European Integration & Globalization


Centre of Excellence



mic Year 2013-2014
Activities (September 2013-June 2014)


Country: Spain
Professor in charge:
Title: Prof. Dr.
First name: Francisco
Family name: Balaguer Callejón
University: University of Granada
Faculty: Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Constitucional
Adress: Plaza de la Universidad s/n
Postal Code: 18001 Granada
Site internet:
Title: Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G)
Type of Project: Centre of Excellence


-Economic and political perspectives of the European integration (UNED, F. Balaguer/Y.Gómez). Optional, postgraduate students, 20 hours, 50 students

-European Constitutucional Law (F. Balaguer). Optional, undergraduate students, 60 hours, 35 students.

-Institutions of European Law (M. Azpitarte). Optinonal, undergraduate students, 60 hours, 50 students.



1.- Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho: “The principle of equality in European Constitutional Law”, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

2.- Giuseppe Re: “Relationships between European Law and National law”, in co-direction with Professor Andrea Piraino, University of Palermo, Italy.

3.- Karen Añanos Bedriñana: “The application of international Treaties on Human Rights in Peru”, University of Granada, Spain.

4.- Luis Felipe Medina Rey: “The principle of institutional autonomy and the distribution of competences between the European Union, the State and the Autonomous Communities”, University of Granada, Spain.

5.- Pedro Serrano León: “Delegated acts in the Lisbon Treaty”, University of Granada, Spain

6.- Cláudia Perotto Biagi: "The implementation of the right to family life in the European Union: a reflection on citizenship and fundamental rights", University of Granada.

7.- Claudio Arrepol: "The economic crisis in Europe and the role of the European Central Bank under a constitutional perspective", University of Granada, Spain.

8.- Marta Capesciotti: “The foreigners' access to housing in the Spanish and Italian law. A comparative analysis”, in co-direction with Professor Marco Benvenuti, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

9.-Kaiana Coralina do Monte Vilar " Cooperative State and supranational integration in the context of globalization ", in co-direction with Profesor Gilmar Ferreira Mendes. University of Brasilia (Brasil).

10.-João Marcos Amaral “Isonomy of federative entities as an instrument for democratic consolidation”, in co-direction with Professor José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior, University of São Paulo.



Professor María João Estorninho, University of Lisboa, Portugal: “El Derecho europeo de los contratos públicos: últimas tendencias” (European contract law: new tendencies). Law Faculty, University of Granada, 17.1. 2014. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

Professor Vasco Pereira da Silva, University of Lisboa, Portugal: “¿Crisis de Europa o de la Constitución europea?” (European crisis or European Constitution crisis?), Law Faculty, University of Granada, 17.1. 2014. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

Professor Catherine Barnard, Cambridge University -Trinity College-: “The future of EU social policy”, Law Faculty, University of Granada, 31.1. 2014. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

Professor Gilmar Ferreira Mendes: “Assistência Social e direitos fundamentais sociais: o caso LOAS” (Social assistant and social fundamental rights: the LOAS case), Law Faculty, University of Granada 24.4. 2014. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

Professor Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Sao Paulo “La jurisdicción internacional de los derechos humanos en América Latina: activismo e integración. Una visión comparada” (Human Rights international jurisdiction in Latin American: activism and integration. A comparative view) , Law Faculty, UNED, 4.2.2014.

Professor Ibrahim KABOGLU, Marmara University, Istanbul (Turkey), Former head of the Turkish Human Rights Advisory Council, Lawyer at the Istanbul Bar, Turkey Bar Union President: Protection des droits fondamentaux (Fundamental rights protection), UNED/UAB, 4.2.2014.

Professor David Marrani, Institute of Law, Jersey, United Kingdom, Director of Studies General Editor Routledge Research in Constitutional Law book series SLS Comparative Law Convener: “Interdisciplinary approach in legal studies: an essay on courts”, Law Faculty, UNED, 21.2.2014.


• Co-direction (F. Balaguer with Alexandre Viala and Stéphane Pinon) of the International Congress “LE DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL EUROPÉEN À L’ÉPREUVE DE LA CRISE ÉCONOMIQUE ET DÉMOCRATIQUE DE L’EUROPE” (European Constitutional Law under the light of the economic and democratic European crisis), organized by the University of Montpellier I, Peter Häberle Foundation and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Montpellier, France, 12 and 13.12. 2013. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 80 students.

