The index is a mixed list of authors and subjects in alphabetical order. References to the articles written by the authors appear alongside their name in capital letters, in chronological order, with the necessary information for finding the article in the journal. Any other authors of the article are named after the individual references. Reviews by the same author are listed under Reviews. The surname(s) of the authors and the year of the original publication of the work reviewed are provided, as wells as the information required to locate the review.

Entries by subject are in lower case and include the references, in chronological order of their publication in the journal, with the surnames of the author(s) in brackets and the information needed to locate the article. A brief description of its contents is also provided.

The authors of reviewed books appear as entries by subject and, therefore, in lower case. If there is more than one author, there is an entry for each author, located alphabetically according to the different authors’ names. The reviewer’s surname is given in brackets, followed by the information required to locate the review in the journal.

Finally, information is included on professional societies and associations, university departments and scientific meetings, provided they are relevant to research. Illustrations such as photographs, drawings or facsimiles are marked by the abbreviation “ret” in the article reference and in the corresponding entries by name and subject. Contributions to the III Symposium of the Spanish Society of Medical History– gathered in Volume 9 of Dynamis have special features appropriate to debates and conclusions, and we have taken certain liberties in order to adapt these contributions to the format of the index.

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