Universidad de Granada
Facultad de Ciencias

Bienvenido a mi p�gina web
(Welcome to my web page)

(last update Feb-2007 )

I was born on 14 th of March in 1980 in Vélez-Málaga (Málaga), nevertheless, since 1984 I have lived in Granada (Loja and Alhama de Granada). In 2003, I obtained my bachelor degree in Chemistry at the Universidad de Granada, where nowadays I do my thesis dissertation coached by José Antonio Dobado Jiménez . In June of 2005 I presented my Master thesis, entitled Theoretical Study of the Chemical Bonding Carbon-Metal in Early Transition Metals.

The research focus of my thesis dissertation is the study of the chemical bonding using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) developed by Prof. Bader and the analysis of the Electron Localization Function (ELF) of Profs. Silví and Savin.

Apart from the study of the chemical bonding, I work with my group in two research lines, one of them is the theoretical study of carbon nanotubes, and the other one is the study of the interaction of maslinic acid with serin proteases. (View research interest)

Due to the fact I have not had financial support to elaborate my thesis dissertation, since October of 2005 I have obtained a grant in the informatics service (CSIRC) of the Universidad de Granada, associated to the Systems and Investigation Area.

Isaac Vidal Daza

Mailing Address:
Dpto. Química Orgánica,
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
Granada, 18071 (Spain)

Office Phone: +34-958243186
Office FAX:
Email: isvida@ugr.es

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