About Me

I developed my academic career primarily in Spain and Italy, having the opportunity to benefit from interdisciplinary and fruitful research environments, and establishing strong links with the scientific community. This lasting relationship, resulted in the development of a strong collaborative network conformed by experts in a variety of fields such as History and Archaeology, Environmental Sciences, Agronomy, Botany, Hidrology, Hidrogeology, Geography, History of Construction, Spatial Planning, Topography and Photogrammetry, Computer Systems and Languages and Graphic Computing. This research network facilitated collaboration and information exchange, nurturing my research interests and widening theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of historical landscapes analysis, medieval construction techniques in relation to spatial organization, and the application of new technologies to Archaeology.

Contact Details

Dpto. Historia Medieval y CC. TT. HH. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Granada
+34 958 249 774
civantos@ugr.es - www.ugr.university


Associate Professor

University of Granada Tenured position

Department of Medieval History and Historiographical Techniques.


in 27 research projects and 19 research contracts in Spain, Italy, Morocco and Albania.

Principal Investigator

in 11 projects and in 14 research contracts.


by the European Commission with a FP-7 research grant of almost 2,500,000 € for the study of Mediterranean Mountainous Landscapes in Albania, Italy and Spain.


of 75 publications, including 34 articles, 18 chapters, 5 monographs and 15 congress proceedings. Scientific responsible29 archaeological campaigns.

Technical advisor

for heritage conservation strategies and protection policy proposals.

Curator of archaeology

and Arab medieval architecture in the Museum of Alcazaba de Ferreira (Granada) and Museum of the Mining Park of Cerro del Toro, (Granada).


of The Laboratory of Archaeology, that aims for collaboration between the private and academic sectors combining traditional archaeological approaches and newly developed scientific techniques.

Active advocate

for community and local authorities involvement in the protection of tangible and intangible heritage as strategy for local sustainability and socioeconomic development.

International Prizes/Awards


CEI-Biotic University of Granada International Campus Excellence Research Prize.


Ramón y Cajal Award (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science).


Posdoctoral Fellowship Università degli Studi di Siena.


Predoctoral Felowship (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science).

Leadership of Research Expeditions


Archaeological excavation of Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani, Italy). MEMOLA project; Spanish Ministry of Culture; Max Van Berchem Foundation.


Archaeological excavation of Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada, Spain). MEMOLA project.


Archaeological survey in Trapani Mountains (Italy). MEMOLA project.


Archaeological excavation and analysis of Illora castle (Granada). Ministry of Public Works.


Archaeological excavation of Baida 01 (Castellamare del Golfo) and Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci), Trapani, Italy). Spanish Ministry of Culture.


Vjosa Valley Survey, Permet, Albania. Butrint Foundation.


Archaeological Survey in Trapani Mountains. Spanish Ministry of Culture.


Archaeological intervention to support the creation of an archaeological park in the Alcazaba in Guadix. Andalucía Regional Government.



José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Montainous landscape domestication. Management of non-cultivated productive areas in Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almeria, Spain)”, Postclassical Archaeologies, 4 (2014), pp. 99-130

Antonio ROTOLO, José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS, Mª Teresa BONET GARCÍA “IDRISI Project - ARPATRA: Risultati preliminari del progetto “Archeologia del paesaggio medievale a Castellammare del Golfo e Buseto Palizzolo (TP)”, Sicilia Archeologica, 106 (2014)

Markus EGLI, Luciano GRISTINA, Guido WIESENBERG, Agata NOVARA, Dagmar BRANDOVÁ, Jose María MARTÍN CIVANTOS, Antonio ROTOLO, Salvatore RAIMONDI “From pedologic indications to archaeological reconstruction: deciphering land use in the Islamic period in the Baida district (north-western Sicily)”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40 (2013), pp. 2670-2685

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Working in Landscape Archaeology: Social and Territorial Significance of the Agricultural Revolution in al-Andalus”, Early Medieval Europe, 19 (4), (2011), pp. 1-26

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS, RAYA GARCÍA, S “La alcazaba de Guadix: de fortaleza andalusí a cuartel militar napoleónico”,Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Pedro Suárez, 22 (2009), pp. 283-296

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Las aguas de Jérez del Marquesado (Granada): Un paisaje histórico en la cara Norte de Sierra Nevada”, Tecnología del Agua, 299 (2008), pp. 69-80

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “La minería altomedieval en la kura de Ilbira (provincias de Granada y Almería, España)”, Arqueología Medievale, XXXII (2005), pp. 35-49; 3

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Proposta preliminare di sistematizzazione delle tecniche costruttive d’al-Andalus nel territorio di Ilbira-Granada (Andalusia, Spagna)”, Archeologia dell’Architettura, IX (2004), pp. 105-118

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Alcázar, una alquería en la cara Norte de Sierra Nevada (Granada)”, Edad Media, 6 (2004), pp. 227- 258

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “El marquesado del Zenete, un modelo de implantación castellana en el reino de Granada”, Chronica Nova, 30(2004), pp. 371- 400

Research Monographs and Book chapters

Julio ROMÁN PUNZÓN y José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Aproximación al poblamiento tardoantiguo en Andalucía”, en Raúl CATALÁN, Patricia FUENTES y José Carlos Sastre (Eds): Las fortificaciones en la Tardoantigüedad. Élites y articulación del territorio (siglos V-VIII). Madrid, 2014, pp. 57-78.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS y Mariano MARTÍN GARCÍA “Analysis parameters for sistematization of rammed earth walls in Granada and Almería (Andalucía, Spain)”, en Camila MILETO, Fernando VEGAS y CRISTINI (eds.): Rammed Earth Conservation. Taylor & Francis Group. Londres, 2012, pp. 175-180.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Sistemas hidráulicos de la cara Norte de Sierra Nevada”.En GUINOT, E. (ed.): Hidráulica i societat feudal. Practiques, tècniques, espais. Valencia, 2012.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Hydraulic Archaeolgy in South-East Spain Montainous Landscapes”. En BROGIOLO, G.P. ANGELUCCI, D.E., COLECCHIA, A. y REMONDINO, F. (eds.): APSAT 1. Teoria e metodi della ricerca sui paesaggi d’altura. Mantua, 2012.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “El río Alhama de Guadix: un paisaje singular en la cara Norte de Sierra Nevada (Granada).” En JIMÉNEZ PUERTAS, M. y MATTEI, L. (eds.): El paisaje y su dimensión arqueológica. Granada, 2010, pp. 77-113.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “La minería medieval en Andalucía Oriental”. En PÉREZ MACÍAS, J.A. y CARRIAZO CINAGA, J.L (eds.): Estudios de minería medieval en Andalucía. Huelva, 2010, pp. 109-130.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Estudio arqueológico del paisaje en la cara norte de Sierra Nevada y tierra de Guadix durante la época medieval”, en MALPICA CUELLO, A. (ed.): Análisis de los paisajes históricos. De al-Andalus a la sociedad feudal. Granada, 2009, pp. 81-103.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS (ed) Medio Ambiente y Arqueología Medieval. Granada, Spain, 2008.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS Poblamiento y territorio medieval en el Zenete (Granada). Granada, Spain, 2007.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS Descubre Guadix. Ruta de la Herencia Árabe. Granada, Spain, 2007.

Invited Presentations

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Archaeology of Medieval Irrigated Spaces in South-East Spain”. En KLAPSTE, J. y SOMMER, P.(ed.): VIIIth Ruralia International Conference: ‘Processing, Storage, Distribution of Food – Food in the Medieval Rural Environment’. Tournhout, 2011, pp. 11-29.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Idrografia e paesaggi sociali nella Sierra Nevada”. Costruzione e durata dei paesaggi storici. Gattatico (Regio nell’Emilia, Italia). 23-24 septiembre de 2011.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS, MARTÍN GARCÍA, M “Técnicas y tipologías constructivas de las fortificaciones medievales del poniente almeriense”, en Actas del VII Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción. Santiago de Compostela, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 851-860.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Del distrito castral a la alquería: las fortificaciones andalusíes en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica (Granada-Almería)”. II Simposio Internacional sobre Castelos. Fortificaçoes e Territorio na Península Iberica e no Magreb (seculos VI-XVI). Óbidos (Portugal). 10-13 diciembre de 2010.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “La formación de la tierra de Guadix (Granada).” En MALPICA CUELLO, Antonio, PEINADO, Rafael y FÁBREGAS, Adela (Eds). VII Coloquio de Historia de Andalucía. Granada, 2010, pp. 49-64.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS y MARTÍN GARCÍA, M “Técnicas y tipologías constructivas de las fortificaciones medievales de la Axarquía almeriense”. En VI Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción. Vol. II. Valencia, 2009, pp. 815-825.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Working in Landscape Archaeology: the social significance of agricultural revolution in al-Andalus”. 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo-Michigan (EE.UU.). 2008

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Il territorio stratificato: proposte dall’Archeologia del Paesaggio”. En FRANCOVICH, R. y VALENTI, M. (ed.): Atti del IV Congresso nazionale di Archeologia Medievale. Florencia, 2006, pp. 3-8.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “Sobre el castillo de Montawri y la pervivencia de los distritos castrales en el s. XI”, JIMÉNEZ ALCÁZAR, J. F., ORTUÑO MOLINA, J. y SOLER MILL J. L. (ed.): Actas del II Simposio de Jóvenes Medievalistas. Murcia, 2006, pp. 153- 168.

José Mª MARTÍN CIVANTOS “El cerro del Toro y la minería de la Kura de Ilbira (Granada-Almería)”, en PUCHE RIART, O. y AYARGÜENA SANZ, M.: Minería y metalurgia históricas en el Sudoeste europeo. Madrid, 2005, pp. 101-125.

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