pinon, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of La Rochelle France, “La europeización de la Constitución francesa y de sus procesos constitucionales” ("The Europeanization of the French Constitution and constitutional processes"), Faculty of Law, 27 November 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alberto Vespaziani, Associate Professor of the University of Molise, Italy, “Del desarrollo, ejecución y aplicación del Derecho comunitario, a su control de constitucionalidad” (From development, implementation and application of Community Law, to its constitutional control”), Faculty of Law, 22 November 2012. 4 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Ricardo Chueca Rodríguez, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of La Rioja, “Metodología del Derecho Constitucional Europeo” (Methodology of European Constitutional Law"), Faculty of Law, 5 and 6 november 2012. 8 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

International Congresses:

Critical Constitutionalism, Congress en Honor of Carlos de Cabo Martín, 18 and 19 October 2012, 20 hours. Directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, with the participation of:

Antonio Cantaro (University of Urbino, Italia), "El concepto de Modo de Producción" ( “The concept of mode of production”). José Asensi Sabater (University of Alicante), "Contradicción y conflicto como supuesto constitucional" (“Contradiction and conflict as constitutional course”). Gonzalo Maestro (University of País Vasco), "El Estado Social y su crisis" ( “The Social State and its crisis”). María Luisa Balaguer Callejón (University of Málaga), "Constitución del más débil y constitucionalización de la solidaridad" (“Constitution of the weakest and constitutionalization of solidarity”). José María Porras Ramírez (University of Granada), "Teoría General de las Fuentes del Derecho" (“General Theory of the sources of law”). José Antonio Montilla Martos (University of Granada), "La Ley y el Principio de Legalidad" (“The Law and the Principle of Legality”). Javier Corcuera Atienza (University of País Vasco), "Reforma y Cambio Constitucional" (“Reform and Constitutional Change”). Andoni Pérez de Ayala (University of País Vasco), "Formas de Gobierno y Constitución" (“Forms of Government and Constitution”). Antoni Rovira Viñas (Autonomous University of Madrid), "El Sujeto de los Derechos" (“The subject of the Rights”). Eduardo Vírgala Foruria (University of País Vasco), "Representación y Parlamentarismo" (“Representation and Parlamentarism”). Alberto López Basaguren (University of País Vasco), "Federalismo y Descentralización" (“Federalism and decentralization”). José Chofre Sirvent (University of Alicante), "Integración europea y Globalización" (“European integration and Globalization”). Gregorio Cámara Villar (University of Granada) "Crisis económica y Derecho Constitucional" (“Economic crisis and Constitutional Law”). Miguel Ángel García Herrera (University of País Vasco), "La Constitución normativa y su crisis" (“The normative Constitution and its crisis”). Closing. Interventions: Enrique Guillén López, Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez and Gregorio Cámara Villar. Intervention of Carlos de Cabo Martín.


Course X on the European Constitution, The economic crisis and the future of Europe, 20 hrs., optional, undergraduate and postgraduate level, 20 and 21 March 2013. Directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón with the participation of:

Bruno De Witte (Professor of European Union Law. University of Maastricht), "The use of International Agreements between the EU Member States in the context of the Euro crisis: Constitutional implications”. Alessandra Aparecida Souza Silveira (Professor of The University of Minho y Professor Jean Monnet), "Cidadania de direitos' num contexto de crise: dinâmicas e impacto no processo de integração" (“Citizenship rights' in a context of crisis: dynamics and impact of the integration process”). Luis Ortega Álvarez (Professor of Administrative Law and Judge of the Spanish Constitutional Court), “Unión Política y Unión Económica en la UE ante la crisis económica” (“Political Union and Economic Union in the EU before the economic crisis”). Francisco Javier Matía Portilla (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Valladolid), “Algunas variaciones recientes sobre los derechos fundamentales de la UE y su posición respecto de los derechos constitucionales nacionales” (“Some recent variations on the fundamental rights of the EU and its position on national constitutional rights”). Gaetano Bucci (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Bari), “Il potere economico-monetario nelle dinamiche della crisi” (“The economic-monetary power in the dinamics of the crisis”). Hugo César Araújo de Gusmão (Professor of Constitutional Law, Estatal University of Paraíba), “La dialéctica constituyente entre Unión Europea y Estados miembros” (“The constituent dialectic between EU and Member States"). Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Granada and Professor Jean Monnet), “Crisis económica y crisis constitucional en Europa” (“Economic crisis and constitutional crisis in Europe”). Paloma Biglino (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Valladolid), "Unión Europea y reforma de la Constitución en España" (“European Union and the reforme of the Constitution in Spain”). Alberto López Basaguren (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Pais Vasco), “La UE frente a la secesión de territorios en los Estados miembros" (“The EU against the secession of territories in the Member States”). Roberto Miccù (Professor of Pubblic Law. University of “La Sapienza”, Rome), “Costituzionalizzare l'economia al tempo della crisi? L'UE e l'Italia tra rischi ed opportunità” (“Constitutionalize the economy in the time of crisis? The EU and Italy between between risks and opportunities”). Dian Schefold (Professor of Pubblic Law. University of Bremen, “La giurisprudenza costituzionale tedesca in materia dell'unificazione europea - un contributo alla soluzione della crisi?” (“The German constitutional jurisprudence regarding the European unification – a contribution to solve the crisis?).


