DYNAMIS. Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam. Granada. ISSN: 0211-9536 Legal deposit nº: GR. 419-1981.

DYNAMIS is an annual publication consisting of approximately 450 pages. It accepts original papers (articles, notes or documents) on the History of Medicine and Health or the History of the Sciences, written in any language of the European Union. All original submissions are subjected to anonymous prepublication peer review by two experts.

Papers published in DYNAMIS are included in the following indexes and databases:

PubMed (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, U.S.A.);); Isis: Critical Bibliography (History of Science Society, Philadelphia, U.S.A.); Current Work (The Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London); Historical Abstracts (Santa Barbara); Bibliografía sobre la ciencia y la técnica en España (Asclepio, Madrid); Índice Médico Español (C.S.I.C., Valencia); Isoc-Historia del CINDOC (CSIC); FRANCIS (C.N.R.S., Paris); Medizin historisches Journal: Internationale Zeitschriftenschau (Mainz) and Latindex (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).

The printed version is published with the assistance of the Department of Education University and Research Commission of the Andalusian Regional Government; the HUM – 773 History of Medicine Research Group; and the Research Vicerectorates of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Miguel Hernández University.

The web page is produced with the support of the Carlos III Institute of Health.