Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica
Nº. 2, 1991


ADROHER AUROUX, Andrés M y RISUEÑO OLARTE, Beatriz, Universidad de Granada: Los modos de producción en el artesanado de la antigüedad a través de los talleres cerámicos.

Abstract: Whe try to find the social and economical inferences from the classics potteries productions, black glazed pottery and samian ware basically. Researching in decorations systems and sigilla, founding differences and similarities between of them we arrive to see the evolution in slave and free workers function into the pottery workshops.

ALGANZA ROLDÁN, Minerva y VILLENA PONSODA, Miguel, Universidad de Granada: La descripción de la táxis en Diodoro de Sicilia.
Abstract: The authors analyse the battle dispositions in Diodorus' Library if History. These descriptions are considered as a narrative element characteristically used to introduce the narration proper. This is probably a consequence of a certain tendency in former Historiography, but in is obvius that Diodorus did not simply draw on his sources.

CAMACHO ROJO, José María, Universidad de Granada: La tradición clásica en las literaturas hispánicas: esbozo de un ensayo bibliográfico.
Abstract: This paper offers the sketch of a bibliography to the Classical tradition in Spanish literature. The list includes the following sections: 0) General Studies, 1) Middle Ages, 2) the Golden Age, 3) the Eighteenth Century, 4) the Nineteenth Century and 5) the Twentieth Century. Under the heading General Studies will be found works on Greek and Latin literature in relation to Spanish literature as well as the development of classical literary genres, themes and myths in Spanish literature , whereas under Middle Ages, the Golden Age, etc., are listed works dealing with classical literature in relation to the indicated period or to a particular author of that period.

CAMPOS DAROCA, Javier, Universidad de Granada: La envidia de los griegos. Aspectos de la memoria en la primera historiografía.
Abstract: This paper deals with the Herodotean conception of the task of history. One aspect thereof deserves special attention: envy as obstacle to praise and the risk that envy will evase the deserved praise of the hero.

CORTIJO CEREZO, M Luisa, Universidad de Córdoba: El pagus en la administración territorial romana. Los pagi de la Betica.
Abstract: Unlike that which happens in other provinces, the evidences that we have of the betic pagi are very scarce but quite significant. Such as they apper, these pagi identify with the classical roman models, atlthough they might be previous to the conquest.
With regarde to the Bética, the inscriptions allow us to realize some facts: first, the names that apperar, for the pagi as well as fora the ople, are mainly roman or very romanized; then, the dedications to the genius pagi and the name Augustus that some have, sohow as that there was an assimilatipn of the roman religious manifestations; also, the equation ager-pagus-fundus, whixh is evident in some inscriptions, refers us tothe territorial scheme of the roman towns; finally, in some caes, there are references to mutatio oppidi, which takes us to the proces of fusion that took place in Hispania in the first century a. D., with the territorial politics of the Julius-Claudius and the Flavius (to theis period belong most of the inscriptions that we have been able to date). These towns are usually situated in well communicated areas, in relation witth main rivers or roads; two thirds of the mentioned towns had a privileged legal status.From that, in orur opinion, it can be deduced that the betic pagi, such as the preserved inscriptions show them to us, identify with the model of roman pagus with a territorial meaning.

DÍAZ Y DÍAZ, Pedro Rafael, Universidad de Granada: Marciano Capela: "Libro V: La Retórica" (Traducción y Notas).
Abstract: We present here for the first time, as far as we know, a whole translation of Capella's Rhetoric (the fifth book of his Encyclopaedia) into Spanish. We have always tried to make suitable for Spanish the latin rhetorical technicality from a linguistic point of view and accor ding to the principle of "dynamic equivalence"; by dynamic equivalence we mean to find the spanish expression that rises up similar mental associations to the latin technical term. Some times we have added in the footnotes the comments to this rhetorical treatise in words of mediaeval writer Remigius Autissiodorensis.

ESPEJO MURIEL, Carlos, Universidad de Granada: El Aedo Homérico.
Abstract: In this work the author aims to show the interesting and marvelous world of the Homeric aoidoi through the deep roots of rhythm, word and music as elements intimately connected with that epic atmosphere; and the magic interdependence between public and Poet.

