Ioana Gruia

Ioana Ruxandra Gruia

Writer and researcher


    Ioana Gruia (1978, Bucarest). In 1997 she has a scholarship for studying in Granada. She has two licences, in Spanish Philology and Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, and a PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (University of Granada). She is researcher and teacher at the Department of General Linguistics and Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (University of Granada).

    She wrote the following books : Otoño sin cuerpo (finalist of the Federico García Lorca Prize for Poetry of the University of Granada in 2002), Nighthawks (Federico García Lorca Prize for Short Story of the University of Granada in 2007), Eliot y la escritura del tiempo en la poesía española contemporánea (Visor, 2009), El sol en la fruta (Young Andalusia Prize for Poetry 2011, Renacimiento, 2011) and La vendedora de tiempo (Renacimiento/Espuela de Plata, 2013). El sol en la fruta, translated in French by Adrien Bagarry, was published in bilingual version at L'Harmattan (Paris, 2014).

    She published poems in reviews as Renacimiento and a micro-story in the blog of the prestigious literary critic Fernando Valls, La nave de los locos. She also collaborated with plastic artists (Mercedes Luanco, Rosa Fornals, María José Bustamante, Mercedes Fernández, Pilar Ortiz and Maureen Booth). Some of her poems were selected and translated for the trilingual catalogue (Spanish, French, English) Granada. The Eyes of South, edited in 2005 by the University of Granada, the European Parliament and the Autonomous Region of Andalusia.

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