Presentation of books:

Presentation of the Book: Scritti in onore di Alessandro Pace ( Essays in honor of Alessandro Pace”). Interventions: Dian Schefold (Professor of Public Law. University of Bremen). Francisco J. Bastida Freijedo (Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Oviedo). Paloma Biglino (Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Valladolid). Alessandro Pace (Professor of Constitutional Law. Professor Emeritus of the University “La Sapienza” of Roma). Preside: José María Porras Ramírez, Professor of Constitutional Law. Faculty of Law, 22 Maech 2013.

Presentation of the Book of Angelo Schillaci, Post doctoral researcher of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Teramo, Italy, “Diritti fondamentali e parámetro di giustizia. Per una storia concettuale delle relazioni tra ordinamenti” (“Derechos fundamentals y parameter of Justice. For a conceptual history of relations between orders”), Faculty of Law, 14 December.


Impact of the teaching activity:

Within University

Activities of Francisco Balaguer Callejón as Jean Monnet Professor:

Lectures, seminaries and doctoral courses

1. "The Statutes of Autonomy and the Territorial Autonomy in Spain", Lecture given at the Seminar on the Territorial Autonomy in the UK and in Spain: Issues and Challenges, organized by the Centre for Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge and Research Project “Federal Systems between Integration and Stability", Clare Hall College, Cambridge, 14 September 2012.

2. “Derecho Constitucional Europeo, crisis económica y globalización” (“European Constitutional Law”), 10 hours, Course taught as a Visiting Professor at the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-21 September 2012.

3. "Il federalismo fiscale in Spagna" (“The Fiscal Federalism in Spain”), Lecture given at the Congress on the Il federalismo fiscale in Europa (l'esperienza tedesca, spagnola, francese e quella italiana a confronto), organized by the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Superior School of Pubblic Amministration of the University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende – Cosenza (Italy), 15 October 2012.

4. "A projeção da Constituição sobre o ordenamento jurídico" (“The proyection of the Constitution on the juridical system”), Course taught in the Mestrado Acadêmico em Direito Constituição e Sociedade, organized by the Brasilian Institute of Pubblic Law (IDP), Brasilia (Brasil), 22 October 2012.

5. "A projeção da Constituição sobre o ordenamento jurídico" (“The projection of the Constitution on the juridical system”), Course taught in the Mestrado em Direito e Instituições do Sistema de Justiça, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luis (Brasil), 23 October 2012.

6. "A projeção da Constituição sobre o ordenamento jurídico", Lecture given at the I International Congress: da Pós-Graduação em Instituições do Sistema de Justiça em São Luís, about Instituições Nacionais e Supranacionais do Sistema de Justiça, organized by the Núcleo de Estudos de Direito Constitucional do Departamento de Direito da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luis, Brasil, 24 October 2012.

7. “El Tratado de Lisboa en el contexto del proceso de constitucionalización de la Unión Europea” (“The Lisbon Treaty in the context of the process of EU constitutionalization”). Taught in the Official Master at the Faculty of Law, University of Granada, “European Constitutional Law”. Official Degree in Law, organized in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair in European Constitutional Law and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam “European Constitutional Law and Globalization”, adapted to the EEES. Official Master with Mention of Quality by the Ministry of Education and Science. Academic Year 2012-2013. Sessions 7 and 8 November 2012.

8. "La interacción entre democracia y derechos en el constitucionalismo y su proyección supranacional y global" (“The interaction between democracy and rights in the constitutionalism and its supranational and global projection”). Lecture given in the III Congreso Internacional de Argumentación Jurídica ¿Cómo argumentar los derechos humanos?, organized in the City of México by the Institute of Jurisprudential Research of the Supreme Justice Court of the Nation, in the Session about ¿Como argumentar la democracia en la edad de los derechos? (As argued democracy in the age of rights?), City of Mexico, 22 November 2012.

