European Integration & Globalization


Centre of Excellence



mic Year 2013-2014
Activities (September 2014-June 2015)


Country: Spain

Professor in charge:

Title: Prof. Dr.

First name: Francisco

Family name: Balaguer Callejón

University: University of Granada

Faculty: Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Constitucional

Address: Plaza de la Universidad s/n

Postal Code: 18001 Granada

Tel: +/0034 618775782 Fax: +/00 34 958 246290


Site internet:

Title: Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G)

Type of Project: Centre of Excellence








Activities carried out during the academic year 2014-2015:

- Within the European Centre of excellence :


-Economic and political perspectives of the European integration (UNED, F. Balaguer/Y.Gómez). Optional, postgraduate studies, 20 hours, 50 students.

-European Constitutucional Law (F. Balaguer). Optional, undergraduate studies, 60 hours, 16 students.

-Institutions of European Law (M. Azpitarte). Optional, undergraduate studies, 60 hours, 50 students.

-Model of Governance and European integration (Yolanda Gómez). Optional, postgraduate studies, 20 hours, 73 students.

-Multilevel and Fundamental Rights (Yolanda Gómez). Optional, postgraduate studies, 20 hours, 73 students.

-Official Master of the Law Faculty at the University of Granada, European Constitutional Law. Optional, postgraduate studies, 600 hours, 9 students.





1.- Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho: “The principle of equality in European Constitutional Law”, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

2.- Giuseppe Re: “Relationships between European Law and National law”, in co-direction with Professor Andrea Piraino, University of Palermo, Italy.

3.- Luis Felipe Medina Rey: “The principle of institutional autonomy and the distribution of competences between the European Union, the State and the Autonomous Communities”, University of Granada, Spain.

4.- Pedro Serrano León: “Delegated acts in the Lisbon Treaty”, University of Granada, Spain

5.- Cláudia Perotto Biagi: "The implementation of the right to family life in the European Union: a reflection on citizenship and fundamental rights", University of Granada.

6.- Claudio Arrepol: "The economic crisis in Europe and the role of the European Central Bank under a constitutional perspective", University of Granada, Spain.

7.- Marta Capesciotti: “The foreigners' access to housing in the Spanish and Italian law. A comparative analysis”, in co-direction with Professor Marco Benvenuti, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

8.- Kaiana Coralina do Monte Vilar " Cooperative State and supranational integration in the context of globalization ", in co-direction with Profesor Gilmar Ferreira Mendes. University of Brasilia (Brasil).

9.-João Marcos Amaral “Isonomy of federative entities as an instrument for democratic consolidation”, in co-direction with Professor José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior, University of São Paulo.



Director: Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez:

Valentina Faggiani: “Penal justice in the European Union. Towards harmonisation of justice rights”, Granada University, 23.1.2015. Co-direction of Professor Roberto Bin (Ferrara University, Italy). Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude (unanimous).




· Direction (Francisco Balaguer) of the International Congress “EL IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS ECONÓMICA EN LAS INSTITUCIONES DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA Y DE LOS ESTADOS MIEMBROS” (The economic crisis and its impact on the European Union institutions and the Member States), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Granada, Spain, 10 and 11.2.2015.


Dra. Cristina Elías Méndez (UNED, Spain): “El papel de las instituciones europeas ante la crisis” (The role of European institutions during the crisis). Dr. Augusto Aguilar Calahorro (University of Granada, Spain): “La posición del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en relación con las medidas adoptadas frente a la crisis” (The European Court of Justice judging the anti-crisis measures). Dr. Marco Benvenuti (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy), "Le misure anticrisi adottate dall'Unione europea (tra continuità delle scelte istituzionali, integrazione negativa e decostituzionalizzazione del diritto sovranazionale)" (The anti-crisis measures approved by the European Union –continuity, negative integration and the weakening of supranational constitutional law). Dra. Katia Blairon (University of Lorena, France) “Francia, Quelle solution territoriale aux défis économiques?” (France, what territorial solution for the economic problems?). Dr. Doña Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho (University of Coimbra, Portugal), “Austeridad y derechos fundamentales en Portugal: episodios de una crisis interminable” (Austerity and fundamental rights in Portugal: chapter of an unfinished crisis). Andrea Romano (University of La Sapienza, Rome, Italy), “Towards Brexit? La relación entre Reino Unido y Unión europea ante los retos de la crisis financiera” (Towards Brexit? The relationship between United Kingdom and the European Union under the light of the financial crisis). Dr. María Daniela Poli (University of Bari, Italy): “Alemania: “La "formica" teutonica e le "cicale" mediterranee: le contraddizioni della locomotiva tedesca” (Germany: the Teutonic “ant” and the Mediterranean grasshopper: The contradiction of the German locomotive). Helen Kerr (University of Granada): “Irlanda: The Impact of the Economic Crisis in Ireland” (Ireland: the impact of the economic crisis in Ireland). Dra. Giulia Aravantinou Leonidi (University of La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) “L'impatto della crisi sull'ordinamento costituzionale della Repubblica di Grecia” (The impact of the economic crisis on the constitutional order of Greece). Dr. Fausto Vecchio (University of Kore de Enna, Italy): “Quo vadis Europa. La degenerazione populistica ungherese tra crisi economica e crisi costituzionale” (Quo Vadis Europa? The populist Hungarian degeneration an economic and constitutional crisis). Dr. Valentina Faggiani, (University of Granada, Spain), “¿A green island in the EU economic crisis?”. Ulrike Haider (University Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, Italy) “L'Unionsverfassungsrecht austriaco alla prova della crisi económica europea” (L'Unionverfassungsrecht from Austria under the pressure of the economic crisis). Dr. Augusto Aguilar (University of Granada, Spain), “España: El renacimiento de la política frente a la economía” (The renassence of politics against economy). Dr. Hugo Cesar Aráujo de Gusmão (State University of Paraíba, Brasil): “Brasil: Políticas públicas y efectividad de los Derechos Sociales de la Constitución de 1988 en los tiempos de crisis” (Brasil, public policies and effective social rights of the 1988 Constitution under the economic crisis). Dr. Elena Rafalyuk (Comparative Law Institute, Moscow, Russia) “Manifestación de la crisis económica global en Rusia: la experiencia de superación y desafíos modernos" (The global economic crisis in Russia: the experience of overcoming difficulties and setting contemporary goals). Zhenyan Xi (University of Sichuan, China): “China's Growth Path to Innovative and Sustainable Economic Development”. Dr. Laura Frosina (University of La Sapienza de Rome, Italy) “Las reformas constitucionales relativas a la estabilidad presupuestaria” (Constitutional reforms linked to the budget equilibrium). Dra. Sabrina Ragone (CEPC, Madrid, Spain): “La incidencia de la crisis en la distribución del poder entre Parlamentos y Gobiernos nacionales” (The impact of economic crisis on the distribution of powers between Governments and Parliament). Dr. Greta Massa Gallerano (University of Calabria, Italy): “La incidencia de la crisis en la distribución territorial del poder” (The impact of the crisis on the territorial organization). Dr. Tommaso Poli (University of Bari, Italy): “Corti costituzionali e governance economica: democrazia e diritti fondamentali nel turbine della crisi” (Constitutional Courts and economic governance: democracy and fundamental rights into the crisis). D. Francesco Corfiati (University of Granada): “I negativi effetti delle politiche orientate ad affrontare la crisi economica sui diritti costituzionali” (The negative impact of policies orientated against the crisis). Dr. Angelo Schillaci (University of Teramo, Italy): “Democracia, derechos y movimientos sociales: dimensiones constitucionales de la crisis” (Democracy, rights and social movements: constitutional dimensions of the crisis).