Francisco Balaguer Callejón (University of Granada): “La méthodologie du droit constitutionnel européen” (The methodology of European Constitutional Law). Alexandre Viala (University of Montpellier): “Le droit constitutionnel européen: hypothèse épistémologique ou nouvelle branche du droit?” (The European Constitutional Law: epistemology hypothesis or a new area of law?).
Round table “Relations entre les systèmes juridiques nationaux et européen” (Relationships between the national and European law systems). Xavier Magnon (University of Toulouse), Fausto Vecchio (University Kore di Enna), Ulrike Haider (University Marconi, Roma) Jordane Arlettaz (University of Montpellier).
Vasco Pereira da Silva (University of Lisboa): “Crise économique ou crise de la constitution économique européenne ?” (European crisis or European Constitution crisis?), Francesco Martucci (University of Paris II): “Règles économiques et choix politiques en démocratie de marché” (Economic rules and political choices in a market democracy). Enrique Guillén López (University of Granada): “La crise économique et le gouvernement : réflexions sur les concepts de besoin et de choix dans la théorie constitutionnelle” (Economic crisis and the Government: reflections on the concepts of necessity and election on constitutional theory).
Round table: “La crise économique dans le contexte de la globalisation” (The economic crisis in the context of globalization). Pascale Idoux (University of Montpellier), Elena Rafalyuk (Comparative Law Institute, Moscow), Adoración Galera Victoria (University of Granada), Jacobo Rios (University of Perpignan).
Gregorio Cámara Villar (University of Granada): “Crise économique et Constitutions. Le cas de l’Espagne” (Economic crisis and Constitutions. The Spanish case). Stéphane Pinon (University of La Rochelle): “L’emprise des exigences économiques européennes sur le droit constitutionnel. Quelles conséquences ?” (The pressure of the European economic conditions on Constitutional law. Some consecuences). Jörg Luther (University of Piemonte Orientale): “Les crises économiques et démocratiques entre "l’Europe allemande" et "l’Europe italienne" (The economic and democratic crisis between the “German Europe” and the “Italian Europe”).
Round table: “L’approfondissement démocratique et les réponses à la crise en Europe” (Democratic deepness and the answers to the crisis in Europe). L. Burgorgue-Larsen (University of Paris I), Angelo Schillaci (University La Sapienza, Rome), Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho (University of Coimbra), de Fanny Malhière (University of Grenoble), Simon de Charentenay (University of Montpellier).
Closing session under the presidency of Antonio D'Atena (University of Tor Vergata, Roma). Closing conference by Peter Häberle (University of Bayreuth/St. Gallen).

• Direction (Francisco Balaguer) of the International Congress “LA DIMENSIÓN DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA EN EL CONTEXTO DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN” (The Public Administration and its size under the context of globalization), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), with the cooperation of the Instituto Andaluz de Administración Pública, University of Granada, 11 and 12.2. 2014. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 20 students.

Augusto Aguilar Calahorro (University of Granada): “La dimensión del Estado y de las Administraciones Públicas en España” (The State and Public Administration size in Spain). María Daniela Poli (University of Bari): “La Administración Pública en Alemania: principios, etapas evolutivas y sostenimiento del sistema frente a la crisis” (The Public Administration in Germany: principles, evolution and sostenibility of the system under the crisis). Margherita Russo: “La dimensión del sector y de las administraciones públicas en Italia. ¿Una película centralizadora en rodaje?” (The size of the Public Administration in Italy. A centralizing film on shooting?) (CEPC). Helen Kerr (University of Granada): “La dimensión del estado y de las administraciones públicas en perspectiva comparada: el Reino Unido” (The State and Public Adminisration size in a comparative perspective: United Kingdom. Cristina Elías Méndez (UNED): “La Administración de la Comisión Europea como ejemplo de la reforma de la administración pública europea: análisis en clave constitucional en el contexto de la crisis económica” (The European Comission as an example of the public administration reform: constitutional anaylisis in the context of an economic crisis). Sabrina Ragone (CEPC): “La Administración en los EE.UU.: un breve recorrido entre sus reformas hasta la crisis actual” (The Public Administration in the USA: a short review of its reforms until the actual crisis”. Hugo Cesar Aráujo de Gusmão (State University of Paraíba, Brasil): “Un análisis del diseño constitucional y de la evolución del sector público brasileño” (An analysis of the constitutional design and the evolution of the Public Sector in Brasil). Andrea Romano (University of La Sapienza): “Principios constitucionales que afectan al sector público” (Constitutional principles of the Public Sector). Valentina Faggiani, (University of Granada): “Evolución histórica del sector público” (Historic evolution of the Public Sector). Greta Massa Gallerano (University of Calabria): “Estructura actual del sector público en relación con el Producto Interior Bruto” (Structure of the Public Sector related to the GNP). Cláudia Perotto Biagi (University of Granada): “Congruencia de la configuración del sector público con los fines constitucionales que vinculan a los poderes públicos” (Coherence between the Public Sector and the constitutional aims of the public power). Tommaso Poli (University of Bari): “Congruencia de la configuración del sector público con la regulación constitucional de la Administración” (Coherence of the Public Sector with the constitutional regulation of the Administration). Arianna Cascelli (University of Granada): “Reformas de la Administración y del sector público previas a la crisis” (Public administration and public sector reforms before the crisis). Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho (University of Coimbra): “Situación económica de Portugal en el contexto concreto de la actual crisis” (Economic situation of Portugal under the context of the actual crisis). Francesco Corfiati (University of Granada): “Proyectos de reforma de la Administración y del sector público promovidos a partir de la crisis económica” (Reform projects of the Administration and the Public Sector after the economic crisis). Fausto Vecchio (University Kore de Enna): “Valoración global de la evolución del sector público y de los proyectos de reforma” (General evaluation of the Public Sector evolution and the reform projects). Angelo Schillaci (University of Téramo): “Formulación de propuestas de posibles líneas de reforma” (Future reforms in the Public Sector). Zhenyan Xi (Centre of European Studies, University of Sichuan): “China’s Administrative Reform in the Process of Economic Transition”. Yan Tianqin, (Centre of European Studies, University of Sichuan): "Chinese Administrative Reforms under the Globalization Context".

• Codirection (Francisco Balaguer with Vasco Pereira da Silva) of the International Congress O CONSTITUCIONALISMO DO SÉC. XXI NA SUA DIMENSÃO ESTADUAL, SUPRANACIONAL E GLOBAL (Constitutionalism of the XXI Century in its national, supranational and global dimension) organized by the Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas and the Erasmus Office of the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, the Peter Häberle Foundation and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 13.5. 2014. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 40 students.

Prof. Dr. Antonio D´Atena, Prof. Dr. Paolo Ridola, Prof. Dr. Gregorio Cámara Villar, Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, Prof. Dr. Angelo Schillaci, Prof. Dra. Lúcia Amaral: A dimensão estadual do constitucionalismo. Direitos, democracia, divisão de poderes, jurisdição constitucional (The national dimensión of constitutionalism. Rights, democracy, division of powers and constitutional jurisdiction).
Prof. Dr. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Prof. Dr. Jörg Luther, Prof. Dr. Alexandre Viala, Prof. Dr. Lothar Michael, Prof. Dr. Vasco Pereira da Silva: A dimensão supranacional do constitucionalismo. A experiência europeia (The supranational dimension of constitutionalism. The European experience).
Prof. Dr. Diego Valadés, Prof. Dr. Gilmar Mendes, Prof. Dr. Ingo Sarlet, Prof. Dr. Fausto Vecchio, Prof. Dr. Luís Pereira Coutinho: A dimensão supranacional do constitucionalismo. Outras experiências de integração supranacional (The supranational dimensión of constitutionalism. Some other experiences of supranational integration).
Prof. Dr. Fulco Lanchester, Prof. Dr. Stéphane Pinon, Dra. Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho, Prof. Dr. José María Porras, Prof. Dr. Augusto Aguilar, Prof. Dr. Fausto de Quadros: A dimensão global do constitucionalismo (The global dimensión of constitutionalism).
Closing session under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Jorge Miranda. Closing conference by Prof. Dr. Peter Häberle.