9. "La apertura del ordenamiento jurídico" (“The opening of legal system”). 10 hours, Course taught in the Second Edition of the Official Programme of the Máster Universitario en Derecho Constitucional (“ Master in Constitutional Law”), organized by the Centre of Political Constitutional Studies and the International University Menéndez Pelayo. CEPC, Madrid, 8-11 January 2013.

10. "Crisis económica y crisis constitucional en Europa" (“Economic crisis and constitutional crisis in Europe”), Lecture given in the Seminario García Pelayo, organized by the Centre of Political Constitutional Studies”, Madrid, 9 January 2013.

11. “Crisis económica y crisis constitucional en Europa” (“Economic crisis and constitutional crisis in Europe”). Lecture given in the X Jornadas sobre la Constitución Europea. La crisis económica y el futuro de Europa (X Course on the European Constitution. The economic crisis and the future of Europe), 21 March 2013, Faculty of Law.


Thesis in progress on European integration:

Director: Francisco Balaguer Callejón.

1.- Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho: “The principle of equality in European Constitutional Law”, in co-direction with Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva, University of Lisbon (Portugal).

2.- Giuseppe Re “Relationships between European Law and National law”, in co-direction with Professor Andrea Piraino, University of Palermo (Italy).

3.- Karen Añanos Bedriñana “The application of international Treaties on Human Rights in Peru”.

4.- Luis Felipe Medina Rey: “The principle of institutional autonomy and the distribution of competences among the European Union, the State and the Autonomous Communities”.

5.- Pedro Serrano León, “Delegated acts in the Lisbon Treaty”.

6.- Cláudia Perotto Biagi: " The implementation of the right to family life in the European Union: a reflection on citizenship and fundamental rights"

7.- Denada Rrushi: “The question of the external borders of the European Union between state sovereignty and universality of fundamental rights”, in Codirection with Professor Claudio de Fiores, Second University of Naples, Italy.

8.- Juan Carlos Gómez Revuelta: "The Education in Human Rights"

9.- Claudio Arrepol: "The economic crisis in Europe and the role of the European Central Bank from a constitutional perspective".

10.- Marta Capesciotti: “The foreigners' access to housing in the Spanish and Italian law. A comparative analysis”, in Codirection with Professor Marco Benvenuti, University La Sapienza, Roma (Italy).

Doctoral thesis defended during this Academic Year:

1.- Augusto Aguilar Calahorro, “Forms of invoking the principle of primacy by citizens from the State”. Faculty of Law, University of Granada. 14-12-2012. Highest qualification.

Dissertations defended during this Academic Year:

1. - Helen Kerr: “Overcoming European Disintegration: Responding to the Virtues of Pluralism”, Granada, 25-09-2012. Higest qualification.

Participation in Tribunals of Doctoral Thesis and Dissertations.

Doctoral Thesis:

As President:

1.- Juan Daniel Elorza Saravia, “Critic on juridical values”, Faculty of Law, University of Salamanca, 24 September 2012.

2.- Gianluca Cosmelli, “Beyond the boundaries of 'matter', the residual legislative powers of the regions between the 'implied powers' and subsidiarity”, Faculty of Law, University of Tor Vergata, Roma (Italy), 12 October 2012.


Others activities:

Within the University:

1.- Coordinator of the Official Master at the Law Faculty of the University of Granada: “European Constitutional Law”. Official Postgraduate in Law, organized in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair for European Constitutional Law and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam of European Constitutional Law and Globalization, adapted to the EEES. Master with a Mención de Calidad (quality mention) from the Ministry of Education and Science. Academic year 2012-2013.


Outside the University:

Participation in local, regional and national initiatives:

1. - Participation in the Global Jean Monnet/ESCA-World Conference 2012 about Sustainable Growth in the European Union – the Role of Education and Training, Bruxelles (Belgium), 13 and 14 November 2012.

Others activities:

1.- Director of the Journal Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo:

2.- President of the Peter Häberle Foundation

3.- Appointment by the Italian Government as a member of the Committee for National Scientific Enabling teachers in the area of constitutional law in Italy.

4.- Doutor "Honoris Causa" (Ph. D. Honoris Causa). Federal University of Maranhão, São Luis, Brazil, 16/10/2011.

5- Member of Editorial Boards and Committees of 21 Journals of Constitutional Law and Comparative Law as well as editorial councils in Spain, Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Italy.

6.- Member of the Group of Legal Experts of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRALEX: Fundamental Rights Agency Legal Experts).

7.- Leading researcher of the Research Group “Andalucía, the European Union and the Welfare State”, with financial aid from the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Government).

8.- Leading researcher of the Research Project of Excellency SEJ-4931: “Statutory reforms and statutory implementation in the framework of the European Union”, supported by the Government of Andalusia (2011-2014).