Articles Volume 25 (2005)

IV Dynamis Prize for the promotion of research into the history of medicine and health

MATIANA GONZÁLEZ SILVA. From the sociological factor to the genetic factor. Genes and disease in the pages of El País (1976-2002) Dynamis, 2005 (PDF)


1.—Introduction. 2.—Genes and disease in El País. 2.1.—Genetics, one more hypothesis (1976-1980). 2.2.—A radical change of direction in aetiology (1981-1987). 2.3.—The reign of the gene (1988-1998). 2.4.—Some cracks in the edifice (1999-2002). 3.—Conclusions.


Transformations in the Spanish public discourse on the link between genes and disease are analysed by an attentive reading of the journalistic texts published in El País between 1976 and 2002, and the newspaper’s model of popularisation is explored. Whereas in the seventies a social and complex vision of disease was favoured, by the nineties the genetic approach was predominant. El País supported this «geneticisation» and fostered an increasingly neutral and apolitical image of science.