FERNÁNDEZ UBIÑA, J., Universidad de Granada: Conversión y Coacción sexual. La cristianización del Imperio Romano en la reciente historiografía anglosajona.
Abstract: Taking as a starting point some of the most outstanding recent works of American and British historians, this article attempts to reconsider some permanent questions about the inter pretation of the Christianization of the Roman Empire. These questions involve the various forms of religious conversion, relations between pagans and Christians and, especially, both the paradoxical role that women played in the historical process characterized by their subjection, and a general denial of everything involving the pleasure of the body. In this respect, both the christianization of woman, and her role in the first Christian Communities may act as a reliable reference to the real changes which took place within Roman Society. The results of this type of analysis could be more enlightening than those which have traditionally been considered decisive, such as the conversion of Constantine.

FUENTES GONZÁLEZ, Pedro Pablo, Universidad de Granada: Teles y la biomania.
Abstract: The interpretation of Teles'Reliquiae has been influenced by the idea that it reproduces Bion's supposed sermons. This paper shows the arbitrariness of such hypothesis and presents some examples to prove it.

GARCÍA DE SOLA, M del Carmen y CEBALLOS SALOBREÑA, Alejandro, Universidad de Granada: Una aproximación al estudio de la odontología en el mundo griego.
Abstract: A complete picture of the History of Dentistry in the Greek World from Homer to the Hellenistic period with a special attention to the dental growth and tooth eruption, oral patology and tooth extraction. this special medical branch is not independent at this period, but it is contained in the History of Medicine.

GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Fco. Javier, Facultad de Humanidades de Almería: DOKEÎN. Apuntes para una Gramática de los términos epistemológicos griegos.
Abstract: We are abording in the present work the epystemologic ter , its syntactic and lexemic caracteristics being analyzed and structured in three meaning blocks (i.e. APPEARENCE, BELIEVING, OPINION-DECISION) and two planes (SUBJECTIVE, OBJETIVE). We propose the formal mechanisms for their differentation (Appearing or not appearing of "dativus iudicantis", Negation's Transportation and Suject Rising) and the posible changes involved.

GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Jesus María, Universidad de Granada: Filodemo y el pensamiento antropológico griego: Phld. Sto. (PHerc. 155E y 339), col. XXI.
Abstract: The closing section of the papyrus can be explained otherwise than Dorandi did it. The reference to the and also to non-Greek peoples like the Thyrrenians, Campanians, etc., is an ethno-anthropological topic used for excluding both Diogenes' and Zeno's areskonta from the civilized life of Greeks.

GARCÍA MORA, Félix, Universidad de Granada: Mithridates y Sertorio.
Abstract: Our direct knowledge of Roman attitudes in the Republic about the problem between Mithridates VI Eupator and Sertorius have been manipuled by the decimononic historiography. That is not only a political question but an example of the foreing relations in the Roman World. The chronology pf this treaty, the consequences and the purpose are, today, still, discussed.

GONZÁLEZ ROMÁN, Cristóbal, Universidad de Granada: Inscripciones romanas de la provincia de Jaén. IV.
Resumen: Las inscripciones que publicamos en el presente artículo son el fruto del trabajo de campo que actualmente estamos realizando con el objetivo de proceder sistemáticamente a la ercopilación de la epigrafía romana y visigoda de la provincia de Jaén.
Abstract: In this article we present six inscriptions from the province of Jaen (Spain) corresponding to the towns Ossigi Latonium, Salaria, Sosontigi and the outskirts of the present-day village of Guarromán. All of them are of a votive, honorific and funerary character.

GUINEA DÍAZ, Patricio, Universidad de Sevilla: Antigüedad e Historia Local en el siglo XVIII andaluz.
Abstract: The Andalusian local historiography on Antiquity is a valuable source of archeological, epigraphical and numismatic information, and so used by the compilers pf the great corpora. But its use needs taking care of the historical and academical context conditioning their authors.

LENS TUERO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: Sobre un Mito Platónico y su Pervivencia;
Abstract: The myth Plato's Politicus has exercised a not negligible influence upon later literature. This paper traces some of the stages in this development.

