
Wim Meus
President European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Utrecht (Holland)

Wim Meeus es catedrático de Desarrollo Adolescente en la Universidad de Utrecht (Holanda) y de Psicología del Desarrollo en la Universidad de Tilburg (Holanda). Ha sido presidente del Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development y director de la division de Utrecht de la Dutch National Research School for the Educational Sciences. Durante más de veinte años ha sido presidente o miembro del consejo en varios programas de la Social Sciences Division Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. En el momento actual, preside el programa Youth and Family de la Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Es presidente de la European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). Ha publicado más de 350 artículos o (contribuciones a) libros. Su trabajo científico incluye artículos teóricos de psicología, investigación experimental sobre obediencia a la autoridad y numerosos estudios longitudinales sobre varios aspectos del desarrollo adolescente. Actualmente es investigador principal de tres estudios longitudinales que se están llevando a cabo sobre relaciones, personalidad e identidad, y ajuste psicosocial en la adolescencia.

Wim Meeus is professor of Adolescent Development at Utrecht University and professor of Developmental Psychology at Tilburg University. He served as chair of the Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development, the Dutch National Research School for the Educational Sciences and Developmental Psychology, as director of Utrecht division of that Research School, and for more then twenty years as chair or council member in various programs and the Social Sciences Division Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. At present he chairs the Youth and Family program of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, and is President of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). He has published over 350 scholarly journal papers or (contributions to) books. His scientific work includes theoretical psychological papers, experimental research into obedience to authority, and numerous longitudinal studies on various aspects of adolescent development. Currently he is the Principal Investigator of three ongoing longitudinal studies on relationships, personality and identity, and psychosocial adjustment in adolescence.
