Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica

Nº. 3, 1992


ADROHER, A.M y LÓPEZ MARCOS, Antonio, Universidad de Granada: Reinterpretación cronológica de la necrópolis ibérica del Cerro del Santuario (Baza, Granada).
Abstract: We try to find from the new perspective of analitical process in ceramology the social and chronological evolution into the iberian necropolis in Baza, Granada. During the last twenty years, the black glazed pottery has had good vhance for its knowledge, and we think that this is the moment to rethinking all archeological items in raport to this ceramic category. Finnally we show the chronological listing of each one of the tombs, and the several stratigraphic relationship among of them.

ALGANZA ROLDÁN, Minerva, Universidad de Granada: Epaminondas (D.S. XV, 88).
Abstract: The authoress analyzes the topics and narrative procedures utilized by Diodorus in the description of the battle of Mantinea. Without denying Ephorus' presence in this chapter, traces of Diodorus' historiographic activity and the influence of Rhetoric are clear in this portrait of Epamonindas.

BENAVENTE BARREDA, Mariano, Facultad de Humanidades de Jaén: Seis tópicos del folclore universal en Diodoro de Sicilia.
Abstract: In the huge and complex work of Diodorus of Sicily (mainly in those parts which comprise more mythical matter) there are several topoi which appear too in popular litterature. Of some of them we have record in the folk litterature of most countries.

CABALLOS RUFINO, Antonio y WERNER, Eck, Universidad de Sevilla: Nuevos documentos en torno a los Egnatii de la Bética.
Abstract: Five amphora stamps from ancient Arva are studied in this paper. One of them provides definitive proof of the involvement of the Egnatii, a family which we find epigraphically documented in the town, in the oil economy. Likewise the inscription which the freedman L. Egnatius dedicated to Mercurius in Orippo is here studied.

CALVO MARTÍNEZ, José Luis, Universidad de Granada: La diosa Hécate: un paradigma de sincretismo religioso del helenismo.
Abstract: Through a study of the Goddess Hecate from Hesiod to the Magical papyri, the author of this paper follows the trend of this deity towards her assimilation with other different goddesses as an outstanding paradigm of syncretism in the late Hellenism. After a previous analysis of the main characteristics of late syncretism, followed by an argumentation against the hesiodic authorship of the so called "Hymn to Hecate", the author's task is to analyze the different conceptions of Hecate in the hymnic literature of the Orphics, the Chaldaean Theurgy and mainly in the Magical Papyri. The latter reveal to what extent Hecate became a central figure in late religion and Magic.

CAMACHO ROJO, José M, Universidad de Granada: La noción de destino (µ) en Diodoro de Sicilia.
Abstract: A survey of the mentions of fate (µ) as a force in history in the extant Bibliotheke historike shows that it is not possible to ascribe it mechanically to Diodorus' sources. The language is representative of the late Hellenistic period inscriptions. It is suggested that an unidentified passage in Suidas (Polybius, fr. 184 Büttner-Wobst) have to be ascribed to Diodorus.

CAMPOS DAROCA, Javier, Facultad de Humanidades de Almería: Saber y poder en las Historias de Heródoto.
Abstract: Following the recent research on Herodotus' presence in his own Histories, this paper inquiries the issue in an indirect mode, that is, through detecting characters that behave the same way Herodotus does. A parallel can be drawn between herodotus as a researcher and kings, both performing the same "investigations" with very similar methods and purposes. The author tries to put forward an explanation for such a curious kinship.

ESPEJO MURIEL, Carlos, Universidad de Granada: El universo homérico: hombres y dioses.
Abstract: With this work we try to offer the complex reality of the homeric world, thanks to an analysis based on three concrete aspects: conception and elaboration of the universe with its forces and powers, the setting up between death and faith of the homeric dilemma, and finally, the heroes. Everyone of them studied in their intimate relationship with the individual.

FEAR, A.T., Universidad de Keele: Itálica: municipium civium romanorum.
Abstract: This article surveys the theories concerning the legal status of the town of Italica prior to its being raised to the rank of a colonia C. R. The conclusion drawn is that despite recent theories to the contrary, the traditional view thwt Italica held the rank of a municipium civium Romanorum during this period is the correct one. This is followed by a discussion of the provenance and nature of a fragment of a municipal law discovered in the last century possibly at Italica.

FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, M Isabel, Universidad de Granada: Arqueología romana en la provincia de Granada.
Abstract: In this paper we intend to show the current archaeological moment of the Granada province in roman Time by means of the study of archaeological remains that have been published at the present time (1990).

FUENTES GONZÁLEZ, Pedro Pablo, Universidad de Granada: Tales y la interpretatio ethica del personaje mitológico.
Abstract: The wandering moral preachers made use of all types of striking techniques in order to impart their teachings, some of which involved the presentation of mythological figures as both positive and negative prototypes. This study sets out to discover the spirit and principal characteristics of such procedure, by analysing the ethical interpretation of the mythical figures which appear in Teles' preserved texts.

