News Volume 17 (1997)

Workshop on «The crisis of 1898 and Spanish medicine» (Seville, 19-20 December 1997)


Conference on Comparative Perspectives on the History of Sexuality transmitted Diseases (London, April 1996) (Article in Spanish)

        Ramón Castejón Bolea


Conference on «Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter-Reformation Europe, 1540-1700» (Barcelona, June 1996)

        Kathy Haemers


10th National Congress of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine: Twentieth Century Medicine (Malaga, February 1996) (Article in Spanish)

        Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Sánchez


9th Conference of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine, on Perspectives on the History of Medicine (Granada, April1997) (Article in SPanish)

        José Valenzuela; Mikel Astrain