ficha: cariñanos(2010)
pdf Titulo Propuesta de recuperación de la rambla de Chirivel como elemento de valor paisajístico de sureste peninsular
Autor P.Cariñanos
Año 2010
KeyWords Rambla, Dry watercourses, Rambla de Chirivel, Arid Zones, Landscaping Recovery. .
Abstract The “ramblas” (dry watercourses) are one of the most characteristics geomorphological elements in the south-eastern part of the Iberian peninsula, where they play an important role as vector of rapid evacuation of water after torrential precipitations. However, the fact that they no have permanent water have been a determining factor at time to carry out actions of recovery, being most of them in a high degree of disturbance. In this work is presented a model of recovery of the traditional appearance of a south-eastern rambla, with particular emphasis in the typical vegetation of the zona and its value as element of landscape. The area of study has been the urban strech of the rambla of Chirivel, that runs in paralell to the locality of same name in the province of Almeria. To know the current environmental state of the rambla, the description of the different plant communities present have been done, as well as the data regarding the degree of coverage, conectivity and land-use. The tipology of the rambla has been defined in base to a series of parameters and the main impacts detected on it, both natural and of anthropogenic origin, have been listed. The results show that the anthropogenic activities are those generating the highest number of impacts, being remarkable the traffic of vehicles, the abandonment of agricultural land and inappropiate activities of reforestation. The proposal here presented promotes a recovery at different levels: botanical, using the autochthonous species of the area; environmental, to minimize the existing impacts; ecological, maintaining its functionality of vector of transport of water, and landscaping, to return to the rambla all its value as characteristic element of arid zones.
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