2004-02-17 Arturo * src/pycentrino.py (pycentrinoApplet.timeout_callback): - 0.4.2 revision - added gc.collect() call to prevent memory leak after removing widgets (thanks to Gustavo and Lorenzo) 2004-02-16 Arturo * src/pycentrino.py : - 0.4.1 revision - Added warning icon when no scaling_governor found - functions add_to_history() and comp_history() added. Now the applet only refresh itself when needed. - a memory leak has been found, shoud be on the timeout_callback() function. Don't know exactly what's going wrong. 2004-02-15 Arturo González * src/pycentrino.py: - 0.4 version - labels done with pango modifications [ pango.FontDescription() ] - new icons for powersave, performance, userspace and centrino 2004-02-14 Arturo Gonzalez * src/pycentrino.py (pycentrinoApplet.cleanup): - 0.3-33 - the image numbers aren't used anymore, they were hideous - Now all the info is presented with a gtk.Label() for each and centrino/speedstep detection is shown an icon. - TODO: icons for powersave, userspace, performance modes, better icons for processors. 2004-01-28 Arturo González * src/pycentrino.py (pycentrinoApplet.read_proc_info): - some bugfixes reading information. Now we can see, in order, throttling state, percentage, power state an cpuMhz 2004-01-28 Arturo González * src/pycentrino.py (0.3-1 released): - Now the "change-orient" event is working again, and it refreshs the information gathered from filesystem. - the eventboxes that contains every info toggled at the preferences are reparent()ed to a new box when changing orientation. - the vertical applet is horribly packed, so it will need a revision 2004-01-26 Arturo González * src/pycentrino.py (pycentrinoApplet.__init__): - logo readed directly with gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(). No gtk.Image() needed 2004-01-25 Arturo González * src/pycentrino.py (pycentrinoApplet.read_proc_info): - self.info[] will maintain all the information gathered from the system - self.throttling_states and self.governors are mantained - now if you run the applet with powernowd daemon you can see how the MHz fluctuate (self.info[5]) - ValueError exception catched to find the info at /proc and /sys 2004-01-23 Arturo Gonzalez * src/pycentrino.py : Release 0.2, it contains image numbers and manage correctly the change of panel orientation event. - it doesn't check for anything. This release is only for instruction about how to get things done. - the gtk-progressbar is not used anymore. - changes the hbox and vbox into box. (thanks to lgs) - changes the dictionary of image numbers to a list. Every index is the number. 2004-01-12 Arturo Gonzalez * src/pycentrino.py: First usable release 0.1 with a gtk-progressbar, monitoring acpi throttling only