Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica

Nº. 4-5, 1993-1994


ADROHER AUROUX, Andrés M, LÓPEZ MARCOS, Antonio y BARTUREN BARROSO, F. Javier, Universidad de Granada: Los niveles de Bronce final. Hierro antiguo y romanos en el yacimiento de Montealegre, Gorafe (Granada).
Abstract: In this paper we try to identify severals levels of the ocoupation during the IXth-VIth centuries B.C. and for roman times in an archaeological site at Gorafe, in to the south-west of Iberian Peninsule. One of the particularities of this site is that a regular structure has appeared; the principal discution is about it.

AMADO, M Teresa, Universidad de Santiago: Ateneo y Cratino.
Abstract: Athenaeus of Naucratis is important for both the information he transmits on a great number of different subjects and for his role as provider of fragments, many of them had not come to us through any other means. The comedy, above all Middle and New, is the most beneficient of all the genres. Cratinus'62 fragments which are found in Athenaeus will help us to understand some aspects of his work. First of all we shall study the formulae he use to introduce a fragment, secondly, the subjects or motifs for which the comic writer is being quoted and lastly the importance of these in the whole remaining corpus of Cratinus' work.

BARTUREN BARROSO, Javier, Universidad de Granada: Problematica sobre la introducción de la incineración en los ritos funerarios del sureste de la Península Ibérica.
Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of the origin and chronology of cremation in South East Iberia. Phoenician influence is denied to be decisive in the adoption of cremation by indigenous. On the other hand, South Eastern cremations are compared with the Urnfields oness underlining their similarities and differences.

CALERO SECALL, Inés, Universidad de Málaga: La mujer y el matrimonio en las sociedades griegas de Atenas y Gortina y en el mundo islámico: un estudio comparativo.
Abstract: After a careful analysis of greek and Islam societies we have appreciated many resemblances between their marriage systems. They formalize them by an oral contract between the future husband and the selected woman's father. Moreover the acts engýe and 'adq as the figures kýrios and walí are rather similar. Both kinds og marriage also require the dowry in order to take a wife, although in the Islam societies the husband is who gives it, but not the woman's father as in the Athens. However they differ in other respects that are not essential, but supefilcial.

CAMACHO ROJO, José Mª y GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Mª, Universidad de Granada: La literatura griega en la obra en prosa de Francisco de Quevedo.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a general about the open question of the limitations of Quevedo's knowledge of Greek and to examine the numerous mentions and quotations of Greek authors that can be found in his prose writings. These references, in addition to be used in order to recreate themes of the Greek literature, have other purpose: they support his political, philosophical, ethical and literary thesis and his commitment to christianize the antiquity.

CORELL VICENT, Josep, Universidad de Valencia: Una falsa lapidaria de Iliberris (Granada).
Abstract: The autor of this note, consulted about the present inscription, considers it as false and indicates the marks of her false hood.

DÍAZ Y DÍAZ, Pedro Rafael, Universidad de Granada: Álvaro de Córdoba: "Vida de San Eulogio" (Traducción y Notas).
Abstract: In this paper we have tried to offer to the interested readers a new suitable translation of the Vita Eulogii, written by Paul Albar of Córdova ( c. 861 a.C.), from the original Latin text into Spanish. We have made our translation on the basis of Gil's edition, Corpus Scriptorum Muzarabicorum, Madrid 1973, vol. I, pp. 330-343. In the copious footnotes we have paid attention to so many historical problems as linguistic and literary matters.

ESPEJO MURIEL, Carlos, Universidad de Granada: La dimensión mítica.
Résumé: L'auteur de ce travail fait une refléxion a travers la problématique des differents définitions et écoles qui ont etudie le Mythe (des la Renaissance jusqu' nos jours) en montrant les différentes solutions et un nouveau point de vue dans la dissertation de la méthodologie actuelle.

FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, M Isabel y CASADO MILLÁN, Pablo Jesús, Universidad de Granada: Marcas de alfareros en terra sigillata en los yacimientos en torno a Martos (Jaén). Nuevos aportes al conocimiento del territorio de la Colonia Augusta Gemella Tuccitana en época alto imperial.
Abstract: The analysis of terra sigillata potters' stamps found on the surface of sites surrounding Martos (Jaen) enables us to devise an assignment chart of the pottery with regard to its corresponding production centres, as well as to make some assesments on both chronological and commercial grounds. Conclusions thereof should shed some fresh light on the domain ruled by the Colonia Augusta Cemella Tuccitana at different stages of the Early Roman Empire.

GONZÁLEZ ROMÁN, Cristóbal, Universidad de Granada: Diploma militar de Higuera de Calatrava en la provincia de Jaén (Baetica). Nuevos fragmentos y reconstruccion del extrinsecus.
Abstract: In this article we expound new fragments of the military diploma of Higuera de Calatrava (Jaén), in the Baetica Province, and we proceed to the reconstruction of the extrinsecus of the tabella I.

GONZÁLEZ VÁZQUEZ, José, Universidad de Granada: Incidencia del género epistolar en la lengua y el estilo de las elegias ovidianas del destierro.
Abstract: The objective of this article is to point at some of the consequences of the epistolary genre into the language and the style of the exile's ovidian poetry: many homophonies, which make up a sort of "leonines rhymes" between the end of their hemisticles; a very often coincidence of ictus and accent, unlike the scheme in their patterns (Catullus, Propertius and Virgil); and very few enjambments that produce a feeling of monotony, characteristic of the conversational language.

LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Concepción, Universidad de Granada: "Invocaciones", eje central de la valoración mÍtica de Grecia.
Abstract:"Invocaciones", one of the book of poems which belongs to the Complete Works of L. Cernuda La Realidad y el Deseo is the essential part of mythical conception of Greece because in this book Cernuda shapes his former intuitions and feelings; Greece, like a childhood of the worls, duplicates the childhood of the poet giving it an archetypical character; and like a historical precedent legitimizes in history the viability of his own dreams and desires.

LUQUE MORENO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada : Sobre los finales del pentámetro latino .
Abstract: This paper deals with the final word of the latin pentameter.

MALDONADO VILLENA, Francísco, Universidad de Granada: El Arte Griego de Gonzalo Correas .
Abstract: This paper studies The Greek Art and aims to remark the contributions made by Gonzalo Correas as to verbal and nominal morphology and case syntax.

MARÍN DÍAZ, Nicolás, GENER BASALLOTE, José M y PÉREZ CRUZ, Mª Angeles, Universidad de Granada: La ciudad ibero-romana de Basti.
Abstract: In this paper we present the results of the archaeological research carried out at Cerro Cepero, the major site of the region of Baza, northern Granada, and that we propose to be the ibero roman civitas Basti for the important structures excaved. In 1992 we have made three soundings through which we can determinate partially the chronological framework of the site: since the iberian periode (defensive wall) to the Middle Age, through a very important roman occupation in the Ist. and IInd. centuries A.D.

MELCHOR GIL, Enrique, Universidad de Córdoba: Las élites municipales de Hispania en el alto imperio: un intento de aproximación a sus fuentes de riqueza.
Abstract: This paper goes deeply into the knowlegde of the spanish municipal elites' sources of wealth, on a basis of the information provided by the epigraphy.

MUÑOZ MUÑOZ, Francisco A. y QUESADA CABELLO, Inmaculada, Universidad de Granada: Livio y la conflictividad en los origenes de Roma (I).
Abstract: The Ab urbe condita's first books are a very good medium to explain and to justify the roman expansionistic reality. During the transition from the Republic to the known world.At the same time, these texts are a good way to understand the conceptions abouts the peoples' conflictivity in those moments, and Livy's interpretations about these circumstances.

PADILLA ARROBA, Angel y ÁVILA MORALES, Reyes, Universidad de Granada: Hallazgos numismáticos de época romana en Huétor Tájar (Granada).
Abstract: The autors of this paper present thirty three roman coins from Huétor Tajar, a village in the western part of Granada's fertile plain. The coins have a cronology among in the mid century and at the end of the IV century a.Ch.

PÉREZ GÓMEZ, Leonor, Universidad de Granada: Boecio y sus traductores: a propósito del metro III, 9 del De Consolatione Philosophiae.
Abstract: This paper shows a constrastive study of three different translations of the same poem by Boethius (metre III, 9, from De Consolatione Philosophiae); the versions were realized by three Spanish Renaissance scholars, Fr. Alberto de Aguayo (1516), Doctor Sanchez de Viana (c. 1600) and Fr. Antonio Lopez (1604). The difficulty of the text chosen Iies in the fact that the poem is a synthesis of passages 27c-47a from Timaeus by Plato. Both the analyses of these translations and of the declarations of principles stated by the above mentioned translators make us think over some requirements which are essential to any translation: on the one hand the 'understanding' of the text meant to be translated into another language, and on the other hand, the 'neutrality' of the translator as interpreter of the text.

PICKLESIMER PARDO, M Luisa, Universidad de Granada:Hipodamia: el derecho a enamorarse de la mujer mítica.
Abstract: Taking as a starting point Hippodamia's story, this paper studies women's attitudes toward love and marriage in greek myth.

RIQUELME, José A., Universidad de Granada:Nuevo hallazgo de restos oseos de dromedario en la ciudad de Guadix, (Granada).
Abstract: It is presented a new discovery of osseous material belonging to a dromedary that existed during the Muslim occupation in the city of Guadix (Granada). From those five fragments which have been recovered, three fragments present signe of cuts which point out the inclusion of meat coming from these animals in the food that those people ate.

RODRÍGUEZ NEILA, Juan Francisco, Universidad de Córdoba: Ciudad y territorio en la provincia romana de la Bética
Abstract: In this paper we study the relations between the town and its respective territorium in the communities of the Roman Baetica from three perspectives: first the different elements constituting the structure of municipal territorium, with special reference to the limites and the pagi, as well as the system of the contributio; then the information about the census and the land registry concerning the territorium; and finally the population settled in the municipal territorium, the rural habitats (vici) and the political and juridical situation of their inhabitants. We examine also the relations of that peasant population with the oppidum serving as a capital of the territorium, and its variable level of participation in community activities organized in the central town.

RODRÍGUEZ PEREGRINA, J. Manuel, Universidad de Granada: Mujer, humanismo y sociedad en la Granada del XVI.
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the social, economic and literary role played by women in the Renaissance Granada, according to several humanistic thinkers and official documents of the 16th century.


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