· Direction (Francisco Balaguer with Fabrizio Sciacca) of the Congress “PERSPECTIVAS NACIONALES Y SUPRANACIONALES DEL DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL EN EL CONTEXTO DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (National and supranational perspectives of constitutional law in the context of globalization), organized by the University of Catania, Political Science and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Catania (Italy), 6.2.2015.


Prof. Dr. Vasco Pereira da Silva, Prof. Dr. Antonio Ruggeri, Prof. Dr. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, El Derecho constitucional en perspectiva global (Constitutional law in a global perspective). Prof. Dr. Maria João Estorninho, Prof. Dr. Silvio Gambino, Prof. Dr. Antonello Miranda, Profesora Dr. Delia La Rocca, El Derecho constitucional supranacional. El modelo europeo (Supranational Constitutional law. The European Model). Prof. Dr. Roberto Di Maria, Prof. Dr. Edoardo Raffiotta, Prof. Dr. Biagio Ando`, El Derecho constitucional nacional frente a los procesos de globalizacio´n y de integracio´n supranacional (National Constitutional Law under the context of globalization and supranational integration). Prof. Dr. Andrea Piraino, Prof. Dr. Ingo Sarlet, Prof. Dr. Fausto Vecchio, El Derecho constitucional supranacional en su relación con el interno. Perspectivas desde Europa y América Latina (Supranational Constitutional law in its relationship with domestic law. Perspectives from Europe and Latin America).

· Direction (Francisco Balaguer with José Tudela Aranda) of the Congress “LA U´LTIMA EVOLUCIO´N DE LA UNIO´N EUROPEA EN EL CONTEXTO GLOBAL. HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR Y MAGISTRADO LUIS ORTEGA A´LVAREZ” (Recent evolution of the European Union in the global context. In honor of professor and judge, Luis Ortega Álvarez), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G) and the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation. La Aljaferi´a, Zaragoza, 5.5. 2015.


Prof. Dr. Francisco Rubio Llorente, University Complutense and Ex-Judge, Constitutional Court, Opening lecture. Prof. Dr. Francisco Balaguer Callejo´n, University of Granada: “La integracio´n europea en el contexto de la globalizacio´n” (European Integration in the context of globalization). Prof. Dr. Paloma Biglino, University of Valladolid: “Unio´n Europea y legitimidad democra´tica” (European Union and democratic legitimacy). Prof. Dr. Gregorio Ca´mara Villar: “Constitucio´n y crisis econo´mica en Espan~a en el marco europeo” (Constitution and economic crisis in Spain under the European frame). Dr. Mario Ko¨lling, Gime´nez Abad Foundation: “El Presupuesto de la Unio´n y la crisis econo´mica” (Union's Budget and economic crisis). Prof. Dr. Isaac Marti´n Delgado, University of Castilla-La Mancha: “La responsabilidad de las Comunidades Auto´nomas por el incumplimiento del Derecho de la Unio´n Europea" (Comunidades Autónomas responsibility for the breach of European Law). Prof. Dr. Juan Francisco Sa´nchez Barrilao, University of Granada: “Unio´n Europea y globalizacio´n: reivindicando la Europa de los ciudadanos” (European Union and globalization: Europe for its citizens). Prof. Dr. Enrique Guille´n Lo´pez, University of Granada: “Eleccio´n y necesidad en el Derecho constitucional europeo” (Choice and necessity in European Constitutional Law). Prof. Dr. Augusto Aguilar Calahorro, University of Granada: “El Tribunal de Justicia frente a una integracio´n en crisis” (The European Court of Justice in relation to an integration on crisis).