LÓPEZ CASTRO, José Luis, Universidad deGranada: El Foedus de Gadir del 206 a.C.: Una revisión.
Abstract: The paper is a review of the problem of the foedus concluded between Gadir, the phoenician town of South Spain, and Rome in 206 B.C., which have been studied by many scholars from both historical and roman law perspectives. The author suggests a new interpretation of the treaty based on the evidence of litterary sources and on the general context of the Second Punic War in Spain. The foedus would be established with the participation of P. Cornelio Scipion.

LÓPEZ CRUCES, Juan Luis, Universidad de Granada: Sobre la colometria de PMG 836 a (Philoxenus Leucadius) y SH 737 (Stratonicus Atheniensis).
Abstract: In this paper the author defends that in the tricolon formed by blunt hemiepes, prosodiac and iambic penthemimer or enhoplian, a verse attested in Stesichorean poems, the hemiepes can be replaced by isofunctional cola, that is, forms equivalent in rhythm and especially in blunt cadence, like the alkmanium catal. in syllabam and the anapaestic dimeter.

LÓPEZ MUÑOZ, Manuel: Horacio, Odas II, 14: Apuntes para un comentario.
Abstract: In this paper, the author tries a methodological approach to the problem of stylistic commentaries on latin poetical texts. In this sence, the main point of the method is the use of a deductive criterium, not an inductive one. Considering that any analysis aiming at objetivity should be built on the basis of empiric data, either statistical or of any other kind, the author works out a frequential distribution of alliterations and metrical irregularities occuring along Horace's Ode II, 14 to try and determine zones of accumulation of those phaenomena: the target of this delimitation is to be able to divide a text in parts -the first step of a commentary- without the perjudices which we are used to see in the inductive-traditional methodology.

LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Concepción, Universidad de Granada: "Historial de un libro: Presencia de los mitos y los dioses griegos en las obras de Luis Cernuda" Primera parte.
Abstract: Cernuda relates in his Historial de un libro the stories connected with the making of the compilation of his poetical works, La realidad y el deseo. Following this book (Historial de un libro) we understand the true sense of his poems. We notice too that the ancient Greeks are a very important and a basic substract of his poetic conception.
In this paper we have the opportunity of seeing how in La realidad y el deseo, from the first section "Primeras Poesias" to the one called "Donde habite el olvido", the Greeks myths and some kind of Greek sensibility are strategic points in his perception of the "poetic fact."

LUQUE MORENO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: Senario Yámbico y Septenario Trocaico (A propósito de un reciente estudio de Soubiran).
Abstract: Critic review of a recent study on the iambic trimeter and the trocchaic septenar.

MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, Cándida y MUÑOZ MUÑOZ, Francisco A., Universidad de Granada: Hábitat rural romano en el valle del río Caramel-Alcaide (Almería).
Abstract: The Hoya del Marques and the valley of the river Caramel-Alcaide are part of the natural pass between Levante and the South of the Peninsula. At the beginnig of the Roman conquest, the Iberian territorial organization, based on the settlement, was transforrned, with the abandon ment of the settlements and the growing of disperse habitat throughout the territory. The breaking of the Iberian balance and the influences of the new economic organization promoted by Rome can be considered the base of this transformation in the spatial organization of the habitat. It seems evident that during the Roman period the perspectives of economic exploita tion of the region become wider, as can be seen if attention is paid to the situation of the settlements mentioned above. Because of their situation near the Levante region we should relate this group with those, and for that same reason with similar economic, organizative and administrative tendencies.

MUOZ MARTÍN, M Nieves, Universidad de Granada: El sector central del cuerpo epistolar en Cicerón.
Abstract: In this article, the composition of the central part of the Ciceronian letter is analyzed, according as much to units of content as to formal mechanisms of expression. and so, a structure appears which, keeping many contacts with the common Greek letter, is equally liable to be interpreted from the point of view of the norms of classical rhetoric.

NUEZ, Salvador, Universidad de Salamanca: Hacia una tipología de los actos de habla directivos en latín.
Abstract: The diversity of illocutionary functions expressed by the Latin imperative and subjunctive cannot be explained in terms of the semantic feature "volition". Apragmatic study of Latin directive utterances shows a functional structure signalled by the modal predicate "MUST". The distinction between primary and secondary roles and the analysis of the participants' psychological expectations allows for a typology of different classes of Latin directive utterances expressed both by verbal moods and modal verbs.