FUENTES MORENO, FrancIsco, Universidad de Granada: Los pronombres demostrativos en la Peregrinatio Egeriae.
Abstract: In this paper we study the demostrative pronouns with a special attention to the deictic, phoric and emphatic functions.

GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Mª, Universidad de Granada: Etiopía en la literatura espaola (etnografía) griega: pautas para una imagen.
Abstract: From the Imaginary to the ethno-geographic description the Greek discourse on Ethiopia is a pattern which finds a certain continuity in the Encyclopedic knowledge of European Middle Ages.

GARCÍA MORÁ, Felix, Universidad de Granada: Lex Plautia de reditu Lepidanorum.
Abstract: The named lex Plautia de reditu Lepidanorum had been with us during a century. The sertorian war and the partial descomposition of the Sulla's world, make unlikely the thesis of G. Rotondi. This rogatio isns't a plebiscitum sensu strictu, but probably a lex, perhaps, data; its chronology is between 74 and 73 b.C. It's possible that a lex explained how de reditu Lepidanorum didn't exist, is better to think of lex Plautia de reditu exulum postquam mortem Sullae.

GARCÍA DE SOLA, M del Carmen y CEBALLOS SALOBREA, Alejandro, Univerisdad de Granada: Un estudio de los textos referentes a los dientes en la época romana, desde los etruscos hasta la caída del Imperio romano.
Abstract: With the present study we try to review the most relevant writers who, in some way, have focus on Dentistry. By this, we therefore want to achieve a particular vision on Dentistry in the Roman times, though it might be, somehow, a parcial one; in order to do this, we will pay more attention to what we may call the dental physiopatology: its constitution, diseases and treatment for the illness that may be derived from its bad condition.

GONZÁLEZ ROMÁN, Cristóbal y RECIO VEGANZONES, Alejandro, Universidad de Granada - Instituto de Archeologia Christiana (Roma): Diploma militar de Higuera de Calatrava en la provincia de Jaén (Baetica).
Abstract: In this article we give information about a new military diploma coming from Higuera de Calatrava, province of Jaén, in the former Roman province of Baetica.

GONZÁLEZ VÁZQUEZ, José, Universidad de Granada: Poesía e inmortalidad en las elegías ovidianas del destierro.
Abstract: One of the manifestations of the poetic reflection of the exile's Ovid consists on the mentions about the inmortality that his poetry is going to confer to his wife and other consignees of his epistles. This fact is one of the aspect of the originality of these exile's poems, in relation with other (mor or less) contemporaneouspoets, not only because of how often this theme appears, but because of the boldness of these texts.

GOZÁLVEZ CRAVIOTO, Enrique, Universidad de Granada: Roma y las tribus indígenas de la Mauritania Tingitana. Un análisis historiográfico.
Abstract: One of the chief subject of research about the north africain ancient history, is the links of Rome with the native tribal life. It is well known that the tribal life last long in the roman Afrique and they insist about this dualism population. The admitted and various historiographics curents so as the main interpretation wriken about a concrete territory, the Mauritanie Tingitane, is analised in the present wark. Is in the Tingitane where is considerate a larger weigth from de indigene population and a stronger resistance to the romanisation.

LÓPEZ CRUCES, Juan Luis, Universidad de Granada: Reflexiones sobre el Amasis herodoteo (a propósito de Hdt. II 173).
Abstract: The author examines the passage III 173 of Herodotus' Histories and the topos of the need of minimizing the tension of the serious with the comic.

LÓPEZ LÓPEZ, Aurora, Universidad de Granada: Hortensia, primera oradora romana.
Abstract: In Rome, the oratory written by women is considered absolutely extraordinary, occasional and very late produced.
In this paper the reasons of the non existance in Rome of women orators till I century B. C. is explained, being the main one the placement of women to secondary roles concerning civil rights; so the absence of Roman women in judicial and political oratory till well advanced I century B. C., is another consequence of the silence to what they have been always condemned till present times.
In spite of this, at the end of republican times three women orators appear in Roman society, Hortensia, Mesia and Carfania, and at that moment there was a clear tendency to broad the rights of women, but it seems difficult to apply the label of "emacipation" to that period. The very best known was Hortensia, whose personality and performance as woman orator is studied in detail in this article, based in ancient sources that mention her, namely Appian (Roman History IV 32-34) The figure of Hortensia, in future centuries was redorded in De mulieribus claribus by Giovanni Boccaccio (circa 1361) and in Libro de las virtuosas e claras mujeres by Don Alvaro de Luna (1446). But she has always been injustly silenced in Latin literature hand-books.

