Universidad de Granada
Facultad de Ciencias

Abstract: (Chemical Abstract 2000, 133:79624)

Multiple minima of water cluster hypersurfaces are explored to find thermodynamic properties by means of the corresponding partition functions of their canonical distributions. The combination of semiempirical quantum chemical procedures for calculating the cluster energies in local minima of supermolecules and the statistical thermodynamics approach for both the evaluation of macroscopic association energies and the possible reduction by average of absolute errors intrinsic to the parametrized Hamiltonian are shown to provide an appropriate model fur comparison between experimental and theoretical results. The method can explicitly take into account environmental effects due to intermolecular interaction. Water trimer and tetramer association energies of -10.9 and -14.1 kJ/mol obtained from virial coefficient calculations compare very well to the values of -10.5 and -16.4 kJ/mol, respectively, found for the theoretical association energies in this paper.

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