PASTOR MUÑOZ, Mauricio y PACHÓN ROMERO, Juan Antonio, Universidad de Granada: El Mirador de Rolando (Granada) una prospección con sondeos estratigráficos. Agosto de 1990.
Resumen: El presente trabajo es un ejemplo de lo que hoy es la llamada arqueología urbana: siguiendo la vigente ley de patrimonio, en aquellos lugares donde existen restos arqueológicos, o se presumen que los hay, es necesario hacer un estudio arqueológico, previo a la construcción de edificios, o cualquier otra acción que afecte al subsuelo. Las líneas que siguen son un claro exponente de este tipo de realizaciones, pero además supone la constatación de que la conocida necrópolis ibérica del Mirador de Rolando pudo haberse utilizsdo, no sólo en esa época ibérica, sino desde al menos el siglo VII a.C.
Abstract: This paper is an example of what has come to be known as urban archeology. In accordance with the actual law of Patrimony, it is necessary to carry out an archeological study before any type of construction in those places where these are or might possibly be archeological remains. The following lines are not only a clear exponent of this type of study, but also the proof of the fact that the well-known Iberian necropolis of the Mirador de Rolando was probably used not only in that Iberian era, but also as early, as the seventh century B.C.

PÉREZ MEDINA, María, Universidad de Granada: Dos tradiciones en el paganismo romano del siglo IV?.
Abstract: Our purpose in this concise analysis is to discourse in detail on the possible existence of two traditions in the fourth century Roman Paganism. Accepted the insufficiency of the epigraphy per se to confirm this hypothesis, we'll try a more direct approximation to this problem examining the positions of its more important protagonistes.

PICKLESIMER, María Luisa, Universidad de Granada: Apolo Smintheus y dos cultos de Herakles.
Abstract: The phenomenon of Apollo's association with field and cattle needed an explanation. There is a tendency to connect the cult-name Smintheus (as Parnopios or Nomios) with an aboriginal character of Apollo as a peasant-god, who became lastly, as the god of Delphoi, Apollo the Archer, the musician and physician god. But this evolutionary process would be going against all plausibility. If we try to explain cult-names and aetiological legends dealing with field or cattle, we must take as its starting point Apollo's aboriginal character as an Indo-European magician god, connected with Scandinavian Odinn.

PLÁCIDO, Domingo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Los marcos de la ciudadanía y de la vida ciudadana en Roma y en Atenas en el desarrollo del arcaismo.
Abstract: In some ancient societies, it is possible to find historical processes which are very similar, for instance the origins of the State in Greece and Rome. That is why, from a theoretical point of view, it may be inlightening to study these processes taking into account comparative models. Nonetheless, historians must not be so mechanical as to underestimate historical evidence, however scanty it may be. On the contrary, the aforementioned examples prove, when accuraley analysed, that specific differences are often more important that hypothetical similarities. And that is what we realize in early institutions as well as in social relations of Rome and Athens, althrough both of them ended up as States based on chattel-stavery.

RODRÍGUEZ CORTÉS, Juana, Universidad de Salamanca: Los seviros augustales y las divinidades romanas en la Bética.
Abstract: Religiousness of the seviri augustales from the Spanish Province of Baetica appears to be strongly influenced, as much as for its social status as for the religious propaganda of Emperors. At times it is also possible ti suppose quite accurately the economic reasons wich have led them to make their votive inscriptions for the Roman Deities.

RODRÍGUEZ PAREJA, Amalia, I.B. Padre Suárez, Granada: Nacimiento de la arqueología y la historiografía del arte. Pensamiento patrimonialista de la Ilustración.
Abstract: In this paper the authoress analyzes the reciprocal relations between Classical Scholarship, Archaeology, Historiography, Historiography of Art and the Art heritage, with special reference to Winckelmann's and Lessing's works.

RODRÍGUEZ PEREGRINA, José Manuel, Universidad de Granada: La Égloga IV de Virgilio a través de la Interpretatio allegorica de Luis Vives.
Abstract: Vives' points of view about classic poetry: truth and rhetoric as poetical basic elements. Vive thoughts on Vergil's works. Tradition and innovation in his allegoric commentary on Vergil's fourth Eclogue.


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