• Co-direction (Francisco Balaguer with José Tudela Aranda) of the Congress LA ÚLTIMA EVOLUCIÓN DEL ESTADO AUTONÓMICO EN EL MARCO EUROPEO (The last evolution of the Autonomic State inside the European framework), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), the Peter Häberle Foundation and the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation. Euroárabe Foundation, Granada, 22.5. 2014. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

Prof. Francisco Balaguer Callejón, University of Granada: “El impacto de la crisis económica sobre el Derecho Constitucional de la UE y de los Estados miembros” (The impact of the economic crisis on the Constitutional law of the European Union and the Constitutional Law of the Member States). Prof. Dr. Enoch Albertí Rovira, University of Barcelona: “Desarrollos del Estado Autonómico en el contexto de la crisis económica y financiera 2008-2014” (The Autonomic State development in the context of the economic and financial crisis 2008-2014). Prof. Dr. José Tudela Aranda, Cortes de Aragón/Giménez Abad Foundation: “La inserción de la asimetría en la evolución y futuro del Estado autonómico” (Asymmetry in the evolution and the future of the Autonomic State). Prof. Dr. Alberto López Basaguren, University of País Vasco: “Tratamiento democrático de las reclamaciones secesionistas y reforma de la autonomía territorial” (Democratic answers to the secessionist demands and the reform of the Autonomic State). Prof. Dr. Xavier Arbós Marín, University of Barcelona: “La crisis del Estado autonómico: alternativas constitucionales y opciones políticas” (The Autonomic State crisis: constitutional alternatives and political options). Prof. Dr. Gregorio Cámara Villar, University of Granada: “Sobre la propuesta de reforma federal del Estado autonómico” (The federalist reform of the Autonomic State). Prof. Dr. Juan José Solozábal Echavarría, Autonomous University of Madrid: “Análisis de la STC 42/2014, de 25 de marzo” (Analysis of the Constitutional Court Decision 42/2014).
Round Table: Prof. Dr. Isaac Martín Delgado, University of Castilla-La Mancha; Prof. Dr. Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao, University of Granada; Prof. Dr. Susana Ruíz Tarrías, University of Granada. Prof. Dr. Concepción Pérez Villalobos, University of Granada.
Prof. Dr. Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer, University Pompeu Fabra and Director of the Instituto de Estudios Autonómicos: “El ‘Derecho a decidir’ y su ejercicio” (The right to decide and its exercise). Prof. Dr. Luis Ortega Álvarez, University of Castilla-La Mancha and Constitutional Court Judge: “La STC 42/2014, de 25 de marzo” (Analysis of the Constitutional Court Decisión 42/2014)

• Direction (Francisco Balaguer) of the Workshop EL IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS ECONÓMICA SOBRE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA (The impact of the economic crisis on the Public Administration), organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), University of Granada, 29.5 2014.

Prof. Dr. Juan Fernando López Aguilar, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Member of the European Parliament: “El impacto de las crisis sobre la administración pública: un análisis desde el Parlamento europeo” (The impact of the economic crisis on the Public Administration: an analysis from the European Parliament). Prof. Dr. Yolanda Gómez Sánchez, UNED and Jean Monnet Chair: “Investigación e innovación ante la crisis” (Research and innovation under the crisis). Prof. Dr. Manuel Zafra Víctor, University of Granada: “La administración local en el contexto de la crisis económica” (The local administration in the context of the economic crisis). Prof. Dr. Eduardo Cuenca García, University of Granada and Jean Monnet Chair on Economic integration: “Reajustes de las políticas económicas ante la crisis” (Reshaping economic policies against the crisis). Prof. Dr. Daniela Bifulco, Second University of Naples: “Las relaciones (¿de causa- efecto?) entre la crisis económica-financiera y la reciente evolución del sistema político-constitucional italiano” (The relationships (cause-effect) between the financial and economic crisis and the evolution of the political system in Italy). Prof. Dr. Augusto Aguilar Calahorro, University of Granada: “La dimensión del Estado y de las Administraciones Públicas en España durante la crisis” (The size of the State and the Public Administration in Spain during the crisis). Undergraduate and postgraduate students, around 10 students.

• Direction (Yolanda Gómez) of the III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE CIUDADANÍA EN LA UE: PERSPECTIVAS DE FUTURO (III International Seminar on EU Citizenship: Future Perspectives, Brussels), Associated Center UNED. 12-13.5. 2014.

Inaugural Session: Olga Lutz Herrera (Director of the Associated Center, UNED, Brussels), Prof. Yolanda Gómez Sánchez (UNED and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam) and Prof. Pablo Luis de Diego Ángeles (UNED, Vice-Dean for the Law Faculty): “La crisis de deuda: casi seis años de zozobra en la UE” (The debt crisis: almost six years of anguish in the EU); Prof. Karl August von Sachsen: “Aspectos destacables en el reciente Derecho Internacional Privado europeo” (Main aspects of the modern European International Private Law); Prof. Fernando Val Garijo (UNED): “El Parlamento Europeo y la legitimidad democrática en la UE” (The European Parliament and the legitimacy of the EU); Prof. Joaquín Sarrión Esteve (University of Valencia): “El derecho de residencia en la UE: cuestiones actuales” (Residence rights in the EU: current questions); Prof. Teresa Bendito Cañizares (UNED): “¿Preparados para el Reglamento comunitario en materia de sucesiones mortis causa?” (Ready for an European Regulation of inheritance?); Prof. Mónica Herránz Ballesteros (UNED): “Avances de la Unión Europea en relación al Derecho al nombre” (Pushing forward in the European Union recognition of the right to have a name).
Round Table: “La Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea” (The European popular initiative). Prof. Yolanda Gómez Sánchez (UNED): “La Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea: una nueva forma de participar en Europa” (The European popular initiative: a new way to participate in Europe); Prof. Leyre Burguera Ameave (UNED): “Aspectos procedimentales de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea” (Procedural aspects of the European popular initiative); Pablo Sánchez Centellas (ESPU): “La primera Iniciativa Ciudadana aprobada en Europa: Right2Water” (The first popular initiative approved: Right2Water).
Eva-María Poptcheva (Doctoral resercher of the European Parliamentary Research Service): “El nuevo balance del poder institucional en la EU después de las elecciones europeas” (The new balance of the institutional power in the EU after the European Parliament elections); Isabel Castaño Ambrosio (Castilla y León delegation before the European Union): "El papel de las oficinas regionales como enlace entre las instituciones europeas y los ciudadanos" (The Regional Offices as a link between the European institutions and the citizens); Teresa Marcos Martín (Doctoral researcher UNED): “Construir una Europa real: el Parlamento Europeo y los derechos de los pasajeros en el tráfico aéreo” (Building a real Europe: the European Parliament and the passengers rights in the flying traffic).
Round table: “Libertad religiosa y Unión Europea” (Religion freedom and European Union). Prof. José Daniel Pelayo Olmedo (UNED): “Manifestaciones religiosas en el espacio público europeo” (Religious freedom in the public space); María José Ciáurriz Labiano: “Identidad islámica y espacio público europeo” (Islamic identity and public European space).


Lectures, seminaries and doctoral courses:

1. “Derecho Constitucional Europeo, crisis económica y globalización” (European Constitutional Law, economic crisis and globalization), a ten hours course taught at the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 16-20.9, 2013.

2. “Portugal, Europe and the Globalization from the perspective of Public Law”, lecture given at the International Congress Portugal, Europe and the Globalization of the Law. Celebration of the Centenary, Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), 27.9. 2013.

3. “Sistema de fuentes y conflictos normativos” (Sources of law and normative conflicts), course taught at the Master en Abogacía, organized by the Fundación de Estudios y Prácticas Jurídicas Foundation, Granada, 29.10. 2013.

4. “Diálogo entre Cortes e Ordenamentos Jurídicos na proteção e efetividade dos Direitos Humanos”, (Courts dialogue and systems of law in the effective protection of human rights), conference at the XXII National Congress of CONPEDI (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Direito), São Paulo, 16.11. 2013.

5. "Luzes e sombras da transição democrática e do processo constituinte na Espanha" (Lights and shadows in the Spanish democratic transition and constituent process), seminar given at the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), Brasilia (Brasil), 18.11.2013.

6. “Diálogo entre Cortes e Ordenamentos Jurídicos” (Courts dialogue and systems of law), seminar given at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brasil), 19.11. 2013.

7. “La méthodologie du droit constitutionnel européen” (The methodology of European Constitutional Law), conference given at the International Congress Le Droit constitutionnel Européen à l’épreuve de la crise économique et démocratique de l’Europe, organized by the University of Montpellier I, the Peter Häberle Foundation, and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Montpellier, France, 12.12. 2013.

8. “Perspectivas políticas y económicas de la integración europea” (Political and economics perspectives of the European integration), course given at the European Union doctoral program of the UNED, and organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G) and the UNED, Madrid, 15.1. 2014.

9. “Crisi economica e crisi costituzionale in Europa” (Economic and constitutional crisis in Europe), course taught at the Dottorato di ricerca in Governo dell´Unione Europea, politiche sociali e tributarie, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Napoli (Italy), 28.1 2014.

10. “La influencia de la crisis económica en el Derecho Constitucional Europeo” (The impact of the economic crisis on the European Constitutional Law), conference given at the XXIV Seminario de Estudios Autonómicos: Luces y sombras del Estado Autonómico, organized by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Toledo, 20.3. 2014.

11. “Good bye, Lenin! Il problema della verità nella transizione costituzionale dalla Repubblica democratica tedesca alla Germania unificata” (Good bye, Lenin! The problem of truth in the constitutional transition from the German Democratic Republic to the unified Germany), course taught at the Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto Pubblico, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Roma "Sapienza", 29.4 2014.

12. “Profili metodologici del diritto costituzionale europeo" (Methodological lines of the European Constitutional Law), course taught at the Dottorato in Diritto Pubblico, Comparato e Internazionale. Master in Istituzioni Parlamentari Europee per consulenti d’assemblea, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione, Università La Sapienza, Roma, 29.3. 2014.

13. “El impacto de la crisis económica sobre el Derecho Constitucional de la UE y de los Estados miembros” (The impact of the crisis on the European Constitutional Law of the Union and the Member States), conference given at the Congress La última evolución del Estado Autonómico en el marco europeo, organized by the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Peter Häberle Foundation and the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation. Euroárabe Foundation, Granada, 22.5. 2014.

14. “A dimensão supranacional do constitucionalismo. A experiência europeia” (The supranational dimension of constitutionalism. The European experience), conference given at the Congress O constitucionalismo do séc. XXI na sua dimensão estadual, supranacional e global, organized by the Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas and the Erasmus Office of the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, the Peter Häberle Foundation and the Centre of Excellence on European Integration and Globalization (Ei&G), Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 13.5. 2014.

15. “The limits of judicial activism and the structure of the legal system”, conference given at the International Conference on Judicial Activism, organized by the Instituto de Ciencias Jurídico-Políticas y el Gabinete Erasmus de la Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa y el Institute for Law and Philosophy – University of San Diego, Lisboa, 27.5 2014.


Denada Rrushi: “La questione delle frontiere del'unione europea tra sovranità statale e universalismo dei diritti fondamentali. Lo spazio dell'Europa unite e i suoi riflessi sul principio di cittadinanza” (The frontier of the Union between State sovereignty and fundamental rights universalism. The space of the European Union and its consequences on the principle of citizenship.). Co-direction with Professor Claudio De Fiores, Seconda Universita' Degli Studi di Napoli, Neaples (Italy), Dottorato di Ricerca in Governo dell'Unione europea, politiche sociali e tributarie, Naples, 28.1.2014. Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude (unanimous) –best grade possible.


Begoña Oyonarte Vílchez: “La aplicación del Derecho de la Unión Europea en la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa” (The application of European Union Law in the administrative jurisdiction), Granada, September 2013. Grade: Matrícula de Honor (10) –best grade possible. Direction by Francisco Balaguer Callejón.


Doctoral Thesis:

- Denada Rrushi: “La questione delle frontiere del'unione europea tra sovranità statale e universalismo dei diritti fondamentali. Lo spazio dell'Europa unite e i suoi riflessi sul principio di cittadinanza” (The frontier of the Union between State sovereignty and fundamental rights universalism. The space of the European Union and its consequences on the principle of citizenship.). Co-direction with Professor Claudio De Fiores, Seconda Universita' Degli Studi di Napoli, Neaples (Italy), Dottorato di Ricerca in Governo dell'Unione europea, politiche sociali e tributarie, Naples, 28.1.2014. Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude (unanimous) –best grade possible.

