Only original work that has been neither published nor accepted for publication elsewhere will be published.  The journal undertakes to acknowledge receipt of the originals, to send them to specialists for review, and to inform the author of the outcome of the review.  If accepted for publication, the author will be informed of the publication date, and a CD of the contents in PDF format will be provided free of charge.  The authors, for their part, undertake to check the proofs before the deadline set by the journal.

Original papers and books for review should be sent to: DYNAMIS, Historia de la Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada (Spain).

Contributions must be submitted on a PC-compatible diskette accompanied by two printed copies.  It is recommended that articles do not exceed 8,500 words.  The title of the work, and the name, address, title and position of the author(s) should be clearly stated.   The headings of the different sections should be in capitals and italics and the subheadings in lower case and italics.  They should be correctly numbered, following the sequence: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.  Papers should include an ABSTRACT of approximately 100 words and five key words, in the original language and in English translation.



References will appear as text notes according to 2005 ANSI Z39.29 standards, which are described below and can be found in more detail in English at

The first citation of a document will include the complete reference in accordance with the above norms. In subsequent citations, mention of the authors’ surname(s) and the number of the first citation of the publication will suffice: Surname(s), n. N, indicating the pages that correspond to the new citation. [For instance: Porter, n. 5, p. 639-650]. Notes, numbered according to the sequence of their presentation in the text, will appear as footnotes.

Allusions to specific passages of a work must be indicated, giving the page or pages in brackets at the end of the reference.

In the case of multiple authors, up to three names will be mentioned. When there are more than three authors, there is a choice between including all of them and naming only the first author followed by et al.

The use of capital letters will be according to the rules in each language. Titles of books, chapters, or articles will not be systematically written in upper case. However, the first letter of all words (except particles) in journal names will be in upper case.
Common abbreviations:
editor/s: ed./eds.
compiler/s: comp./comps.
page/s: p.
folio/s: f.
document: doc.


Adaptation of 2005 ANSI Z39.29 standards to Dynamis


Porter, Roy. The greatest benefit to mankind. A medical history from antiquity to the present. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 1997. p. 634-645.

Weindling, Paul, ed. International health organizations and movements, 1918-1939. Cambridge: CUP; 1995.


Viner, Russell; Goleen, Janet. Children’s experiences of illness. In: Cooter, Roger; Pickstone, John, eds. Medicine in the twentieth century. Amsterdam: Hartwood Academic Publishers; 2000. p. 575-587.

Bernabeu Mestre, Josep; Perdiguero-Gil, Enrique. At the service of Spain and Spanish children: Mother-and-child healthcare in Spain during the first two decades of Franco´s Regime (1939-1963). In: Löwy, Ilana; Kriege, John, eds. Images of disease. Science, public policy and health in post-war Europe. Luxembourg: European Communities; 2001. p. 167-186.

Nash, Mary. Maternidad, maternología y reforma eugénica en España. In: Duby, Georges; Perrot, Michelle, dirs. Historia de las mujeres en Occidente. Vol. V, El siglo XX. Madrid: Taurus; 1993. p. 627-646.


Rodríguez Ocaña, Esteban. Social history of medicine in Spain. Points of departure and directions for research. Social History of Medicine. 2000; 13(3):495-513.

Fernández Doctor, Asunción; Arcarazo García, Luis A. Asistencia rural en los siglos XVII y XVIII: Los tipos de «conducción» de los profesionales sanitarios en Aragón. Dynamis. 2002; 22:189-208.


Fernández Doctor, Asunción; Arcarazo García, Luis A. Asistencia rural en los siglos XVII y XVIII: Los tipos de «conducción» de los profesionales sanitarios en Aragón. Dynamis [internet article]. 2002 [cited 3 Mar 2007]; 22:189-208. Available at:


Briggs, Laura. The race of hysteria: «Overcivilization» and the «savage». Woman in late nineteenth-century obstetrics and gynecology. American Quarterly [serial publication in internet]. 2000 [cited 2 Jun 2007]; 52(2):246-273. Available at:


Programas sanitarios de los partidos políticos. Tribuna Médica. 15 Oct 1982; (961):35-45.

Centros de Salud antes de mayo del 82. Noticias Médicas. 2 Dic 1981:3.

Problemas sanitarios hasta que no se cumplan los puntos reivindicados. Diario de Murcia. 13 Nov 1981:18.


Sánchez, Dolores El discurso médico de finales del siglo XIX en España y la construcción del género. Análisis de la construcción discursiva de la categoria la-mujer [doctoral thesis]. Universidad de Granada; 2003.


La sexualidad en la historia [unpublished document]. Instituto Mexicano de Sexología; 1995.

Izquierdo-Martín, A. Javier. Cuando la casualidad se vuelve salvaje. Las «coincidencias accidentales» como lugar común en la controversia sobre el origen del Síndrome Tóxico [unpublished document]. Madrid; June 2002.

General rule:
Surname(s), Name [of author of the document/paper, when available]. Title and precise description of the document, with date when available. Name of the file, city (when necessary); site within archive, locator (avoiding data unnecessary for correct location of the document).
Abbreviations: ms. (manuscript); f. (folio); p. (page); doc. (document), no. (number). File, section and leaf are not abbreviated.
Govern de l'Hospital. 1401-1929. 30 files. Administració de l'Establiment, Arxiu de l'Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona; section 1/15.
Dall'Aquila, Sebastiano. Questio de putrescente sanguine. Biblioteca Nazionale, Turín, Italia; ms. G.II.3, f. 69r-90r.
Borgia, César. Letter to: Ercole d'Este. 10 Oct 1501. 1 leaf. Archivio Segretto Estense, Archivio di Stato di Modena; Medici e Medicina, caja 19, doc. 58.
Angulo, Juan de. Plea to: Duque de Pastrana. 4 Oct 1692. 1 leaf. Located in: Archivo General de Palacio, Madrid; file 689, doc. 34.

Solicitud del doctor Juan Bautista Arechederreta para establecer un seminario de medicina en México. 17 Jul 1804. Archivo del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid; cuarta división, no. 22, Fondo «Real Expedición Botánica a Nueva España. Sessé y Mociño» (1787-1819).


General rule:

Surname(s), Name of webpage author when indicated. Title of page. [date of update; date of citation]. Available at: URL

Inclusion of the date of update is optional.


Fresquet, José L. [updated 13 Jul 2007; cited 19 Jul 2007]. Available at:


Fresquet, José L. Epónimos y biografías médicas; [updated 26 May 2007; cited 19 Jul 2007]. Available at: