Personal Data

Family name:
First name:
Juan Carlos
Date of birth:
October 4th, 1965
Place of birth:
Granada (Spain)
Present occupation:
Professor of Physics
(permanent position)
Faculty of Sciences
University of Granada
E-18071 Granada (Spain)
Job record:
1-5-1989 to 30-9-1992: Fellowship studient
1-10-1992 to 30-9-1994: Assistant prof.
1-10-1994 to 26-3-1997: Associate prof.
Since 27-3-1997: Permanent professor
Married with Conchi Santos (May 23th, 1992)
Six children: Juan Carlos (1993), María (1995), Alberto (1996) , Irene (2001), Miguel (2007), Pablo (2011).


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