-Lucía Fernández Delpuech: “Situación y reforzamiento de los principios de mérito y capacidad en el acceso al empleo público” (Current situation and possible reinforcement of the principles of merit and capacity in the access to the public service), Law Faculty, University of Granada, 14.2. 2014.


1.- Director of the Journal Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo: .

2.- President of the Peter Häberle Foundation.

3.- Member of Editorial Boards and Committees of 32 Journals of Constitutional Law and Comparative Law as well as editorial councils in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Italy and Malta.

4.- Leading researcher of the Research Group “Andalucía, the European Union and the Welfare State”, with financial aid from the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Government).

5.- Leading researcher of the Research Project of Excellency SEJ-4931: “Statutory reforms and statutory implementation in the framework of the European Union”, supported by the Government of Andalusia (2011-2015).

6.- Participation in the Global Jean Monnet Conference 2013 on The Political Implications of European Economic Integration. Towards a Political Union, Brussels (Belgium), 14 and 15.11. 2013.

7.- Member of the selection Commission for research scholarships on territorial autonomies, Instituto de Estudios Autonómicos, Barcelona, 10.6.2014


Chair-Editor of the Public Law Collection of the BOE (Official Publications).

In the Media:

28.3.2014. Radio (LA SER)
8.1.2014. Radio (LA SER)
4.2.2014. Radio (LA SER)
3.2.2014. Radio (BBC.MUNDO)
10.4.2014. Newspaper (EL MUNDO)
11.1.2014. TV (Spanish Public Television)


1. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, María Luisa Balaguer Callejón, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Manual de Derecho Constitucional (Handbook on Constitutional Law), 8th edition, 2 vol., Tecnos, Madrid, 2013. Coordination of the Handbook and elaboration of the Chapters I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XII, XIV, XV, and XXIV.1.

2. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, María Luisa Balaguer Callejón, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Constitutional Law – An introduction, 2nd edition, Tecnos, Madrid, 2013. Coordination of the book and elaboration of the chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5.

3. Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordination), Gregorio Cámara Villar, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Constitutional Law Code, 7th edition, Tecnos, Madrid, 2013.

4. Translation from the German of Peter Häberle’s essay, “El constitucionalismo universal desde las constituciones parciales nacionales e internacionales. Siete Tesis” (Universal constitutionalism from partial Constitutions of national and supranational dimension. Seven thesis.), Revista de Direito Público, n. 54, Nov-Dez/2013, Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), Brasilia (Brasil).

5. “Una interpretación constitucional de la crisis económica” (A constitutional interpretation of the economic crisis), Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, n. 19, January-June, 2013,

6. “Uma Interpretação Constitucional da Crise Econômica” (A constitutional interpretation of the economic crisis), Revista de Direito Público, n. 54, November-December, 2013, Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), Brasilia (Brasil).

7. “Encuesta sobre la integración política de Europa” (Survey on the political integration of Europe), Teoría y Realidad Constitucional n. 32, 2nd semester, 2013.

8. A Projeção da Constituição Sobre o Ordenamento Jurídico (The relevance of the Constitution on the law system), I.S.B.N.: 978-85-02-20926-8, Saraiva, São Paulo, Brasil, 2014.

9. “European Identity, Citizenship and the Model of Integration”, Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, Bd. 62, 2014, pp. 311-323. ISBN 978-3-16-153146-0 ISSN 0075-2517.

10. „Crisis económica y crisis constitucional en Europa“ (Economic crisis and constitutional crisis in Europe), Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, n. 98, May/August, 2013.

11. „La politica energetica spagnola in ambito europeo“ , (The Spanish energetic policy in the European framework), in Il governo dell'energia dopo Fukushima : indirizzi europei ed evoluzione delle politiche nazionali, a cura di Lorenzo Chieffi e Ferdinando Pinto, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2013, pp. 25-38. ISBN: 9788863425086.

12. “Autonomia finanziaria e pluralismo territoriale in Spagna nel contesto della crisi economica” (Financial autonomy and territorial pluralism in Spain under the context of the economic crisis) in Il federalismo fiscale in Europa, a cura di Silvio Gambino, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014, pp. 73-112. ISBN: 9788814183416.