LÓPEZ MUOZ, Manuel, Universidad de Granada: QuintilianO, Agustín y Fray Luis de Granada ante la doctrina de la alegoría.
Abstract: The author analizes the historical development of the rhetorical theories concerning allegory, either as a production facility given to the artifex during the elocuno or as an exegetic principle for the theologian. The allegoria then becomes a two-faced reality, often studied from the point of view of the sender of the message or from the one of the receiver, but not from both. As a preliminary basis for ulterior discussions, the author compares the theories formulated by Quintilian -this is, the rhetorical approach from the domain of the sender-, Saint Augustine -theorist of the decodification of the message contained in the Holy Bible- and fray Luis de Granada, who shares both approaches to the theory of allegory and includes them in different books of his Ecclesiasticae Rhetoricae siue de ranone concionandi libri, probably one of the most influential Renaissance catholic treatises on preaching.

LUQUE MORENO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: La obra poética de Juan de Vilches: ordenación y conspectus metrorum.
Abstract: This paper deals with the description of Juan de Vilches' Bernardina.

MALDONADO VILLENA, F., Universidad de Granada: Teoría estoica del impulso.
Abstract: With the word orme the Stoic philosophers refer more to an unconscius than to a conscious impulse. The first one being for the stoics (unlike the Epicureans) the impulse towards selpreservation. on the other hand, man has this orme only qua zoon, not qua zoon logikon.

MELCHOR GIL, Enrique, Universidad de Córdoba: Evergetismo y distribuciones en la Hispania romana.
Abstract: This paper gathers the epigraphic documents about civic deliveries in Hispania. From these data, a study of every type of gift (epula, sportulae, olea, and balinea) is accomplished, analysing its geographical and chronological distribution, the motivations of spanish civic benefactors and their social status, the cost of donations, and the social groups which were benefitted with the delivery of cash, oil and food, or by the free entrance to public baths.

MORFAKIDIS FILACTOS, M., Universidad de Granada: Apuntes sobre el "Espejo de los Príncipes" en la retórica bizantina: el caso de Tomás Magistro.
Abstract: This article is a particular reflexion about the classical rethoric. The proyection to the Byzantine Wordl with the work of Tomas Magistro.

PACHÓN ROMERO, Juan Antonio y PASTOR MUOZ, Mauricio, Universidad de Granada: Nuevas aportaciones sobre el origen del poblamiento antiguo de Osuna (Sevilla).
Abstract: The present work presents a series of unknown findings about the archaeological remains located in Osuna (Sevilla) which let us come to the new conclusion that the origin and development of the ancient city, which first was fixed in the Bronze Age, can now be placed in the Copper Age; the discovery lets us know a burial place of the Turdulis as well as well as the unknown ancient topography.

PÉREZ GÓMEZ, Leonor, Universidad de Granada: La praetexta Octavia, ahipérbole del tirano: análisis narratológico.
Abstract: Following the theoretical model developped by A.J. Greimas and his Paris Narratological School, this paper aims to analyze the semantic structure of the Praetexta Octauia, and cast light on aspects which have passed unnoticed to traditional philology.

PÉREZ MEDINA, María, Universidad de Granada: La controversia Símaco-Ambrosio: análisis de la Relatio III simaquiana y de las Epístolas XVII y XVIII del obíspo.
Abstract: In this job we have studied the controversy of the A.D. 384 between Symmachus and Ambrosius, a conflict that meant the opposition of two different considerations of the world nd its problems.

PICKLESIMER PARDO, Mª Luisa, Universidad de Granada: Teseo, Herakles y el cinturón de la amazona.
Abstract: According to greek mythographers, Theseus sailed forth with Herakles as a member of his expedition to bring back the girdle of Hippolyte, the ninth labour that Herakles performed at the command of Eurystheus. But this labour was originally a pre-dorian collective expedition against the Amazons, and its commander was Theseus.

POCIÑA PÉREZ, Andrés, Universidad de Granada: Problemas de traducción y adaptación de la comedia latina.
Abstract: This article deals with the problems which may arise in the translation or adaptation into Spanish of Latin comedies. To begin with, we comment on the translations of Plautus and Terence which have been published in this century and how feasible it would be to stage them nowadays; next, we will analyze the various choices of translation and staging of classical drama; finally, we offer definite examples of various passages in comedies by Plautus which could be problematic as regards their translation into Spanish.

POCIÑA PÉREZ, Andrés y POCIÑA LÓPEZ, César A., Universidad de Granada: Recipientes griegos y romanos en las comedias de Plauto.
Abstract: In this paper we study the pottery of Greek and Roman origin and its presence in the comedies of Plautus. Each element is located and traced in the plays and a description as complete as possible is added depending on the dates given by the author, as well as those offered by Archeology, mainly concerning their typus in Archeological catalogues.

VILLENA PONSODA, Miguel y ARRIOLA ACIÉN, Eva: Universidad de Granada:La creencia pitagórica en la transmigración de las almas.
Abstract: Though knowing that the subject is slippery and even hypothetic, this paper wants to insist in that Pythagoras tought the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul and that this one supposed a new level of conscience reached out in Greece.


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