· Direction (Francisco Balaguer) of the Workshop “CRISIS ECONO´MICA Y GLOBALIZACIO´N DESDE LA PERSPECTIVA EUROPEA” (Economic crisis and Globalization from an European perspective), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), University of Granada, 8.5. 2015.


Prof. Dr. Francisco Caaman~o Domi´nguez, University of Valencia and Emeritus Justice Minister: “Europa: el espi´ritu constitucional del libre comercio" (Europe, the constitutional spirit of free exchange). Prof. Dr. Carlos Closa Montero, European University Institute: “Los cambios en la gobernanza econo´mica y la mutacio´n constitucional de la UE” (Changes in economic governance and constitutional mutation in Europe). Prof. Dr. Juan Francisco Sa´nchez Barrilao, University of Granada: “Crisis europea ante la crisis econo´mica y la globalizacio´n” (European crisis under the light of economic crisis and globalization). Prof. Dr. Manuel Lo´pez Escudero, University of Granada, “Reforma de la gobernanza econo´mica de la UE tras la crisis” (Economic governance of the European Union: its reform after the crisis). Prof. Dr. Enrique Guille´n Lo´pez, University of Granada: “Narrativa de la crisis: el paradigma constitucional” (The narrative of the crisis: constitutional paradigm). Prof. Dr. D. Miguel Otero, Real Instituto Elcano: “Los Desafi´os de la Economi´a Europea en la Nueva Era del Estancamiento Secular” (The challenges of the European Economy and the New Era of Secular Stagnation).

· Coordination (Francisco Balaguer with Fulco Lanchester), of the International Congress “PARLAMENTI NAZIONALI E UNIONE EUROPEA NELLA GOVERNANCE MULTILIVELLO” (National Parliaments and the European Union in a multilevel governance) – PRIN 2010-2011”, organized by Political Science Department, University of “La Sapienza”, Rome (Italy) and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Camera dei Deputati, Rome, 13.5. 2015.


Prof. Dieter Grimm (Introduction Conference), Prof. Paolo Ridola, Prof. Paola Bilancia, Prof. Yolanda Gómez, Prof. Stefano Ceccanti, Prof. Paola Piciacchia, Prof. Filippo Scuto, Dott. Alfredo Storto, Prof. Corrado Caruso: “Parlamenti nazionali e Unione europea: il contributo dei parlamenti nazionali alla formazione del diritto europeo dopo Lisbona” (National Parliaments and European Union: the contribution of national parliaments to the construction of European law after Lisbon). Prof. Maria João Storninho, Prof. Antonio Giangiorgio Zorzi Giustiniani, Prof. Jörg Luther, Dott. Giovanni Rizzoni, Prof. Carlo Curti Gialdino, Prof. Rino Casella, Prof. Antonella Sciortino: “I parlamenti nazionali nella governance economica e finanziaria europea” (National parliaments on the European budget and fiscal governance). Prof. Vasco Pereira da Silva, Prof. Anna Papa, Prof. Giulia Caravale, Prof. Stéphane Pinon, Prof. Florian Savonitto, Prof. Astrid Zei, Prof. José María Porras Ramírez, Prof. Giulia Aravantinou Leonidi, Prof. Barbara Guastaferro: “Il modello europeo di integrazione e la multilevel governance europea” (The European Model of integration and the European multilevel governance). Prof. Fernanda Bruno, Prof. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Prof. Doña Mariana Rodriguez Canotilho, Prof. Markus Kotzur, Prof. Lothar Michael, Prof. Fausto Vecchio, Prof. Eva Lehner, Dott. Peter Lewis Geti: “Il modello europeo di integrazione nella prospettiva del dialogo tra le Corti costituzionali e i Parlamenti nazionali” (The European Model of integration and the dialogue between Constitutional courts and Parliaments) . Prof. Enzo Cheli, Prof. Michela Manetti, Prof. Roberto Borrello, Prof. Marco D'Alberti, Prof. Giulio Vesperini, Prof. Paolo Mezzanotte, Prof. Andrea Frosini: “I parlamenti nazionali e le autorità indipendenti nell'Unione europea” (National Parliaments and independent authorities in the European Union). Prof. Diego Valadés, Prof. Gilmar Mendes, Prof. Gregorio Cámara Villar, Prof. Augusto Aguilar, Prof. Beatrice Ilaria Bonafè, Prof. Angelo Schillaci: “Il modello europeo e le altre esperienze di integrazione sovranazionale” (The European Model and other experiences of supranational integration). Prof. Fulco Lanchester, On. Francesco Boccia, President of the V Commission (Budget), On. Gianpiero D'Alia, President of the Commission for regional affairs, On. Ermete Realacci, President of the VIII Commission (Nature protection, territory and infrastructures) : Il salto di qualità: dalla governance al government (A quantitative turn: from governance to government) Prof. Antonio D'Atena, Prof. Peter Häberle (Final conference).


· Direction (Francisco Balaguer) of the following Seminars:

- Prof. Dr. Eduardo Espín Templado. Judge of the Supreme Court and Professor at the University of Castilla- La Mancha: "¿Independencia de una Comunidad Autónoma?: Constitución Española y Unión Europea", (Secession of a Comunidad Autónoma? Spanish Constitution and European Union), Law Faculty, University of Granada, 14.11.2014.

- Prof. Dr. Elisa Pérez Vera, Emeritus Judge of the Constitutional Court and Emeritus Professor at the UNED: "La ciudadanía europea" (On European citizenship), Law Faculty, University of Granada, 28.11.2014.

· Direction (Francisco Balaguer with Ingo Sarlet and José Antonio Montilla) of the International Seminar “TRANSPARENCIA Y DERECHO A LA INFORMACIÓN EN BRASIL Y ESPAÑA” (Transparency and the right to information in Brazil and Spain), Granada, Spain, 2.2.2015


Dr. Francisco Balaguer (University of Granada): “Presentación” (Introduction). Dr. Ingo Sarlet (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul): “El derecho a la información en Brasil: una visión panorámica” (The right to be informed in Brazil: a panoramic view). Dr. José A. Montilla (University of Granada): “Transparencia y derecho a la información en España” (Transparency and the right to information in Spain). Dra. Regina Ruaro (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul): “Protección de datos y derecho a la información en Brasil” (Data protection and the right to information in Brazil). Francisco Bombillar (University of Granada): Datos médicos y derecho a la información en España (Medical data and the right to be informed in Spain).



Lectures, seminaries and doctoral courses:

1. “Derecho Constitucional Europeo, crisis económica y globalización” (European Constitutional Law, economic crisis and globalization), a ten hours course taught at the Lisbon School of Law, Univesity of Lisbon, Portugal, 15-19.9.2014.

2. “Costituzione e democrazia pluralista in Europa nel contesto della globalizzazione” (Constitution and pluralist democracy in Europe in the context of globalization), lecture given at the Congress Quo Vadis Europa? Stabilità e crescita nell'ordinamento europeo (Quo Vadis Europa? Stability and growth in the European legal order), organized by the University of Urbino, (Italy), 9.10. 2014.

3. “Crisi economica e futuro dell'Europa” (Economic crisis and the future of Europe), lecture given at the University of Palermo, Political Science Department, Palermo, 18.11.2014.

4. “Modelo de Estado y reforma constitucional: la propuesta federal” (Territorial organization and constitutional reform: the federal proposal), lecture given at the University of Alicante, 26.11.2014.

5. “Perspectivas políticas y económicas de la integración europea”, (Political and economic perspectives in the European integration”, course taught at the European Union doctoral program of the UNED, and organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G) and the UNED, Madrid, 11.12.2014.

6. “El Tratado de Lisboa en el contexto del proceso de constitucionalización de la Unión Europea” (The Lisbon Treaty in the context of constitutional process of the European Union). Course taught in the Official Master of the Law Faculty, University of Granada, European Constitutional Law. Official Postgrad organized in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair on European Constitutional Law and the Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” on European Constitutional Law and Globalization. Quality Mention of the Spanish Government. 10-13.11.2014 and 9, 12, 16, 17.2.2015.

7. “Derecho Constitucional Europeo y Globalización” (European Constitutional Law and Globalization). Course taught in the Official Master of the Law Faculty, University of Granada, European Constitutional Law. Official Postgrad organized in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair on European Constitutional Law and the Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” on European Constitutional Law and Globalization. Quality Mention of the Spanish Government. 20.11.2014 and 18-19.2.2015.

8. “I Parlamenti sub-statali e la costruzione di una democrazia pluralista a livello europeo”, (Infra-state parliaments and the construction of a pluralist democracy at the European level), lecture given at the Workshop on Infra-State Parliaments at the national and European dimension, organized by the Political Science Department, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, 29.1.2015.

9. “El Derecho constitucional supranacional. El modelo europeo”, (Supranational Constitutional Law. The European Model), lecture given at the International Congress on National and Supranational Perspectives of Constitutional Law at the context of Globalization, organized by the University of Catania, Political Science Doctorate and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Catania (Italy), 6.2.2015.

10. “I Parlamenti sub-statali e la costruzione di una democrazia pluralista a livello europeo” (Infra-state parliaments and the construction of a pluralist democracy at the European level), lecture given at the International Congress on subnational parliaments at the national and European dimension, organized by the Political Science Department, Universiy of “La Sapienza”, Camera dei Deputati, Rome, 5.3.2015.

11. “Pluralismo territorial y democracia” (Territorial pluralism and democracy), lecture given at the XXV Seminar of Territorial Studies: Constitutional reform and Autonomic State, organized by the Castilla-La Mancha University, Toledo, 12.3.2015.

12. “Théorie des sources du droit” (Theory of sources of law), course taught as Professeur Invité at the University of Montpellier, France, 25.3.2015.

13. “L'impact de la crise économique dans le droit constitutionnel des États membres de l'UE” (The impact of the economic crisis at the constitutional law of the Member States of the European Union), course taught as Professeur Invité at the University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 27.3.2015.

14. “La crise économique et le droit constitutionnel européen” (The economic crisis and the European constitutional law), course taught as Professeur Invité at the University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 28.3.2015.

15. “La méthodologie du droit constitutionnel européen” (European Constitutional Law Methodology), course taught as Professeur Invité, at the University of Montpellier for students of the Máster at the Centre d'Études et de Recherches Comparatives Constitutionnelles et Politiques (CERCOP), Montpellier, France, 28.3.2015.

16. “La integracio´n europea en el contexto de la globalizacio´n”, (The European integration in the context of globalization), lecture given at the Congress on Recent evolution of the European Union in the global context. In honor of professor and judge, Luis Ortega Álvarez, organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G) and the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation. La Aljaferi´a, Zaragoza, 5.5. 2015.

17. “Il modello europeo di integrazione e la sua incidenza sulle Corti costituzionali e sui Parlamenti nazionali”, (The European integration model and its impact on constitutional courts and national parliaments), lecture given at the International Congress National on Parliaments and European Union at the multilevel governance” – PRIN 201-2011, organized by the Political Science Department, University “La Sapienza” and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Camera dei Deputati, Rome, 13.5.2015.

18. “La unidad del ordenamiento jurídico” (The unity of the legal system), Lecture given at the Judicial Academy of Peru for judges of the Supreme Court of Peru, under the framework of the twenty-first anniversary of the Academy. Lima, 21.7.2015.

19. “La unidad del ordenamiento jurídico” (The unity of the legal system), Lecture given at the Judicial Academy of Peru for judges and prosecutors, under the framework of the twenty-first anniversary of the Academy. Lima, 22.7.2015.

20. “La unidad del ordenamiento jurídico” (The unity of the legal system), Lecture given at the Judicial Academy of Peru for judges and prosecutors, under the framework of the twenty-first anniversary of the Academy. Arequipa, 23.7.2015.



Valentina Faggiani: “Penal justice in the European Union. Towards harmonisation of justice rights”, Granada University, 23.1.2015. Direction of Miguel Azpitarte (University of Granada) and Roberto Bin (Ferrara University, Italy). Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude (por unanimidad).Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude (unanimous) –best grade possible.



1. Intergenerational violence in the Spanish Law, in the Seminar on Intergenerational violence in the European Unión Law, UNED/UAB, 29-30.3 2015.

2. “Access and benefit sharing”, in the International Conference on “Emerging Technologies and Human Rights”. Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO). Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 3-4.5. 2015.

3. Commissioni per gli affari europei. Parlamenti nazionali e Unione Europea: il contributo dei parlamenti nazionali alla formazione del Diritto Europeo dopo Lisbona (Parliament Commission for European Affairs: National Parliaments and European Union in the formation of European law after Lisbon), in International Congress for National Parliaments and European Union in the multilevel governance, Camera dei Deputati /Udell'Università Di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, 12-13.5.2015.

4. “International Conference on “The Principle of Equality in EU Law”, Bologna University, 18-19.5.2015.

5. “El impacto de las medidas contra la crisis” (The Impact of the anti-crisis European measures). (29.6.2015), in European Democracy in the XXI Century. Social changes and political forces. El Escorial, 29.6-3.7.2015.

6. Mejores prácticas en investigación. Responsabilidad e integridad en la investigación (Research best practices. Responsibility and research integrity), en Aspectos éticos en proyectos de investigación con personas (Ethical aspects in research persons with humans), Aragon Biomedical Research Centre/University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 22.1. 2015.

7. Aspectos éticos de la investigación con IPs (Research ethical aspects of IP's), University of Granada, 10.3.2015.

8. La Monarquía Parlamentaria: características, valoración y posibles reformas, en XI Seminario de Nobiliaria (Parliament Monarchy: characteristics, values and possible reforms), Heráldica y genealogía, Instituto español de estudios Nobiliarios/UNED (XI Nobility, Heraldic and genealogic Seminar, Spanish Institute of nobility studies/Uned), 13.5 2015.

9. El nuevo constitucionalismo europeo: los regímenes políticos de las nuevas democracias (The new European Constitutionalism: the political regimes of new democracies -24.3.2015), in El reencuentro europeo. A los veinticinco años de la caída del muro de Berlín (¿The European reencounter? Twenty five years after the Wall fall), Generalitat Valenciana/Cátedra Jean Monnet de Historia e Instituciones de la Europa Comunitaria/Universidad de Alicante, 16-18/23-25.3.2015.

10. La incidencia de la crisis económica en la Unión Europea (The impact of the economic crisis on the European Union), in Dimensión Supranacional de la Crisis (Supranational Dimension of the Crisis), Rey Juan Carlos University. Instituto Universitario de Derecho Público, 15.4. 2015.

11. La evolución de los derechos y libertades: las generaciones de derechos (The evolution of rights and liberties: the rights generations), in Congreso sobre las Cortes de león (1188) y la Carta magna (1215): Precedentes medievales el constitucionalismo moderno (Congress on the Leon Parliament (1188) and the Magna Charter (1215): medieval precedents on modern constitutionalism), Universidad of Valencia/Political, Social and Law Studies Institute, 25.3. 2015.

12. “Nuevos retos del Derecho Sanitario ante la investigación biomédica: el Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares” (New challenges of Health Law before biomedical research: the national Bank of Cells), in Innovación y desarrollo tecnológico en el ámbito de la salud (New challenges of Health Law before biomedical research: the national Bank of Cells- Innovation, technological development in the health area), University of Granada/Health Law association, 10-12.5.2015.

13. El control económico de los partidos políticos (The economic control of political parties), in Otra configuración del espacio político (A new configuration of political space). University of Malaga, 14-16.7. 2015.

14. Gobernanza y Derechos Humanos (Governance and Human Rights )(8.7.2015), in Cooperación, conflicto y orden global. Una aproximación crítica al estudio internacional (Cooperation, conflict and global order. A critical approach to the international context), Autónoma University of Madrid, 8-10.7. 2015.


Local, regional initiatives :



1.- Director of the Journal Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo: .

2.- President of the Peter Häberle Foundation.

3.- Member of Editorial Boards and Committees of 35 Journals of Constitutional Law and Comparative Law as well as editorial councils in Italy (13) Spain (9), Brazil (9) Portugal (1), Peru (1), Mexico (1) and Malta (1).

4.- Leading researcher of the Research Group “Andalucía, the European Union and the Welfare State”, with financial aid from the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Government).

5.- Leading researcher of the Research Project of Excellency SEJ-4931: “Statutory reforms and statutory implementation in the framework of the European Union”, supported by the Government of Andalusia (2011-2015).

6.- Participation in the Jean Monnet ECSA Conference 2014 on The future of EU Studies, Brussels (Belgium), 1 and 2.10. 2014.

7.- Member of the selection Commission for research scholarships on territorial autonomies, Instituto de Estudios Autonómicos, Barcelona, 10.6.2014

8.- Participant at the Workshop “Les modèles de justice constitutionnelle et la culture juridique” (The models of constitutional justice and law culture), University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 3.4.2015.

9.- Presentation of the book The impact of the Economic Crisis on the EU Institutions and Member States/El impacto de la crisis económica en las instituciones de la UE y los Estados miembros, at the International Congress National Parliaments and European Union at the multilevel governance – PRIN 2010-2011”, organized by the Political Science Department, University “La Sapienza”, Rome and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Camera dei Deputati, Rome (Italy), 12.5 2015.

10.-Presentation of the book of Columba del Carpio Rodríguez, Pluralismo Jurídico, Derecho Humano a la Identidad Cultural y Globalización (Legal Pluralism, Human Right to Cultural Identity and Globalization), Editorial Civitas, Madrid, 2014, Judicial Academy of Peru, Lima, 22.7.2015.


Participation in Round Tables

1. “Voto de los ciudadanos y Parlamento Europeo” (The right to vote of the citizens and the European Parliament), at the Congress Democratic quality of the Union: some proposals, organized by the Institute of European Studies, Valladolid University, Valladolid, 17.10.2014.

2. “Algunas reflexiones compartidas sobre el momento actual del Estado Autonómico” (Some reflections on the contemporary situation of the Autonomic State), XXV Workshop on Autonomic Studies, Constitutional reform and Autonomic State, organized by the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, 12.3.2015.


Mass Media

13.5.2015, Radio Radicale: “Il modello europeo di integrazione e la sua incidenza sulle Corti costituzionali e sui Parlamenti nazionali” (The European integration model and its impact on constitutional courts and national parliaments) :

28.5.2015, Radio Nacional de España –Radio Exterior- (Public Spanish Radio), Program, Open Europe, “From the European Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty”



1. International Conference The future of European Studies. European Commission, 1-2 October 2014.

Videoclasses by Professor Yolanda Gómez:

1. Jurisdiction in the European Union/La jurisdicción en la Unión Europea

2. Governance and Multilevel constitutionalism in the European Union (I): Decision making in the process of European integration

3. Governance and Multilevel constitutionalism in the European Union (I): Multilevel system of fundamental rights.

Radio-UNED (National) :

Professor Dr Yolanda Gómez:

1. EuroPAís. Introduction to the European Union. In collaboration with Jean Monnet Module on European Constitutional Law (Dr Cristina Elías).

- Article 3 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

- The Ombudsman. The article 43 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Canal UNED in youtube:


2. Professor Dr Yolanda Gómez:

Effects of the economic crisis in the European Union.



14.10. 2014. Gestiona Radio (National Press).

Interview on the enunciate the President of the Generalitat on the suspension of the sovereigntist consultation/Entrevista sobre el anuncio del Presidente de la Generalitat sobre la suspensión de la consulta soberanista.

26.12.2014. La Voz de Galicia (Regional Radio).

Interview on the opening of the trial in the case Noos/Sobre la apertura del juicio oral en el caso Noos.


16.9.2014. La Voz de Galicia (Regional Press): The first 100 days of the Head of State/Los primeros 100 días del Jefe del Estado.

29.9. 2014. Gestiona Radio (National Radio): Interview on the independence process in Catalonia/Entrevista sobre el proceso independentista en Cataluña.

29.9. 2014. La (National Online Press):

Interview on the unconstitutionality appeal proceedings against Catalonia Inquiries Act/Entrevista sobre la tramitación del recurso d inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley de Consultas de Cataluña.

14.10. 2014. El (National Online Press):

Interview on the publication of a photograph of the Ebola patient: Right to information versus privacy/Sobre la publicación de una fotografía de la paciente de ébola. Derecho a la información versus intimidad.

13.10. 2014. Europa Press (National Press).

Interview on the suspension of the sovereigntist consultation/Sobre la suspensión de la consulta soberanista.

1.12.2014. InfoLibre (National Press)

Interview on the Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution/Sobre el Aniversario de la Constitución española.

27.12.2014 Excelsior. México (International)

Interview on the Christmas message of Philip VI/Sobre el mensaje de Navidad de Felipe VI.


29.9. 2014. TVE (National TV).

Interview on the independence process in Catalonia/Debate sobre el proceso independentista en Cataluña.

6.12.2014. TV. Informe Semanal (National TV).

Interview about the XXXVI Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution/Sobre el XXXVI Aniversario de la Constitución española.

12.06.2015 LA SER-RADIO (National). Interview on the Royal Decree on revocation of the right to use the title of Duchess of Palma de Mallorca by King.

12.6.2015. RADIO NACIONAL (National Radio). On the Royal Decree on revocation of the right to use the title of nobility.



1. Francisco Balaguer Callejón “Crisis económica y crisis constitucional en Europa” in Anna Margherita Russo (ed.) “Los escenarios móviles del Derecho regional europeo” (The instable scenarios of Regional European Law), CEPC, Madrid, 2014, pp. 35-54. ISBN: 978-84-259-1623-6.

2. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, María Luisa Balaguer Callejón, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Introducción al Derecho Constitucional (Constitutional Law – An introduction), 3rd edition, Tecnos, Madrid, 2014. Coordination of the book and elaboration of the chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5. 978-84-309-6311-9.

3. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, María Luisa Balaguer Callejón, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Manual de Derecho Constitucional (Handbook on Constitutional Law), 9th edition, 2 vol., Tecnos, Madrid, 2014. Coordination of the Handbook and elaboration of the Chapters I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XII, XIV, XV, and XXIV.1. ISBN: 978-84-309-6410-9 (Vol. I) 978-84-309-6328-7 (Vol. II).

4. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Código de Derecho Constitucional (Constitutional Law Code), 8th edition, Tecnos, Madrid, 2014. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-309-6354-6.

5. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “El pluralismo constitucional como contribución del proceso de integración europea al constitucionalismo global”(Constitutional pluralism as a contribution of the European integration process to global constitutionalism) in José María Beneyto (Dir.) Contribuciones de la integración europea a la gobernanza global (The contribution of the European Integration to the global governance), Biblioteca Nueva, Instituto de Estudios Europeos de la Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, 2014, pp. 53-69. ISBN: 978-84-16170-91-3.

6. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “Constitución y Estado en el contexto de la integración supranacional y de la globalización” (State and Constitution in the context of globalization and supranational integration), en Miguel Carbonell, He´ctor Fix-Fierro Luis Rau´l Gonza´lez Pe´rez y Diego Valade´s (Coordination), Estado constitucional, Derechos humanos, Justicia y vida universitaria. Estudios en homenaje a Jorge Carpizo (Constitutional State, Human Rights, Justice and life at the University. Essays in honor of Jorge Carpizo.), UNAM, México, 2015, Tomo IV, Volumen 1, pp. 197-2011.

7. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Gregorio Cámara Villar, Constitución Española y Declaraciones Internacionales de Derechos (Spanish Constitution and International Declaration of Rights), 2ª ed., Tecnos, Madrid, 2015, ISBN: 978-84-309-6345-4.

8. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Gregorio Cámara Villar, Constitución Española y Estatuto de Andalucía (Spanish Constitution and Regional Statue for Andalucía), Madrid, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-309-6398-0.

9. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “Perfis metodolo´gicos do Direito Constitucional Europeu” (Methodological profiles of European Constitutional Law), in Vasco Pereira da Silva y Francisco Balaguer Callejo´n (coordination) O constitucionalismo do se´c. XXI na sua dimensa~o estadual, supranacional e global (Constitutional Law of the XXI Century: state, supranational and global dimension), Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, pp. 19-20. ISBN: 978-989-8722-06-5 (e-Book).

10. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “Introduc¸a~o” (Introduction), in Vasco Pereira da Silva y Francisco Balaguer Callejo´n (coordination) O constitucionalismo do se´c. XXI na sua dimensa~o estadual, supranacional e global (Constitutional Law of the XXI Century: state, supranational and global dimension), Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, pp. 19-20. ISBN: 978-989-8722-06-5 (e-Book).

11. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “Foreword/Presentación”, in The impact of the Economic Crisis on the EU Institutions and Member States/El impacto de la crisis económica en las instituciones de la UE y los Estados miembros. Edited by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez, Enrique Guillén López y Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao. Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, Pamplona, 2015, pp. 23-29. ISBN: 978-84-9098-274-7.

12. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “Foreword/Presentación”, en The Dimension of the Public Administration in the Context of Globalization/La Dimensio´n de la Administracio´n Pu´blica en el contexto de la globalizacio´n. Edited by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez, Enrique Guillén López y Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao. Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, Pamplona, 2015, pp. 23-29. ISBN: 978-84-9098-275-4.

13. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, “Portugal, Europe and the Globalization from the perspective of Public Law”, in AAVV: Portugal, Europe and the Globalization of the Law, (e-Book) Erasmus and International Relations Office Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 2015, pp. 70-77.

14. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, “I Parlamenti sub-statali e la costruzione di una democrazia pluralistica a livello europeo” (Regional Parliament and the construction of a pluralist democracy at the European level), in Nomos/Le attualità nel diritto, Anticipazioni Convegno – “Parlamenti sub-statali nella dimensione nazionale ed europea” (Foreword to the Congress - Regional Parliaments at the national and European dimension):

15. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, “Il modello europeo di integrazione e la sua incidenza sulle Corti costituzionali e sui Parlamenti nazionali” (The European Integration model and its impact on Constitutional courts and National Parliaments), in Nomos/Le attualità nel diritto, Anticipazioni Convegno “Parlamenti nazionali e Unione europea nella governance multilivello” (Forward to the Congress, “National Parliaments and European Union in the multilevel governance) – PRIN 2010-2011:

16. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: “La me´thodologie du droit constitutionnel europe´en” (The methodology of European Constitutional Law), in Le Droit constitutionnel Européen à l'épreuve de la crise économique et démocratique de l'Europe (The European Constitutional Law under the light of the economic and democratic crisis of Europe). Under the scientific direction of Francisco BALAGUER CALLEJO´N, Ste´phane PINON et Alexandre VIALA, Institut Universitaire Varenne, Paris, 2015. ISBN: 978-2-37032-048-3.

17. Francisco Balaguer Callejón: La proyección de la Constitución sobre el ordenamiento jurídico (The relevance of the Constitution on the legal system), I.S.B.N.: 978-607-468-632-6, Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, México D.F. (México), 2015.



1. El nuevo constitucionalismo europeo: los regímenes políticos de las nuevas democracias, en ¿El reencuentro europeo? A los veinticinco años de la caída del Muro de Berlín (The new European Constitutionalism: the political regimes of new democracies in ¿The European reencounter? Twenty five years after the Wall fall), (New European , Tirant lo Blanch Humanidades, S. Forner (Ed.), ISBN 978-84-16349-63-0, pp.171-190.

2. La abdicación del Rey Juan Carlos I: la visión responsable de un Jefe de Estado (The Juan Carlos I abdication: the responsibility of a Head of State), in Diario La Ley, ISSN 1989-6913, Nº 8336, 2014 y ISSN 1989-6913, Nº 8345, 2014.

3. El Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares y el depósito y cesión de las IPSC (Cell's National Bank, deposit and cession of IPSC, in Essays in honor of Professor Rafael Barranco), en Libro homenaje al profesor Rafael Barranco Vela / coord. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Estanislao Arana García, Vol. 2, 2014, ISBN 9788447048724, págs. 1587-1608.

4. Constitucionalismo multinivel y derechos fundamentales: especial referencia a la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (Multilevel Constitutionalism and fundamental rights: a special reference to the decisions of the ECJ), in Aguilar, Gonzalo (coord.), Diálogo entre Jurisdicciones. El desarrollo del Derecho Público y una Nueva Forma de Razonar (Jurisdictional Dialogue. The development of Public La and a new way of argumentation). Editorial Librotecnia, 1º ed. 2014. ISBN: 978-956-327-118-8, pp. 109-141.



1. Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez: “La funcionalidad de la ley en un sistema político fragmentado” (The function of legislation in a fragmented political system), in Fundamentos. La metamorfosis del Estado y del Derecho (Fundamentos. The metamorphosis of the State and the Legal order), coord. Miguel Presno, Junta del Principado de Asturias, n. 8, 2014, pp. 255-288 (ISBN: 978-84-8367-470-3).

2. Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez: “Derecho constitucional y derecho europeo” (Constitutional Law and European Law), in Constitución: norma y realidad. Teoría constitucional para Antonio López Pina (Constitution: rule and reality. A constitutional theory for Antonio López Pina), editors. Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez y Jorge Alguacil González-Aurioles, Marcial Pons, pp. 87-95, 2014 (ISBN: 978-84-16212-25-5).

3. Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez: “Los espacios del consenso y del conflicto. Crónica política y legislativa del año 2014” (Conflict and consensus in the constitutional sphere. Political and constitutional chronicle of the year 2014), Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, n. 103, 2015, pp. 159-185 (ISSN 0211-5743).

4. Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez: “Translation from the German version to the Spanish version of the text of G. Leibholz “Opinion on the status of the German Constitutional Court”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, n. 22, julio-diciembre de 2014, (ISSN 1696-7890.





The Dimension of the Public Administration in the Context of Globalization/La Dimensio´n de la Administracio´n Pu´blica en el contexto de la globalizacio´n. Edited by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez, Enrique Guillén López y Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao. Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, Pamplona, 2015, pp. 23-29. ISBN: 978-84-9098-275-4.

The impact of the Economic Crisis on the EU Institutions and Member States/El impacto de la crisis económica en las instituciones de la UE y los Estados miembros. Edited by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez, Enrique Guillén López y Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao. Thomson Reuters ARANZADI, Pamplona, 2015, pp. 23-29. ISBN: 978-84-9098-274-7.

Le Droit constitutionnel Européen à l'épreuve de la crise économique et démocratique de l'Europe (The European Constitutional Law under the light of the economic and democratic crisis of Europe). Under the scientific direction of Francisco BALAGUER CALLEJO´N, Ste´phane PINON et Alexandre VIALA, Institut Universitaire Varenne, Paris, 2015. ISBN: 978-2-37032-048-3.









(European Constitutional Law Review, numbers 22 and 23)

Director: Francisco Balaguer Callejón

Secretary: José Antonio Montilla Martos


Año 11, Número 22, julio-diciembre de 2014

ISSN: 1697-7890







Crisis económica, participación y reformas de las Administraciones Públicas


Las transformaciones de la Administración Pública entre Constitución formal y Constitución material


Los proyectos de reforma de la Administración y del sector público desde el comienzo de la crisis económica: el apogeo de la austeridad


Las reformas administrativas chinas en el contexto de la globalización




Innovaciones en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional alemán, a propósito de la garantía de los derechos fundamentales en respuesta a los cambios que conducen a la sociedad de la información


El diálogo entre la Unión Europea y las confesiones religiosas tras el Tratado de Lisboa (A propósito de la Decisión del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo de 25 de enero de 2013)



Regiones y Unión Europea tras el Tratado de Lisboa. El Comité de las Regiones, los Parlamentos regionales y el desafío de la «Multilevel Governance»




En el 80 cumpleaños de Peter Häberle


Textos Clásicos


Informe al Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional Federal sobre la cuestión de su estatus




Diálogos, monólogos y tertulias. Reflexiones a propósito del caso Melloni


Crónica de legislación europea





Una reflexión desde Granada sobre la Constitución Europea


Noticias de libros


Peter Häberle. "Der kooperative Verfassungsstaat - aus Kultur und als Kultur. Vorstudien zu einer universalen Verfassungslehre", Duncker & Humblot, 2013


Bruce Ackerman, "We the People. Volume 3. The Civil Rights Revolution", The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014



Año 11, Número 23, enero-junio de 2015

ISSN: 1697-7890







Crisis económica y tendencia evolutiva de la Administración pública en Europa


Gasto Público, PIB y crisis económica. Un análisis comparado


La crisis económica (y social) de los países en la crisis


Los principios constitucionales de la Administración Pública




El desafío a la ley de derechos humanos en el Reino Unido


Territorialidad, Soberanía y Constitución: las bases institucionales del modelo de Estado territorial soberano


Las ayudas estatales al sector financiero y su supervisión en el contexto de la Unión Bancaria Europea




Mario Galizia


Textos Clásicos


Dos formas de gobierno




El Estado social y democrático de derecho ante la austeridad y los recortes sociales: la jurisprudencia del tribunal constitucional portugués y su interés para el caso español







Paideia: una reflexión sobre la misión educativa de la Universidad


Noticias de libros


Peter Häberle, Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit-Verfassungsprozessrecht. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus vier Jahrzenten, Duncker&Humblot, 2014.


Xabier Arzoz Santisteban, La concretización y actualización de los derechos fundamentales, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2014.