1. “La protección de los consumidores y usuarios en el contexto del Estado autonómico: genealogía de una competencia” (Consumers protection in the Autonomic State: the genealogy of a competence), in Contrato de obra y protección de los consumidores, dir. D. J. Albiez Dohrmann and C. Rodríguez Marín, Aranzadi, pp. 862-891, 2014 (ISBN: 978-84-9059-158-1).

2. Capítulo I. El contexto de la directiva: principios jurídicos que ordenan el reparto de responsabilidades sobre la producción normativa de la Unión europea (Chapter I. The context of the directive: principles that structure the division of legislative responsibilities in the European Union), in Transposición de directivas y autogobierno: el desarrollo normativo del derecho de la Unión Europea en el Estado Autonómico, dir X. Arzoz Santisteban, Col•lección Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics pp. 23-73, 2013 (ISBN: 9788439390749).

3. La distribución interna de la responsabilidad por incumplimiento del derecho de la Unión (The intern distribution of responsibilities due to the breach of European Law), in Transposición de directivas y autogobierno: el desarrollo normativo del derecho de la Unión Europea en el Estado Autonómico, dir. X. Arzoz Santisteban, Col•lección Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics pp. 23-73, 2013 (ISBN: 9788439390749).

4. Los confines de la democracia y la solidaridad (The horizons of democracy and solidarity), Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, n. 101, 2014, en prensa, (ISSN 0211-5743).

5. En busca del Estado competitivo. Crónica política y legislativa del año 2013 (Searching for the competitive State. Political and legislative chronicle of the 2013), Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, n. 100, 2014, pp.191-220, (ISSN 0211-5743).

6. Autonomía del ordenamiento de la Unión y derechos fundamentales: ¿presupuestos contradictorios? La adhesión al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos como respuesta (Autonomy of the European legal order and fundamental rights: a contradiction? The adhesion to the ECHR as answer), Revista Española de Derecho Europeo, n. 48, 2013, pp. 37-74, (ISSN 1579-6302).

7. La autonomía del ordenamiento de la Unión y las funciones esenciales de su sistema jurisdiccional (Autonomy of the European Union legal order and the essential functions of its jurisdictional system), Teoría y realidad constitucional, n. 32, 2013, pp. 225-257, (ISSN-1139-5583).


Director: Francisco Balaguer Callejón

Secretario: José Antonio Montilla Martos

ISSN: 1697-7890

La dimensión de la Administración Pública en el contexto de la globalización.




La Administración de la Comisión Europea como ejemplo de la reforma de la Administración pública europea: análisis en clave constitucional en el contexto de la crisis económica

La dimensión del Estado y de las Administraciones Públicas en España

La Administración pública en Alemania: principios, etapas evolutivas y sostenimiento del sistema frente a la crisis

La dimensión del sector y de las Administraciones públicas en Italia. ¿Una película centralizadora en rodaje?


Escuchas telefónicas fortuitas y merma de las atribuciones presidenciales

¿Es adecuado el referéndum como forma de participación política? Las recientes demandas españolas de referéndums a la luz de la experiencia irlandesa

El argumento comparado en la jurisprudencia de los Tribunales de Estrasburgo y Luxemburgo: el pluralismo de los derechos fundamentales en el orden constitucional europeo


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Noticias de libros
"Scritti in onore di Alessandro Pace", Editoriale Scientifica, 2012

"Scritti in onore di Alessandro Pace", Editoriale Scientifica, 2012

ISSN: 1697-7890

La dimensión de la Administración Pública en el contexto de la globalización.


Francisco Balaguer Callejón


Un análisis del diseño constitucional y de la evolución del sector público brasileño

La Administración en los EE.UU.: un breve recorrido entre sus reformas hasta la crisis actual

La dimensión del estado y de las administraciones públicas en perspectiva comparada: el Reino Unido

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El reto constitucional de la Unión Europea en un contexto de crisis económica y financiera

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Konrad Hesse, L’unità della Costituzione. Scritti Scelti di Konrad Hesse, edición de A. di Martino y G. Repetto, Prólogo de Peter Häberle, Editoriale Scientifica, 2014.

Ricardo Martín Morales, Las propiedades paradójicas del derecho constitucional, Civitas, 2013.